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John C. Vernaleo edited this page Apr 3, 2015 · 5 revisions

The following are a list of things that we would either like to do with the ports tree or are currently working on. If you are interested in contributing to ports this is provides a good place to look for ideas.

  • Sync with OpenBSD ports This is an ongoing task and should only be done by a project member.
  • Mark ALL ports that do not build with: "BROKEN= needs work on bitrig" This should allow us to have a clean build with dpb (which will make spotting problems much easier).
  • Fix ports marked broken.
  • Upstream patches (every patch we don't have to carry around is a good thing).
  • Add new ports. In principle we are interested in any software that can be redistributed freely (standard Free/OpenSource licenses) that someone would find useful. This is a great way to start if there is a program you use that is not in ports.
  • arm stuff
  • Full ports build on arm. We have not yet done a full ports build with dpb on the arm platform. This would best be done with more than one machine if you want it to finish in anything resembling a reasonable time.
  • Mark ports that do not build on arm with as BROKEN on arm.
  • Fix as many of the broken arm ports as possible.
  • Automate more of our port checking. The sync wiki page has a number of manual steps that should be integrated into some tool in perl. It might make sense to add them to portcheck but I'm not sure.
  • Reproducable port builds. This one is seriously in the wishlist category, but there has been progress on this in base and Debian has made progress on it in their package collection.
  • Automated import/export (or comparison maybe) between other package systems (i.e., pkgsrc, pkgng, any others?). This is also a wishlist item.
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