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Relaying Options

Patrick Fromberg edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 2 revisions


Relay and mine data carrier transactions (default: 1)


Maximum size of data in data carrier transactions we relay and mine (default: 4294967295). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).


Set maximum stack memory usage in bytes used for script verification we're willing to accept from any source (0 = unlimited) after Genesis is activated (consensus level). This is a required parameter. The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).


Set maximum stack memory usage used for script verification we're willing to relay/mine in a single transaction (default: 100 MB, 0 = unlimited) after Genesis is activated (policy level). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB). Must be less or equal to -maxstackmemoryusageconsensus.


Set the single standard transaction validation duration threshold in milliseconds after which the standard transaction validation will terminate with error and the transaction is not accepted to mempool (min 1ms, default: 3ms)


Set the single non-standard transaction validation duration threshold in milliseconds after which the non-standard transaction validation will terminate with error and the transaction is not accepted to mempool (min 10ms, default: 1000ms)


Set the upper limit of unused validation time to add to the next transaction validated in the chain (min 0ms, default: 50ms)


Use CPU time instead of wall clock time for validation duration measurement (default: 1)


Set the type of block assembler to use for mining. Supported options are JOURNALING. (default: JOURNALING)

-jbamaxtxnbatch=<max batch size>

Set the maximum number of transactions processed in a batch by the journaling block assembler (default: 20000) RPC client/server options:


Set the time limit on the reception of invalid message checksums from a single node in milliseconds (default: 500ms)


Set the limit on the number of invalid checksums received over a given time period from a single node (default: 100) Orphan txns config :


Extra transactions to keep in memory for compact block reconstructions (default: 100)


Keep at most <n> MB of unconnectable transactions in memory (default: 1000 MB). The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B,kB, MB, GB).


Maximal number of orphans scheduled for re-validation as percentage of max batch size. (1 to 100, default:60)


Maximal number of inputs of a non-first-layer transaction that can be scheduled for re-validation. (default:5) TxnValidator options:


Set the number of 'High' priority threads used to validate standard txns (dynamically calculated default: 6)


Set the number of 'Low' priority threads used to validate non-standard txns (dynamically calculated default: 2)


Set the max ratio for a number of standard txns per 'High' priority thread (default: 1000)


Set the max ratio for a number of non-standard txns per 'Low' priority thread (default: 1000)


Set run frequency in asynchronous mode (default: 10ms)


Set task scheduling strategy to use in parallel transaction validation.Available strategies: CHAIN_DETECTOR (legacy), TOPO_SORT (default)


Set the maximum validation duration for async tasks in a single run (default: 10000ms)


Set the maximum cumulative size of accepted transaction inputs inside coins cache (default: unlimited -> 0). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).


Set soft maximum limit of cached coin tip buffer size (default: 1 GB, minimum: 1 MB). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B,kB, MB, GB).


Set maximum number of files used by coins leveldb (default: 64).


Set the maximum memory usage for the transaction queues in MB (default: 2048). The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, kB,MB, GB).


Set maximum allowed number of blocks for Genesis graceful period (default: 72) where nodes will not be banned for violating Genesis rules in case the calling node is not yet on Genesis height and vice versa. Seting 0 will disable Genesis graceful period. Genesis graceful period range :(GENESIS_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT  - n |...| GENESIS_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT |...| GENESIS_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT + n) Invalid transactions sink options:


Set destination for dumping invalid transactions. Specify separately for every sink you want to include. Available sinks:FILE, ZMQ, (no sink by default)


Set maximal disk usage for dumping invalid transactions when using FILE for the sink. In megabytes. (default: 3000MB) The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).


Set policy which is applied when disk usage limits are reached when using FILE for the sink. IGNORE_NEW or DELETE_OLD (default: IGNORE_NEW)


Set maximal message size for publishing invalid transactions using ZMQ, in megabytes. (default: 500MB) The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).


Set maximum protocol recv payload length you are willing to accept in bytes (default 2097152). Value should be bigger than legacy protocol payload length: 1048576 B and smaller than: 1000000000


Set maximum number of full size inventory messages that we can store for each peer (default 3). Inventory message size can be set with


Value should be an integer between 1 and 10


Set for how many blocks a block that contains transaction spending consensus frozen TXO will remain frozen before it auto unfreezes due to the amount of child blocks that were mined after it (default: 3; note: 0

  • soft consensus freeze duration is disabled and block is frozen indefinitely). Safe-mode activation options:


Disable safemode, override a real safe mode event (default: 0)


URL of a webhook to notify if the node enters safe mode. For example:


Minimum number of blocks that fork should be ahead (if positive) or behind (if negative) of active tip to enter safe mode (default: -72)


Maximum distance of forks last common block from current active tip to enter safe mode (default: 1000)


Minimum length of valid fork to enter safe mode (default: 3)

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