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add functions to MS1Experiment (#213)
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amnona committed Jul 17, 2020
1 parent 6baa90c commit e10bf68
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Showing 4 changed files with 295 additions and 2 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion calour/
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Expand Up @@ -705,6 +705,10 @@ def read_ms(data_file, sample_metadata_file=None, feature_metadata_file=None, gn
# record the original total read count into sample metadata
exp.normalize(total=normalize, inplace=True)

# Create the combined field for easy sorting/plotting
if 'MZ' in exp.feature_metadata and 'RT' in exp.feature_metadata:
exp.feature_metadata['mz_rt'] = ['%08.4f_%05.2f' % (x[1]['MZ'], x[1]['RT']) for x in exp.feature_metadata.iterrows()]

if gnps_file:
# load the gnps table
gnps_data = pd.read_csv(gnps_file, sep='\t')
Expand All @@ -719,7 +723,6 @@ def read_ms(data_file, sample_metadata_file=None, feature_metadata_file=None, gn
# initialize the call history
param = ['{0!s}={1!r}'.format(k, v) for k, v in fparams.items()]
exp._call_history = ['{0}({1})'.format('read_amplicon', ','.join(param))]

return exp

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194 changes: 193 additions & 1 deletion calour/
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Expand Up @@ -23,9 +23,10 @@
from logging import getLogger

import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np

from .experiment import Experiment

from .util import _to_list

logger = getLogger(__name__)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,9 +92,200 @@ def heatmap(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'norm' not in kwargs:
kwargs['norm'] = mpl.colors.LogNorm()
if 'mz_rt' in self.feature_metadata.columns:
if 'yticklabel_len' not in kwargs:
kwargs['yticklabel_len'] = None
if 'feature_field' not in kwargs:
kwargs['feature_field'] = 'mz_rt'
if 'yticklabel_kwargs' not in kwargs:
kwargs['yticklabel_kwargs'] = {'size': 6, 'rotation': 0}
super().heatmap(*args, **kwargs)

def __repr__(self):
'''Return a string representation of this object.'''
return 'MS1Experiment %s with %d samples, %d features' % (

def get_spurious_duplicates(self, mz_tolerance=0.001, rt_tolerance=2, corr_thresh=0.8, inplace=False, negate=False):
'''Get subgroups of metabolites that are suspected ms1 alignment artifacts.
The function returns a calour.MS1Experiment with groups of metabolites that (within each group) have similar m/z and rt, and are highly
correlated/anti-correlated. These are usually due to incorrect feature detection/alignment and can be used to optimize the feature selection parameters.
correlation could be due to incomplete removal of isotopes or same metabolite in multiple RTs
anti-correlation could be due to RT drift (splitting of one true metabolite)
Metabolites in the new experiment are ordered by correlation clusters
mz_tolerance: float, optional
the M/Z tolerance. Metabolites are similar if abs(metabolite_mz - mz) <= mz_tolerance
rt_tolerance: float, optional
the retention time tolerance. Metabolites are similar if abs(metabolite_rt - rt) <= rt_tolerance
corr_threshold: float, optional
the minimal (abs) correlation/anti-correlation value in order to call features correlated
inplace: bool, optional
True to replace current experiment, False to create new experiment with results
negate: bool, optional
If False, keep only metabolites that show a correlation with another metabolite
If True, remove metabolites showing correlation
features filtered and ordered basen on m/z and rt similarity and correlation
features = self.feature_metadata.copy()
keep_features = []
data = self.get_data(sparse=False)
while len(features) > 0:
# get the first feature
cfeature = features.iloc[0]
features.drop(, inplace=True)
# find all mz/rt neighbors of the feature
mzdist = np.abs(features['MZ'] - cfeature['MZ'])
rtdist = np.abs(features['RT'] - cfeature['RT'])
okf = features[np.logical_and(mzdist <= mz_tolerance, rtdist <= rt_tolerance)]
if len(okf) == 0:
# test the correlation of each neighbor
odat = data[:, self.feature_metadata.index.get_loc(]
ckeep = []
for cf, *_ in okf.iterrows():
cdat = data[:, self.feature_metadata.index.get_loc(cf)]
corrcf = np.corrcoef(odat, cdat)[0, 1]
if np.abs(corrcf) >= corr_thresh:
# store the result and remove all the correlated features from the features left to process
if len(ckeep) > 0:
features.drop(index=ckeep, inplace=True)
return self.filter_ids(keep_features, negate=negate, inplace=inplace)

def merge_similar_features(self, mz_tolerance=0.001, rt_tolerance=0.5):
'''Merge metabolites with similar mz/rt to a single metabolite
Metabolites are initially sorted by frequency and a greedy clustering algorithm (starting from the highest freq.) is used to join together
metabolites that are close in m/z and r/t, combining them to a signle metabolite with freq=sum(freq) of all metabolites in the cluster.
mz_tolerance: float, optional
metabolites with abs(metabolite_mz - mz) <= mz_tolerance are joined
rt_tolerance: float, optional
metabolites with abs(metabolite_rt - rt) <= rt_tolerance are joined
With close metabolites joined to a single metabolite.
The m/z and rt of the new metabolite are the m/z and rt of the highest freq. metabolite. Frequency of the new metabolite is the sum of frequencies
of all joined metabolites.
New feature_metadata fields: _calour_merge_number, _calour_merge_ids are added listing the number and ids of the metabolites joined for each new metabolite
exp = self.sort_abundance(reverse=False)
features = exp.feature_metadata
features['_metabolite_group'] = np.zeros(len(features)) - 1
gpos = list(features.columns).index('_metabolite_group')
cgroup = 0
for cgroup, cfeature in features.iterrows():
mzdist = np.abs(features['MZ'] - cfeature['MZ'])
rtdist = np.abs(features['RT'] - cfeature['RT'])
ok = (mzdist <= mz_tolerance) & (rtdist <= rt_tolerance) & (features['_metabolite_group'] == -1)
okpos = np.where(ok)[0]
for cpos in okpos:
features.iat[cpos, gpos] = cgroup
exp = exp.aggregate_by_metadata('_metabolite_group', agg='sum', axis='f')
exp.feature_metadata.drop('_metabolite_group', axis='columns', inplace=True)'%d metabolites remaining after merge' % len(exp.feature_metadata))
return exp

def filter_mz_rt(self, mz=None, rt=None, mz_tolerance=0.05, rt_tolerance=0.2, inplace=False, negate=False):
'''Filter metabolites based on m/z and/or retention time
Keep (or remove if negate=True) metabolites that have an m/z and/or retention time close (up to tolerance)
to the requested mz and/or rt (or list of mz and/or rt).
If both mz and rt are provided, they should be matched (i.e. filtering is performed using each mz and rt pair with same index)
mz: float or list of float or None, optional
the M/Z to filter
if None, do not filter based on M/Z
rt: float or list of float or None, optional
the retention time to filter
if None, do not filter based on rt
mz_tolerance: float, optional
the M/Z tolerance. filter metabolites with abs(metabolite_mz - mz) <= mz_tolerance
rt_tolerance: float, optional
the rt tolerance. filter metabolites with abs(metabolite_rt - rt) <= rt_tolerance
inplace: bool, optional
True to replace current experiment, False to create new experiment with results
negate: bool, optional
If False, keep only metabolites matching mz
If True, remove metabolites matching mz
features filtered based on mz
if mz is None and rt is None:
raise ValueError('at least one of "mz" and "rt" must not be None')
if mz is not None:
if 'MZ' not in self.feature_metadata.columns:
raise ValueError('The Experiment does not contain the column "MZ". cannot filter by mz')
mz = _to_list(mz)
if rt is not None:
if 'RT' not in self.feature_metadata.columns:
raise ValueError('The Experiment does not contain the column "RT". cannot filter by rt')
rt = _to_list(rt)

select = np.zeros(len(self.feature_metadata), dtype='?')
notfound = 0
if mz is None:
mz = [None] * len(rt)
if rt is None:
rt = [None] * len(mz)
if len(mz) != len(rt):
raise ValueError('mz and rt must have same length')

for cmz, crt in zip(mz, rt):
if cmz is not None:
mzdiff = np.abs(self.feature_metadata['MZ'] - cmz)
keepmz = mzdiff <= mz_tolerance
keepmz = np.full([len(self.feature_metadata)], True)
if crt is not None:
rtdiff = np.abs(self.feature_metadata['RT'] - crt)
keeprt = rtdiff <= rt_tolerance
keeprt = np.full([len(self.feature_metadata)], True)
bothok = np.logical_and(keepmz, keeprt)
if bothok.sum() == 0:
notfound += 1
select = np.logical_or(select, bothok)'Total from mz/rt list with no match: %d' % notfound)
if negate:
select = np.logical_not(select)
return self.reorder(select, axis='f', inplace=inplace)

def sort_mz_rt(self, inplace=False):
'''Sort features according to m/z and retention time.
This is a convenience function wrapping calour.sort_by_metadata()
inplace: bool, optional
True to replace current experiment, False to create new experiment with results
Sorted according to m/z and retention time
return self.sort_by_metadata('mz_rt', axis='f', inplace=inplace)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions calour/tests/
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Expand Up @@ -176,8 +176,10 @@ def test_read_open_ms(self):
# test we get the MZ and RT correct
self.assertIn('MZ', exp.feature_metadata)
self.assertIn('RT', exp.feature_metadata)
self.assertIn('mz_rt', exp.feature_metadata)
self.assertEqual(exp.feature_metadata['MZ'].iloc[1], 118.0869)
self.assertEqual(exp.feature_metadata['RT'].iloc[1], 23.9214)
self.assertEqual(exp.feature_metadata['mz_rt'].iloc[1], '118.0869_23.92')
# test normalizing
exp = ca.read_ms(self.openms_csv, normalize=10000, data_file_type='openms')
assert_array_almost_equal(, np.ones(exp.shape[0]) * 10000)
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2016--, Calour development team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import numpy.testing as npt

from calour._testing import Tests
import calour as ca

class ExperimentTests(Tests):
def setUp(self):
self.test1 = ca.read_amplicon(self.test1_biom, self.test1_samp,
min_reads=1000, normalize=10000)

def test_filter_mz_rt(self):
# load an mzmine2 metabolomics table, and associated gnps clusterinfo file
exp = ca.read_ms(self.mzmine2_csv, sample_metadata_file=self.gnps_map,
data_file_type='mzmine2', use_gnps_id_from_AllFiles=False, normalize=None)

# mz filtering
res = exp.filter_mz_rt(100)
self.assertEqual(len(res.feature_metadata), 1)
self.assertEqual(res.feature_metadata['MZ'].values, [100])

res = exp.filter_mz_rt([100, 201])
self.assertEqual(len(res.feature_metadata), 1)
self.assertEqual(res.feature_metadata['MZ'].values, [100])

res = exp.filter_mz_rt([100, 201], mz_tolerance=1)
self.assertEqual(len(res.feature_metadata), 2)
npt.assert_array_equal(res.feature_metadata['MZ'].values, [100, 200])

res = exp.filter_mz_rt([100, 201], negate=True)
self.assertEqual(len(res.feature_metadata), 5)

# rt filtering
res = exp.filter_mz_rt(rt=[1, 2.5])
self.assertEqual(len(res.feature_metadata), 1)
self.assertEqual(res.feature_metadata['RT'].values, [1])

res = exp.filter_mz_rt(rt=[1, 2.5], rt_tolerance=0.5)
self.assertEqual(len(res.feature_metadata), 3)
npt.assert_array_equal(res.feature_metadata['RT'].values, [1, 2, 3])

# complex - both mz and rt
res = exp.filter_mz_rt([101, 200, 400, 505], [1, 3, 4, 5], mz_tolerance=2)
self.assertEqual(res.shape[1], 2)

def test_get_spurious_duplicates(self):
# load an mzmine2 metabolomics table, and associated gnps clusterinfo file
exp = ca.read_ms(self.mzmine2_csv, sample_metadata_file=self.gnps_map,
data_file_type='mzmine2', use_gnps_id_from_AllFiles=False, normalize=None)
# get rid of the all 0s metabolite (to get rid of std=0 warning)
exp = exp.filter_sum_abundance(0.1)

res = exp.get_spurious_duplicates()
# no samples filtered away
self.assertEqual(res.shape[0], 6)
# default parameters don't identify and suspicious features
self.assertEqual(res.shape[1], 0)

res = exp.get_spurious_duplicates(mz_tolerance=100, rt_tolerance=0.5)
self.assertEqual(res.shape[1], 0)

res = exp.get_spurious_duplicates(rt_tolerance=1)
self.assertEqual(res.shape[1], 0)

res = exp.get_spurious_duplicates(mz_tolerance=100, rt_tolerance=1)
self.assertEqual(res.shape[1], 2)

res = exp.get_spurious_duplicates(mz_tolerance=100, rt_tolerance=1, corr_thresh=0.2)
self.assertEqual(res.shape[1], 4)

def test_merge_similar_features(self):
# load an mzmine2 metabolomics table, and associated gnps clusterinfo file
exp = ca.read_ms(self.mzmine2_csv, sample_metadata_file=self.gnps_map,
data_file_type='mzmine2', use_gnps_id_from_AllFiles=False, normalize=None)
# no merging since features are far away
res = exp.merge_similar_features()
self.assertEqual(res.shape[1], 6)

# a little merging
res = exp.merge_similar_features(mz_tolerance=100, rt_tolerance=1)
self.assertEqual(res.shape[1], 3)
self.assertEqual([85022, '_calour_merge_ids'], '85022;93277')

# a lot of merging
res = exp.merge_similar_features(mz_tolerance=400, rt_tolerance=6)
self.assertEqual(res.shape[1], 2)
self.assertEqual([121550, '_calour_merge_ids'], '121550')

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