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[FR] Option to deactivate the TFT LCD menu item #1053

Rebel3D-CZ opened this issue Sep 2, 2020 · 62 comments

[FR] Option to deactivate the TFT LCD menu item #1053

Rebel3D-CZ opened this issue Sep 2, 2020 · 62 comments
Abandoned enhancement New feature or request


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I want to adjust the TFT for users so that they cannot override some printer settings.
Is it easy to deactivate some menus somewhere? Or comment out the appropriate #define ... in the configuration?

Basically, I want to turn off the entire printer settings menu, except for "offset z" and custom commands.

I would also like to remove the RGB menu because I do not have an RGB LED on the printer.

Are there any options? Or the option to add FW?

@Rebel3D-CZ Rebel3D-CZ added the enhancement New feature or request label Sep 2, 2020
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radek8 commented Sep 2, 2020

If you know what to comment on, that's not a problem. But it is enough for the user to download the uncut FW from here and it has all the functions available again.
Isn't it better to load the default parameters into Marlin, and when the user gets upset it can just load the default parameters?

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Mám na mysli uživatele, který se snaží tiskárnu užívat a ne se v ní rýpat a už vůbec ne se snažit něco přehrávat. Chce prostě tisknout, ale nenechavé ruce má každý, tak nevím proč tam takové volby nechávat, když je tam v podstě nepotřebuju ani já, jako rejpal.
Na co budu je z LCD potřeba měnit krtoky na mm, to ani (při stavbě nové tiskárny nepotřebuju), když nejsem schopen bez přehrání změnit mikrokrokování, proč má uživatel mít možnost měnit proud motoru, když vůbec neví k čemu to je ???? atd...atd.
Ve FW dávám přímo funkční hodnoty, takže po resetu mimo offset z tiskárny jedou, nic méně to neřeší to, že si někdo zbytečně hrábne kam nemá, což by se nemuselo v případě nedostupnosti položky stát. Tedy chci tím předejít chybnému nastavení a ne k tomu dostupností neznámých položek laika ponoukat.
A když už se v tom chce někdo rejpat, tak ať si to zmrší jak chce, ale pak mu to nebudu dávat dohromady.
Sorry, tohle nebudu překládat, nikdo by to po mě nepřečetl, ale ten tvůj komentář moc nechápu. Lehce jsem FW prolézal a zase tak úplně jednoduché na zakomentování mi to nepřipadalo, proto jsem se zeptal a dostal odpověd o ničem, tedy nyní "nevím co zakomentovat", jinak bych se neptal.

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radek8 commented Sep 2, 2020

I'm sorry, but probably no one will deal with trimming the existing FW, on the contrary, everyone is trying to get as many functions and options for setting parameters.
So what do you need?
Just hide the Parameters icon (so not all items will be available) and RGB?

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radek8 commented Sep 2, 2020

try this adjustment. The red line is the original. green replaces it.



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Rebel3D-CZ commented Sep 2, 2020

Super, dík vyzkouším. Potřebuji v podstatě z nastavení tiskárny zachovat akorát ten z offset, ale to půjde přez Babystep.
Hodil by se tedy i ta možnost vlastních příkazů, protože třeba ovládání NERGB osvětlní mi tam chybí, ale to už asi přežiju. Chtěl jsem to taky napsat jako požadavek o rozšíření funkce, ale jsem k té podpoře tady trochu skeptický.
Ale stejně nechápu myšlenku tam mít viditelné vše, když tam téměř nikdo vše mít nepotřebuje, jako třeba to RGB. Klikání na ikonu s následnou chybovou hláškou o nefunkčnosti se mi zdá dost ulítlé. Zrovna tak nastavení tiskárny potřebuju jen na začátku, tak proč to tam mít trvale, ale chápu, že to někomu může připadat super, ač je to v podstatě zbytečné a pokud člověk ví co dělá, tak si to nastaví jednou za sto let z konzole.
Ale i tak samozřejmě dík, tohle mi pomůže jako prvotní obrana před nenechavejma rukama ťukačů do dotykáče :D

Ono nakonec bych se tím FW asi prokousal a našel si to, ale připadalo mi to jako poměrně podstatné a užitečné všeobecně mít možnost skrýt co nepotřebuju, abych tam nemel nepoužívané či nefunkční volby, ale budiž.

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radek8 commented Sep 2, 2020

From the offset you have conveniently accessible from the ABL menu.
The adjustments above should be what you wanted.

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radek8 commented Sep 2, 2020

if I have all the parameters available from the touch screen, I don't need to go to the Marlina menu.
You may also want to hide the Tuning menu.
hide the Tuning icon by replacing it in the MachineSettings.c file


and comment

//case KEY_ICON_4:
//[++infoMenu.cur] = menuTuning;
// break;

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Rebel3D-CZ commented Sep 2, 2020

Ok, dík, povrtám se v tom :) A ještě budu doufat, že se dořeší Marlinovská výměna filamentu M600 se vším všudy a už to bude téměř dokonalé :D

Okay, thanks, I'll test :) And I'll still hope that Marlin's M600 replacement will be resolved. Then it will be almost perfect :D

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De tantjes. Snap niks van deze discussie zonder google vertalen ahaha

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oldman4U commented Sep 3, 2020

Oh no. Now also traffic-light has got the virus.....


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@oldman4U hahaha. Ohnoooo covid-19 😝

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oldman4U commented Sep 3, 2020

you got the cz virus it seems...

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Rebel3D-CZ commented Sep 3, 2020

It's a big joke that there's a lot of talk about bullshit. Why not try to solve problems and comment on what you don't understand instead? My question was resolved in the Czech language much faster than other problems here. On the contrary, I find this interview more useful than others. And you can probably use a compiler just like me in En :D

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okay. Then I'll never help you anymore.

Maybe you didn't noticed it but I'm helping people here in my own time.
And yes, I also helped people as fast as possible. So don't blame me, and @oldman4U , for talking bullshit.

We do our best.

And the reason why I did write it in my own language is that this should be readable for everyone, without constantly use google translate.

But oh well. You don't need my help. Bye

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oldman4U commented Sep 3, 2020 via email

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I'm sorry, but I didn't understand from these comments that it was your help. I'm very sorry about it. I want to write En clearly, but I can't. Like you, you probably can't do it in my language. So you don't think I'm entitled to help because you don't understand me and therefore you won't help me. I do not hinder your activity at all and I appreciate it, I have a lot of similar ones elsewhere, but I usually try to help those who do not understand. I do not comment on their incompetence. I am incomprehensible here because of the language barrier. That's why you won't help me. Please think about it.
But I take it, I will try to translate it clearly, in the other threads it is, just in this case radek8 offered to solve it quickly in his native language, because he did not assume that my request would be of interest to anyone.
So if you are interested in this topic of editability of the TFT LCD menu, I will ask radek8 for a clear translation into en.

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traffic-light commented Sep 3, 2020

@Rebel3D-CZ You're english is good enough to understand ;-) At least, it is for me.

I'm glad for you that it worked out.

BTW: The comment(s) I placed in this FR wasn't to help. I was just surprised there was another issue with a lot of foreign languages. It's not usable, at least easily, for people who don't understand the language.
So it's not the first time.

(My english is not that good either.. I also can express myself better in Dutch. But I don't do that ;-) Even when someone else is dutch ;-))

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I understand and accept criticism. I didn't mean to offend anyone. Be forgiving too :)

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radek8 commented Sep 3, 2020

Uf. I'm sorry. I didn't want to unleash such hell :-)

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oldman4U commented Sep 3, 2020

It is all good.

I believe others would like to know how this works, including myself.

Would you please be so kind and translate the most important things.

Thank you

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radek8 commented Sep 3, 2020


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oldman4U commented Sep 3, 2020

Very cool. Thank you

Do I understand this right that following the above „only“ hides the button? What happens if i press the place where such button hidden button is usually shown.

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radek8 commented Sep 3, 2020

nothing happens

this hides the icon and the icon description

this deactivates the function on the button

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oldman4U commented Sep 3, 2020

Thank you radek8. Got it 100% now

... I believe 😁

@ traffic-light

This is a very common request. Do you think it could be part of your manual?

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@oldman4U Yes I can do that. Would take some time to be honnest ;-)

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oldman4U commented Sep 3, 2020

You have all the time it takes to finish it😁

@Rebel3D-CZ Please close this ticket in case you do not need it anymore.

Thank you

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radek8 commented Sep 3, 2020

I would not put it in the manual :-)
A lot of users will want to redesign the button into another menu, according to him you will type the one and it will constantly change ...

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oldman4U commented Sep 3, 2020 via email

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mmm Good point indeed...

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I understand, that's why GIThub is here, so that the community can agree on a request and developers can work on it if it makes sense. Otherwise I don't know why we write here and why GIThub is here: D

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oldman4U commented Sep 4, 2020 via email

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I don't understand your attitude. Do you consider GIT to be a communication channel only for developers without user feedback? You could write right at the beginning that this is a discussion forum and not a GIThub for product support and development, and we could save yourself a lot of unnecessary writing time.
I'm trying to explain the reasons, and you're telling me that no one is really curious about it, because it would have to be programmed? I don't understand that a bit.

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oldman4U commented Sep 4, 2020 via email

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Rebel3D-CZ commented Sep 4, 2020

Here we will probably come across a language barrier and a google translator :D The translation of your text into Czech language sounds like:

"Very well, but you have to do it"

That's why I wrote the text above, because I can't :D If he meant it differently, I'm sorry, but after the translation of the translator I didn't understand it :D

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I can translate a bit of technical text and problem descriptions, but I can't handle a normal conversation, so a misinterpretation can occur :) I'm sorry.

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oldman4U commented Sep 4, 2020 via email

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oldman4U commented Sep 4, 2020 via email

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OK, so we understand each other a bit :) I hope that a developer will show up and tell us something about it.

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traffic-light commented Sep 4, 2020

There are some possibilities to do. For example in the machine settings I don't use a second nozzle. But it's there. To change it to be dependent to the marlin configuration is a lot of work. It's currently not easy to implement it over there.

The other menu's, with the big icons, is possible to do. A little easier.

And changing the layout is not really a good thing. It's for the end user confusing when it change all the time.

It would be great if there is a config file with all the structures and so on.
It's possible. Did that for my own project before.
Maybe I take a look at it. Then i Also chane the way icons are loaded/created for less memory usage.
But first I'm finishing the mesh level grid analyzer ;-)

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Aleks-MO commented Sep 5, 2020

@oldman4U @Rebel3D-CZ Не которые языки имеют много значений, особенно со славянскими корнями и плохо переводятся... Ребята давайте не обижаться и уточнять не понятное. Всем СПАСИБО за понимание.)
@oldman4U @Rebel3D-CZ Some languages ​ ​ have many meanings, especially with Slavic roots and are poorly translated... Guys let's not be offended and clarify what is not clear. THANK YOU all for understanding.)

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karabas2011 commented Sep 17, 2020

"Not which languages ​ " -> some languages. Space breaks the word and completly changes meaning

BTW all who use Cura slicer can configure menu the way above.

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oldman4U commented Oct 20, 2020

Hello Rebel3D-CZ.

Could you please be so kind and close this ticket. Your feature request is covered in the pinned Feature Request ticket #1170

Thank you

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ETE-Design commented Oct 21, 2020

@radek8 Is there an easy way to hide some of the parameters in the ParameterSetting.c?
Also my Filament Runout is connected to the mainboard, is there a way to change the the Feature Filament Sensor to Activate / Deactivate the Runout on the mainboard instead?

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radek8 commented Oct 21, 2020

You can enable or disable this feature on the Marlin board via your own commands
M412 S0 sensor disables
M412 S1 sensor enabled

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@radek8 That's right, was just if it was possible so people don't think they enable / disable it when connected to the mainboard...
About the parameter, what lines to comment out to hide some of the parametersettings ?

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radek8 commented Oct 22, 2020

Why disable the feature?
Add "on TFT" to the function description instead?

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ETE-Design commented Oct 22, 2020

@radek8 Great Idea :-) The ParameterSettings I wanted to hide was just to "clean" it up so only parameters possible for the board I'm using was aviable...

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radek8 commented Oct 22, 2020

Hiding parameters is a little trickier than hiding an icon.
Multiple lines need to be rewritten, and if you don't do it well, the menu may not work at all, will behave non-standardly, may freeze, or may not compile.
if you don't know what you're doing, don't do it yourself.

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radek8 commented Oct 22, 2020

Why disable the feature?
Add "on TFT" to the function description instead?

You will add this yourself to a file with a translation into your language

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