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certiClone : Generate Certificates in bulk

It is an app that takes in a certificate template (image) and a name list (csv) and generates copies for each name in the list.

The app is hosted here :


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Fomat of certifictes

Pretty much any certificate template with a dash in the place of the name will work For eg:

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Format of name list

The second column should have the names of the candidates For eg:

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Basically we take the image of the Certificate template and use simple image processing to detect horizontal lines (dash left for the name) in a ROI of the Template. This ROI in center part of the image where the names are mostly located in a certificate. So using the location of this line we fill in the name.

  • Certificate ROI(Region of Interest)

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Final Output

Some Samples :

File :

Tech Stack

  • OpenCV (Image Processing)
  • Flask (API)
  • Heroku (Deployment)
  • Python (language)

To Do

  • Adding a React Front End
  • NLP Analysis instead of sample image processing to support more certificate templates

PS: I know that you can do this stuff using google slides, but with this you can desing the certificates using Photoshop, tbh i did this just as a practise projects, and yes it is one of the wiered 3 am ideas that got executed 🤣🤣 Cheers!!

Left some typos here so expecing some PRs