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rspeer edited this page Nov 4, 2011 · 1 revision

Here are the decisions an AI can make, which can be overridden by any strategy. See Writing a strategy to see how to do this.

These are generally explained in excessive detail, with code, in the basicAI documentation.

Choices that use value or priority functions

  • gain: choose a card to buy or gain.
  • action: choose an action card to play.
    • multipliedAction: choose an action to play with a Throne Room or King's Court.
  • treasure: choose a treasure to play (first).
  • trash: choose a card to trash.

(more to come)

Choices that use value functions only

  • cardInDeckValue: assign a number to how much we like having this card in our deck.
  • upgradeValue: uses cardInDeckValue to decide what to do with actions such as Remodel or Upgrade.

(more to come)