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require combinator and supporting change to Parser
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bijoutrouvaille committed May 1, 2019
1 parent 80541e8 commit 2feb1ff
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Showing 8 changed files with 153 additions and 122 deletions.
58 changes: 31 additions & 27 deletions src/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ module Parser
, somewith
, oneOf
, apply
, parse
, Parser
, guard
, failWith
, guardWith
, everyWith
, failure
, require
, ParserResult
, (<|>), (>>=)
, trim
Expand All @@ -47,26 +47,20 @@ import Control.Monad ((>>=), return, ap, liftM, guard)
import Control.Applicative (Alternative, (<|>), empty, many, some, optional)
import Prelude hiding (head)

type ParserError = (String, Int, Int)
type ParserSuccess a = (a, String, Int, Int)
type ParserError = Maybe (String, Int, Int)
type ParserSuccess a = (a, String, Int, Int) -- (result, unparsed, line, col, required)
type ParserResult a = Either ParserError (ParserSuccess a)

newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> Either ParserError (ParserSuccess a))
-- newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> [(a, String)])

-- printResult :: ParserResult Either String String
-- printResult
failure = Left . Just

maybeHead [] = Nothing
maybeHead (x:_) = Just x

apply :: Parser a -> String -> ParserResult a
apply (Parser p) s = p s

parse :: Parser a -> String -> ParserResult a
parse p = apply p
-- parse p = fmap fst . maybeHead . apply p

instance Functor Parser where
fmap = liftM

Expand All @@ -78,45 +72,55 @@ none :: Parser [a]
none = return []

failWith :: String -> Parser a
failWith msg = Parser (\s->Left (msg, 0, 0))
failWith msg = Parser (\s->failure (msg, 0, 0))

guardWith :: String -> Bool -> Parser ()
guardWith msg True = return ()
guardWith msg False = failWith msg

everyWith msg p = Parser q
where q s = res (apply (many p >>= (\r->space >> return r)) s)
res (Right (x, "", l, c)) = Right (x, "", l, c)
res (Right (x, u, l, c)) = Left (msg, l, c)
res error = error

-- everyWith msg p = Parser q
-- where q s = res (apply (many p >>= (\r->space >> return r)) s)
-- res (Right (x, "", l, c, r)) = Right (x, "", l, c, r)
-- res (Right (x, u, l, c, r)) = Left (msg, l, c)
-- res error = error

instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser (\s -> Left ("", 0, 0))
empty = Parser (\s -> Left Nothing)
p <|> q = Parser f where
f s = let ps = apply p s in
if null ps then apply q s
else ps
f s = let pick (Left Nothing) = apply q s
pick ps@(Right x) = ps
pick ps = ps
in pick $ apply p s
-- f s = let ps = apply p s
-- if first ps then apply q s
-- else ps

chooseErr Nothing x = x
chooseErr x _ = x

instance Monad Parser where
return x = Parser (\s -> Right (x, s, 0, 0))
-- p >>= q = Parser (\s -> do (x, s', l', c') <- apply p s
-- (y, s'', l'', c'') <- apply (q x) s'
-- return (y, s'', l'+l'', if l'' > 0 then c'' else c' + c'')
-- )
p >>= q = Parser outer
where outer s = res (apply p s)
res (Right (x, s', l', c')) = inner (apply (q x) s') l' c'
res (Left error) = Left error
inner (Right (y, s'', l'', c'')) l' c' = Right (y, s'', l'+l'', if l'' > 0 then c'' else c' + c'')
inner (Left (error, l'', c'')) l' c' = Left (error, l'+l'', if l'' > 0 then c'' else c' + c'')
inner (Left (Just (error, l'', c''))) l' c' = failure (error, l'+l'', if l'' > 0 then c'' else c' + c'')
inner (Left Nothing) l' c' = Left Nothing

require msg p = Parser q
where q s = res (apply p s)
res (Right (x, s, l, c)) = Right (x, s, l, c)
res (Left Nothing) = failure (msg, 0, 0)
res e = e

ifLineSep c t f = if c=='\n' || c=='\r' then t else f

getc :: Parser Char
getc = Parser f where
f [] = Left ("End of input", 0, 0)
f [] = Left Nothing
f (c:cs) = Right (c, cs, ifLineSep c 1 0 , ifLineSep c 0 1)

sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/RuleGenerator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ generate source = q tree
q (Right (tops, unparsed, l, c)) = if length unparsed > 0
then Left ("Could not parse on\n on " ++ printLoc l c)
else Right . trim . joinLines $ gen <$> tops
q (Left (error, l, c)) = Left (error ++ "\n on " ++ printLoc l c)
q (Left (Just (error, l, c))) = Left (error ++ "\n on " ++ printLoc l c)
q (Left Nothing) = Left ("Unexpected parser error.")

funcBlock ind (FuncDef name params body) = concat
[ indent ind
Expand Down
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions src/RuleParser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ readDef def s = case reads s of

_natural :: Parser Int
_natural = do -- a natural number
str <- many digit
str <- some digit
guard (str/="")
let n = readDef (-1) str
guardWith "expected an integer" (n /= -1)
return n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,11 +223,11 @@ _path :: Parser PathDef
_path = do
symbol "match"
optional $ symbol "/"
parts <- token _pathParts
parts <- require "expected a path after `match`" $ token _pathParts
className <- _pathType
symbol "{"
require "expected a `{`" $ symbol "{"
body <- many (PathBodyPath <$> _path <|> PathBodyDir <$> _pathDir <|> PathBodyFunc <$> _funcDef)
symbol "}"
require "expected a closing `}`" $ symbol "}"
return $ PathDef parts className body

Expand All @@ -235,8 +236,5 @@ _topLevel = (TopLevelPath <$> _path)
<|> _topLevelType
<|> TopLevelFunc <$> _funcDef

-- every :: String -> ParserResult [TopLevel]

-- parseRules :: String -> [([TopLevel], String)]
parseRules :: String -> ParserResult [TopLevel]
parseRules = apply (everyWith "Expected either a function, path or type definition" _topLevel )
parseRules = apply (many _topLevel ) . trim
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions src/TSGenerator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,13 +88,12 @@ gen tops = result where
g (TopLevelType name refs) = topLevelType name refs
g _ = ""

generate :: String -> Either String String
generate s = result $ parseRules s where
result (Left (e,l,c)) = Left (e ++ "\n on " ++printLoc l c) -- $ Error Nothing "Indeterministic nonesense."
result (Left Nothing) = Left ("Unexpected parser error.")
result (Left (Just (e,l,c))) = Left (e ++ "\n on " ++printLoc l c)
result (Right (tops, "", _, _)) = gen tops
result (Right (tops, unparsed, l, c)) = Left ("Unexpected input at " ++ printLoc l c)
-- result ((tops, ""):_) = gen tops
-- result ((_, rem):_) = Left $ Error (loc s rem) "Could not parse"
-- printLoc l c = show l ++":"++show c
result (Right (tops, unparsed, l, c)) = Left ("Unexpected input on " ++ printLoc l c)
printLoc l c = "line " ++ show (l+1) ++", column "++show (c+1)

70 changes: 44 additions & 26 deletions test/ParserSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,87 +10,105 @@ import Parser

with x f = f x

_apply p s = res (apply p s)
where res (Right (x, u, l, c)) = Right (x, u)
res (Left x) = Left x

main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec

spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "getc" $ do
it "gets first char" $
apply getc "hello" `shouldBe` [('h', "ello")]
_apply getc "hello" `shouldBe` Right ('h', "ello")
describe "sat" $ do
it "gets first char if happy" $
apply (sat isDigit) "1z" `shouldBe` [('1', "z")]
_apply (sat isDigit) "1z" `shouldBe` Right ('1', "z")
it "gets a string until char" $
apply (many $ sat (/=';')) "hello : ;" `shouldBe` [("hello : ", ";")]
_apply (many $ sat (/=';')) "hello : ;" `shouldBe` Right ("hello : ", ";")
-- describe "space" $ do
-- it "eats line comments" $ do
-- let s = many $ sat (/=';')
-- apply (many s) "hello // this is a comment\nbye" `shouldBe` [(["hello", "bye"], "")]
-- _apply (many s) "hello // this is a comment\nbye" `shouldBe` [(["hello", "bye"], "")]
describe "char" $ do
it "gets char" $ property $
\c-> apply (char c) (c:"dioscuri") === [(c, "dioscuri")]
\c-> _apply (char c) (c:"dioscuri") === Right (c, "dioscuri")
describe "digit" $ do
it "gets a digit" $
apply digit "2b" `shouldBe` [('2', "b")]
_apply digit "2b" `shouldBe` Right ('2', "b")
describe "<|>" $ do
it "returns empty if not matched" $
apply (digit <|> empty) "a2" `shouldBe` []
_apply (digit <|> empty) "a2" `shouldBe` Left Nothing
it "returns a match if matched" $
apply (digit <|> empty) "2a" `shouldBe` [('2', "a")]
_apply (digit <|> empty) "2a" `shouldBe` Right ('2', "a")

describe "some" $ do
it "returns some digits" $
apply (some digit) "123x" `shouldBe` [("123", "x")]
_apply (some digit) "123x" `shouldBe` Right ("123", "x")
it "alternates if some is not matched" $
apply (some digit <|> some lower) "b123" `shouldBe` [("b", "123")]
_apply (some digit <|> some lower) "b123" `shouldBe` Right ("b", "123")

describe "many" $ do
it "returns none if nothing is matched" $
apply (many digit) "abc" `shouldBe` [([], "abc")]
_apply (many digit) "abc" `shouldBe` Right ([], "abc")
describe "optional'" $ do
it "returns the item if matched" $
apply (optional' . some $ digit) "1a" `shouldBe` [("1", "a")]
_apply (optional' . some $ digit) "1a" `shouldBe` Right ("1", "a")
it "returns the none if none matched" $
apply (optional' . some $ digit) "a1" `shouldBe` [("", "a1")]
_apply (optional' . some $ digit) "a1" `shouldBe` Right ("", "a1")

describe "token" $ do
it "parses a spaced number" $
apply (token $ some digit) " 123x" `shouldBe` [("123", "x")]
_apply (token $ some digit) " 123x" `shouldBe` Right ("123", "x")
describe "symbol" $ do
it "parses a spaced string" $
apply (symbol "hello") " hello " `shouldBe` [((), " ")]
_apply (symbol "hello") " hello " `shouldBe` Right ((), " ")

describe "grouped" $ do
it "parses a number surrounded by brackets" $
apply (grouped "[[" "]]" $ some digit) " [[123 ]] " `shouldBe` [("123", " ")]
_apply (grouped "[[" "]]" $ some digit) " [[123 ]] " `shouldBe` Right ("123", " ")
it "parses a group within group of same brackets" $
apply (grouped "{" "}" $ do {
_apply (grouped "{" "}" $ do {
symbol "+";
grouped "{" "}" (some digit);
}) "{ +{123}}" `shouldBe` [("123", "")]
}) "{ +{123}}" `shouldBe` Right ("123", "")
it "parses spaces and new lines" $
apply (grouped "{" "}" (token digit)) (unlines
_apply (grouped "{" "}" (token digit)) (unlines
[ " { "
, " 3 "
, " } "
]) `shouldBe` [('3', " \n")]
]) `shouldBe` Right ('3', " \n")

describe "oneof" $ do
it "parses one of" $ forAll (elements "hzu") $
\c -> apply (oneOf "hzu") (c:"hello") === [(c, "hello")]
\c -> _apply (oneOf "hzu") (c:"hello") === Right (c, "hello")
it "parses none of" $ forAll (elements "hzu") $
\c -> apply (oneOf "abc") (c:"hello") === []
\c -> _apply (oneOf "abc") (c:"hello") === Left Nothing

describe "enum" $ do
it "parses" $
apply (enum ["aa", "bb"]) "aa" `shouldBe` [("aa", "")]
_apply (enum ["aa", "bb"]) "aa" `shouldBe` Right ("aa", "")
it "parses manywith" $
apply (manywith (symbol ",") $ enum [ "aa", "bb" ]) "aa,bb , bb, aa"
`shouldBe` [(["aa","bb","bb","aa"], "")]
_apply (manywith (symbol ",") $ enum [ "aa", "bb" ]) "aa,bb , bb, aa"
`shouldBe` Right (["aa","bb","bb","aa"], "")
describe "somewith" $ do
it "parses into an array" $
apply (somewith (symbol ",") (token digit)) " 3, 4 , 5,6,3 ff+" `shouldBe` [("34563", " ff+")]
_apply (somewith (symbol ",") (token digit)) " 3, 4 , 5,6,3 ff+" `shouldBe` Right ("34563", " ff+")
describe "require" $ do
it "fails on missing requirements" $ do
let p = do symbol "start"
num <- token $ some digit
require "expecting the end" $ symbol "end"
return num

_apply p "start\n123" `shouldBe` failure ("expecting the end", 1, 3)

it "fails on a bad alternative" $ do
let q = symbol "{" >> require "digit required" (some digit)
let p = string "{" >> return "3"
_apply (q <|> p) "{" `shouldBe` failure ("digit required", 0, 1)

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/RuleGeneratorSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ repA = repN . repQ
showN :: Show a => a -> String
showN = repA . show
showE (Right x) = "Right " ++ repA x
showE (Left (Error loc x)) = "Left " ++ repA x
showE (Left x) = "Left " ++ repA x
-- showE (Left Nothing) = "Left Nothing"
g = showE . RuleGenerator.generate
gt z = (\x->trace (showN x) x) (g z)
gu = g . trim . unlines
Expand Down

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