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Booking system - Orleans Demo

A simple implementation of a booking system using Orleans.

The system consists of three applications:

  1. Booking.Web, a Blazor Server application, which is the end-user application.
  2. Booking.Admin, a Blazor Server application, which is a admin web for managing the system.
  3. Booking.Silo, a Orleans silo, which includes Orleans Dashboard.

The system is deployed to both Azure Container Apps and Azure Kubernetes Service.

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Azure Container Apps Links



  • There's a room catalog (a single grain), from where a list of rooms can be fetched. For convenience, Booking.Admin contains a view for adding and deleting rooms.
    • Be aware that this design might cause bottlenecks, since we have a single grain that every client will call. If this design is used, it would probably be wise to replicate the data, for faster reads, on each silo using e.g. Stateless workers grains.
    • In others scenarios, this data would probably come from a source outside the system and only be cached here. That could be done using e.g. Stateless workers grains in order to have it in-memory on every silo.
  • For each room, there's a room grain, where a list of timeslots per day can be fetched.
    • For convenience, the timeslots are created on-the-fly, but in own real-world scenarios this data might be fetched from outside the system and only cached here.
  • When booking a time-slot, user first need to reserve the time-slot, and happens automatically by clicking a row in the web application. This is mainly used avoid double booking, and to keep the time-slot reserved while the user enters additional information.
    • In this demo, there's no additional information to add, but in a real-world scenario there might be.
  • When user manages to create a reservation, a Timer is then created to automatically cancel the reservation if a booking is not done within a reasonable time.
    • In the demo, a Reminder would probably be sufficient. In real-world scenarios, the reservation time can be much longer, so something persisted is preferred.
    • Additionally, when a reservation is done, the visibility of the time-slot is updated in the room grain, which marks it as "not available" when listing time-slots form the room grain.
  • When user does the actual booking, the timer in the previous step is removed, meaning the time-slot will be marked as "not available" for eternity.
    • In a real-world scenario, a call to the outside system (database) would be done here to make the actual booking.
  • There's also possibility of manually cancelling the reservation, which also removes the timer, and updates the availability on the room grain.

In order to provide real-time updates to the end-user, a Observer called Room observer is used. This is mainly for subscribing on updates for time-slot availabilities on a specific room. When a time-slot is reserved, the client can automatically render the slot as not available, and when a reservation is cancelled the client can automatically render the slot as available.