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属性 类型 默认 描述
cropWidth number 100 Crop width in px. If useRatio is true, it'll be ratio.
cropHeight number 100 Crop height in px. If useRatio is true, it'll be ratio.
useRatio boolean false If use width and height as ratio, not real px. And crop will fill the width or height. e.g. width={500} height={400} and width={5} height={4} are exactly the same.
cropResize boolean true If crop can resize.
cropResizeAndDrag boolean true If crop can resize and drag.
cropModalTitle string 图片裁剪 Modal title.
cropModalWidth number 520 Modal width in px.
beforeCrop function - Execute before crop, if return false, modal will not open (Not support Promise). Ant Design Upload beforeUpload prop will execute after crop, before upload.
fileType string "" 接受上传的文件类型, 详见 input accept Attribute , 值为空时不限
size number 0 单个文件大小 , 值为0时不限
minWidth number 0 单个文件最小宽度 , 值为0时不限
minHeight number 0 单个文件最小高度 , 值为0时不限
maxWidth number 0 单个文件最大宽度 , 值为0时不限
maxHeight number 0 单个文件最大高度 , 值为0时不限
enCrop boolean false 图片上传时开启裁剪
filter array [] 值类似 {name: 'xx', fn: Function}
max number 0 图片个数限制
其它 其它属性同 antd upload