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updated crashwatcher localizations (from TotalFinder)
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darwin committed Jan 16, 2014
1 parent 03750e6 commit 877b234
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Showing 29 changed files with 207 additions and 66 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions crashwatcher/Arabic.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"crashDialogHeader" = "TotalTerminal أغلق بشكل غير متوقع";
"crashDialogMsg" = "نحن نعتذر و لكن TotalTerminal واجه مشكلة غير متوقعة فتم إغلاق Terminal.";
"crashDialogNote" = "";
"crashDialogExplanation" = "زر الإرسال سوف يرفع تقرير العطل إلى و يشغل بقالب رسالة جاهز.";

"failDialogHeader" = "تعذر إرسال تقرير العطل إلى";
"failDialogMsg1" = "للأسف، لم أتمكن من العثور على تقرير العطل في ~/Logs/CrashReporter.";
"failDialogMsg2" = "لقد عثرت على تقرير العطل، ولكن تعذر رفعها إلى لسبب ما.\n\nإذا كان الأمر ملحا، يمكنك إرسالها إلي يدويا:\n%@";
"failDialogOK" = "موافق";

"sendReportButton" = "إرسال";
"cancelButton" = "إلغاء";

"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> يمكنك مساعدتي بحل المشكلة بوصف ماذا حصل قبل العطل.\n> إنني مقدر لك مساعدتك، كما أنني أقرأ تقارير العطل, و لكن لا تتوقع ردي المباشر.\n> للمزيد من المحادثات الرجاء بدأ عنوان جديد في\n>\n>\n> شكرا جزيلا, Antonin";

"countdownMsgSecondsPlural" = "بقيت %d ثانية.";
"countdownMsgSecondSingular" = "بقيت %d ثانية.";

"countdownMsgMinutesPlural" = "بقيت %d دقيقة.";
"countdownMsgMinuteSingular" = "بقيت %d دقيقة.";
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions crashwatcher/Croatian.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"crashDialogHeader" = "TotalTerminal se neočekivano ugasio";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Žao nam je, ali TotalTerminal je došao do neočekivanog problema i srušio Finder.";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Žao nam je, ali TotalTerminal je došao do neočekivanog problema i srušio Terminal.";
"crashDialogNote" = "";
"crashDialogExplanation" = "Tipka za slanje će prenijeti izvješće o rušenju na i pokrenuti sa email predloškom.";

Expand All @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"sendReportButton" = "Pošalji Email";
"cancelButton" = "Otkaži";

"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> You may help me fix the problem by describing what happened before the crash.\n> I appreciate your help and I read these crash reports, but don't expect my direct answer.\n> For further discussion please open a topic at\n>\n>\n> Thank you, Antonin";
"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> You may help me fix the problem by describing what happened before the crash.\n> I appreciate your help and I read these crash reports, but don't expect my direct answer.\n> For further discussion please open a topic at\n>\n>\n> Thank you, Antonin";

"countdownMsgSecondsPlural" = "%d sekundi preostalo.";
"countdownMsgSecondSingular" = "%d sekunda preostala.";
Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions crashwatcher/Czech.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"crashDialogHeader" = "TotalTerminal byl neočekávaně ukončen";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Omlouváme se, ale TotalTerminal narazil na neočekávaný problém a způsobil pád Terminalu.";
"crashDialogNote" = "";
"crashDialogExplanation" = "Tlačítko odeslat nahraje soubor s informacemi o pádu aplikace na a otevře aplikaci s šablonou emailu.";

"failDialogHeader" = "Nepodařilo se nahrát soubor s informacemi o pádu aplikace na";
"failDialogMsg1" = "Bohužel. Nepodařilo se mi najít soubor s informacemi o pádu v složce ~/Logs/CrashReporter.";
"failDialogMsg2" = "Podařilo se mi najít soubor s informacemi o pádu aplikace, ale nahrání na z nějakého důvodu selhalo.\n\nPokud je to urgentní, můžete mi soubor poslat manuálně:\n%@";
"failDialogOK" = "OK";

"sendReportButton" = "Odeslat email";
"cancelButton" = "Zrušit";

"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> You may help me fix the problem by describing what happened before the crash.\n> I appreciate your help and I read these crash reports, but don't expect my direct answer.\n> For further discussion please open a topic at\n>\n>\n> Thank you, Antonin";

"countdownMsgSecondsPlural" = "%d vteřin zbývá.";
"countdownMsgSecondSingular" = "%d vteřin zbývá.";

"countdownMsgMinutesPlural" = "%d minut zbývá.";
"countdownMsgMinuteSingular" = "%d minut zbývá.";
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions crashwatcher/Dutch.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"crashDialogHeader" = "TotalTerminal is onverwacht gestopt";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Het spijt ons, in TotalTerminal is een probleem opgetreden waardoor Finder is gecrasht.";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Het spijt ons, er is in TotalTerminal een probleem opgetreden waardoor de Terminal is gecrasht.";
"crashDialogNote" = "";
"crashDialogExplanation" = "Door op 'Stuur e-mail' te klikken wordt het rapport naar geüpload en zal worden geopend met een mailconcept.";

Expand All @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
"sendReportButton" = "Stuur e-mail";
"cancelButton" = "Annuleer";

"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> U kunt me helpen het probleem op te lossen door te beschrijven wat u deed vóór de crash.\n> Ik waardeer uw hulp en lees de rapporten, verwacht echter geen direct antwoord.\n> Voor verdere opmerkingen meldt u het probleem op\n>\n>\n> Hartelijk dank, Antonin";
"emailTemplate" = "Hallo Antonin,\n\nMijn %@ is zojuist onverwachts gestopt!\n\nThe crash rapport staat hier:\n%@\n\n>\n> U kunt me helpen het probleem op te lossen door te beschrijven (liefst in het Engels) wat u deed vóór de crash.\n> Ik waardeer uw hulp en lees de rapporten, verwacht echter geen direct antwoord.\n> Voor verdere opmerkingen meldt u het probleem op\n>\n>\n> Hartelijk dank, Antonin";

"countdownMsgSecondsPlural" = "%d seconden resterend.";
"countdownMsgSecondSingular" = "%d seconde resterend.";

"countdownMsgMinutesPlural" = "%d minuten resterend.";
"countdownMsgMinuteSingular" = "%d minuut resterend.";
"countdownMsgMinuteSingular" = "%d minuut resterend.";
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions crashwatcher/English.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"crashDialogHeader" = "TotalTerminal has quit unexpectedly";
"crashDialogMsg" = "We are sorry, but TotalTerminal hit an unexpected problem and crashed Finder.";
"crashDialogMsg" = "We are sorry, but TotalTerminal hit an unexpected problem and crashed Terminal.";
"crashDialogNote" = "";
"crashDialogExplanation" = "The send button will upload the crash report to and launch with email template.";

Expand All @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"sendReportButton" = "Send Email";
"cancelButton" = "Cancel";

"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> You may help me fix the problem by describing what happened before the crash.\n> I appreciate your help and I read these crash reports, but don't expect my direct answer.\n> For further discussion please open a topic at\n>\n>\n> Thank you, Antonin";
"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> You may help me fix the problem by describing what happened before the crash.\n> I appreciate your help and I read these crash reports, but don't expect my direct answer.\n> For further discussion please open a topic at\n>\n>\n> Thank you, Antonin";

"countdownMsgSecondsPlural" = "%d seconds remaining.";
"countdownMsgSecondSingular" = "%d second remaining.";
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions crashwatcher/Estonian.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"crashDialogHeader" = "TotalTerminal lõpetas ootamatult töö";
"crashDialogMsg" = "TotalTerminalis tekkis tõrge ning lõpetas ootamatult Terminali töö, vabandame.";
"crashDialogNote" = "";
"crashDialogExplanation" = "Saada nupp laeb vearaporti lehele ning käivitab rakenduse sobiva e-kirja põhjaga.";

"failDialogHeader" = "Vearaporti üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus";
"failDialogMsg1" = "Kahjuks ma ei suutnud leida vearaportit sinu ~/Logs/CrashReporter kaustast.";
"failDialogMsg2" = "Leidsin vearaporti, kuid üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus tundmatul põhjusel.\n\nKui on kiire, siis võib selle saata mulle käsitsi:\n%@";
"failDialogOK" = "OK";

"sendReportButton" = "Saada Email";
"cancelButton" = "Katkesta";

"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> Sa saad aidata mul viga parandada, kirjeldades inglise keeles enda tegevust rakenduses enne selle kokku jooksmist.\n> Ma hindan Teie abi ning ma loen neid vearaporteid, kuid alati ei pruugi ma tagasi kirjutada.\n> Edasise abi saamiseks alusta vestlust:\n>\n>\n> Aitäh, Antonin";

"countdownMsgSecondsPlural" = "%d sekundit jäänud.";
"countdownMsgSecondSingular" = "%d sekund jäänud.";

"countdownMsgMinutesPlural" = "%d minutit jäänud.";
"countdownMsgMinuteSingular" = "%d minut jäänud.";
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions crashwatcher/French.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"crashDialogHeader" = "TotalTerminal a quitté inopinément";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Nous sommes désolés mais TotalTerminal a rencontré un problème inopiné et a planté le Finder.";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Nous sommes désolés mais TotalTerminal a rencontré un problème inopiné et a planté le Terminal.";
"crashDialogNote" = "";
"crashDialogExplanation" = "Le boutton 'envoyer' va télécharger le rapport d'incident sur et lancer l'application avec un modèle de courrier.";

Expand All @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"sendReportButton" = "Envoyer l'e-mail";
"cancelButton" = "Annuller";

"emailTemplate" = "Bonjour Antonin,\n\nMon %@ a quitté inopinément!\n\nLe rapport d'incident est disponible ici:\n%@\n\n>\n> Vous pouvez m'aider à résoudre ce problème en décrivant (en anglais) ce qui c'est passé avant l'incident.\n> J'apprécie votre aide et je lis ces rapports d'incidents, par contre ne vous attendez pas à une réponse directe.\n> Pour continuer la discussion, veuillez commencer un sujet sur \n>\n>\n> Merci, Antonin";
"emailTemplate" = "Bonjour Antonin,\n\nMon %@ a quitté inopinément!\n\nLe rapport d'incident est disponible ici:\n%@\n\n>\n> Vous pouvez m'aider à résoudre ce problème en décrivant (en anglais) ce qui c'est passé avant l'incident.\n> J'apprécie votre aide et je lis ces rapports d'incidents, par contre ne vous attendez pas à une réponse directe.\n> Pour continuer la discussion, veuillez commencer un sujet sur \n>\n>\n> Merci, Antonin";

"countdownMsgSecondsPlural" = "%d secondes restantes.";
"countdownMsgSecondSingular" = "%d second restante.";
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions crashwatcher/German.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"crashDialogHeader" = "TotalTerminal wurde unerwartet beendet.";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Es tut uns Leid, ein unerwartetes Problem ist in TotalTerminal aufgetreten und hat den Finder zum Absturz gebracht.";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Es tut uns Leid, ein unerwartetes Problem ist in TotalTerminal aufgetreten und hat den Terminal zum Absturz gebracht.";
"crashDialogNote" = "";
"crashDialogExplanation" = "Durch das Drücken auf Senden wird eine Absturzbenachrichtigung auf hochgeladen und mit einem E-Mail Entwurf geöffnet.";

Expand All @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"sendReportButton" = "Sende einen Bericht via E-Mail";
"cancelButton" = "Abbrechen";

"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> You may help me fix the problem by describing what happened before the crash.\n> I appreciate your help and I read these crash reports, but don't expect my direct answer.\n> For further discussion please open a topic at\n>\n>\n> Thank you, Antonin";
"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> You may help me fix the problem by describing what happened before the crash.\n> I appreciate your help and I read these crash reports, but don't expect my direct answer.\n> For further discussion please open a topic at\n>\n>\n> Thank you, Antonin";

"countdownMsgSecondsPlural" = "%d Sekunden verbleibend.";
"countdownMsgSecondSingular" = "%d Sekunde verbleibend.";
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions crashwatcher/Greek.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"crashDialogHeader" = "Ο TotalTerminal τερματίστηκε απρόσμενα";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Συγγνώμη, αλλά ο TotalTerminal παρουσίασε ένα τυχαίο σφάλμα και τερμάτισε τον Terminal.";
"crashDialogNote" = "";
"crashDialogExplanation" = "Το κουμπί Αποστολή θα στείλει φόρμα αναφοράς σφαλμάτων στο μέσω του";

"failDialogHeader" = "Αδυναμία αποστολής αναφοράς σφαλμάτων στο";
"failDialogMsg1" = "Κρίμα. Δεν μπόρεσα να εντοπίσω την αναφορά σφαλμάτων στο ~/Logs/CrashReporter.";
"failDialogMsg2" = "Μπόρεσα να εντοπίσω την αναφορά σφαλμάτων, αλλά η αποστολή στο απέτυχε.\n\nΕάν είναι επείγον, δοκιμάστε ξανά:\n%@";
"failDialogOK" = "OK";

"sendReportButton" = "Αποστολή Email";
"cancelButton" = "Άκυρο";

"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> You may help me fix the problem by describing what happened before the crash.\n> I appreciate your help and I read these crash reports, but don't expect my direct answer.\n> For further discussion please open a topic at\n>\n>\n> Thank you, Antonin";

"countdownMsgSecondsPlural" = "%d δευτερόλεπτα απομένουν.";
"countdownMsgSecondSingular" = "%d δευτερόλεπτο απομένει.";

"countdownMsgMinutesPlural" = "%d λεπτά απομένουν.";
"countdownMsgMinuteSingular" = "%d λεπτό απομένει.";
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions crashwatcher/Hindi.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"crashDialogHeader" = "टोटलफ़ाइंडर अनपेक्षित रूप से बंद हो गया है";
"crashDialogMsg" = "हमें खेद है, टोटलफ़ाइंडर की एक अप्रत्याशित समस्या के कारण फ़ाइंडर बंद हो गया है.";
"crashDialogNote" = "";
"crashDialogExplanation" = "बटन दबा कर पर दुर्घटना की रिपोर्ट अपलोड करें और ईमेल टेम्पलेट के साथ का शुभारंभ करें.";

"failDialogHeader" = " पर दुर्घटना की रिपोर्ट अपलोड करने में असमर्थ";
"failDialogMsg1" = "बहुत बुरा हुआ. मैं ~/Logs/CrashReporter में दुर्घटना की रिपोर्ट ढूडंने में असमर्थ था.";
"failDialogMsg2" = "मैं दुर्घटना की रिपोर्ट ढूडंने में सक्षम था, लेकिन किसी कारण से पर अपलोड विफल रहा.\n\nअत्यावश्यक हो तो आप स्वयं मुझे भेज सकते हैं:\n%@";
"failDialogOK" = "अच्छा";

"sendReportButton" = "ई-मेल भेजें";
"cancelButton" = "रद्द करें";

"emailTemplate" = "नमस्ते Antonin,\n\nमेरा %@ दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गया!\n\nदुर्घटना की रिपोर्ट यहाँ उपलब्ध है:\n%@\n\n>\n> दुर्घटना से पहले जो हुआ वह वर्णन करके आप मुझे इस समस्या को ठीक करने में मदद कर सकते हैं.\n> मैं आपकी मदद की सराहना करता हूं और इन क्रैश रिपोर्ट को पढता हूं, परंतु मेरे सीधे जवाब की उम्मीद न करें.\n> आगे चर्चा के लिए कृपया यहां पर एक विषय खोलें \n>\n>\n> धन्यवाद, Antonin";

"countdownMsgSecondsPlural" = "%d सेकेंड शेष.";
"countdownMsgSecondSingular" = "%d सेकेंड शेष.";

"countdownMsgMinutesPlural" = "%d मिनट शेष.";
"countdownMsgMinuteSingular" = "%d मिनट शेष.";
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions crashwatcher/Italian.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"crashDialogHeader" = "TotalTerminal si è chiuso improvvisamente";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Siamo spiacenti, ma TotalTerminal ha incontrato un problema inaspettato e ha mandato in crash il Finder.";
"crashDialogMsg" = "Siamo spiacenti, ma TotalTerminal ha incontrato un problema inaspettato e ha mandato in crash il Terminal.";
"crashDialogNote" = "";
"crashDialogExplanation" = "Il tasto Invia manderà il Resoconto al sito e lancerà con il modello di email.";

Expand All @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"sendReportButton" = "Invia il Resoconto via email";
"cancelButton" = "Annulla";

"emailTemplate" = "Hi Antonin,\n\nMy %@ just crashed!\n\nThe crash report is available here:\n%@\n\n>\n> Puoi aiutarmi a correggere il problema descrivendomi cosa è successo prima del crash.\n> Apprezzo il tuo aiuto e leggo questi Resoconti, ma non aspettarti una mia risposta diretta.\n> Per una discussione più approfondita, per favore apri un topic su\n>\n>\n> Grazie, Antonin";
"emailTemplate" = "Ciao Antonin,\n\nMy %@ è andato in crash!\n\nIl resoconto del crash è disponibile qui:\n%@\n\n>\n> Puoi aiutarmi a correggere il problema descrivendomi (in inglese) cosa è successo prima del crash.\n> Apprezzo il tuo aiuto e leggo questi Resoconti, ma non aspettarti una mia risposta diretta.\n> Per una discussione più approfondita, per favore apri un topic su\n>\n>\n> Grazie, Antonin";

"countdownMsgSecondsPlural" = "%d secondi rimanenti.";
"countdownMsgSecondSingular" = "%d secondo rimanente.";
Expand Down

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