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MinerID Options

Patrick Fromberg edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 1 revision


Cache size to use for the miner ID database (default: 1MB, maximum: 16MB). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB,GB).


Miners who identify themselves using miner ID can accumulate certain priviledges over time by gaining a good reputation. A good reputation is gained by having mined M of the last N blocks on the current chain. This parameter sets the M value for that test. (default: 14, maximum 26208)


Miners who identify themselves using miner ID can accumulate certain priviledges over time by gaining a good reputation. A good reputation is gained by having mined M of the last N blocks on the current chain. This parameter sets the N value for that test. (default: 2016, maximum 26208)