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Emotional expressivity v2.0

anzar edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 2 revisions
Date completed September 26th, 2023
Release where first appeared OpenWillis v1.4
Researcher / Developer Vijay Yadav

1 – Use

import openwillis as ow

framewise, summary = ow.emotional_expressivity(filepath = '' , baseline_filepath = '')

2 – Methods

We utilize deepface to quantify framewise intensity of the following emotions:

  • Happiness
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Disgust
  • Surprise
  • Neutral (the absence of any emotion)

We also calculate a composite expressivity score, which averages the expressivity of each of the emotions above (except for neutral).

Framewise values for each variable, ranging from 0-1, are saved in framewise.

In case a baseline input is provided, all values are baseline-corrected and normalized using the same method that is used by the Facial Expressivity** **function. The resulting normalized values range between -1 and 1, with negative values signifying expressivity for that emotion being lower than baseline and positive values signifying expressivity greater than baseline.

The framewise expressivity values are compiled for the video and saved in the summary output, which contains the primary outcome measures of the function, namely the mean expressivity of each emotion over the course of the video.

3 – Inputs

3.1 – filepath

Type str
Description path to main video

3.2 – baseline_filepath

Type str, optional
Description path to baseline video

4 – Outputs

4.1 – framewise

Type data-type
Description dataframe with framewise output of facial emotion expressivity. columns are emotional expressivity measures, with the last column being composite emotional expressivity i.e. a mean of all individual emotions except neutral. range for these values is -1 to 1 in case of baselining and 0-1 otherwise. rows represent frames in the video.

What the data frame looks like:

frame angry disgust fear happiness sadness surprise neutral composite

4.2 – summary

Type data-type
Description dataframe containing the mean and standard deviation values for the columns in the framewise output.

What the data frame looks like:

happiness_mean sadness_mean anger_mean fear_mean disgust_mean surprise_mean neutral_mean composite_mean sadness_std anger_std fear_std disgust_std surprise_std neutral_std composite_std

5 – Example

Here, we use the sample data included as part of the repository to calculate emotional expressivity.

import openwillis as ow

framewise, summary = ow.emotional_expressivity(filepath = 'data/subj01.mp4', baseline_filepath = 'data/subj01_base.mp4')
frame angry disgust fear happiness sadness surprise neutral composite
0 0.051450 0.000031 0.250485 -0.113090 0638163 -0.000234 -0.446323 0.137801
1 0.006272 -0.000004 0.281984 -0.113109 0.662542 -0.000263 -0.452409 0.139570

6 – Dependencies

Below are dependencies specific to calculation of this measure.

Dependency License Justification
deepface MIT Free, open-source, MIT

Emotion detection

No action unit detection

No facial landmark detection

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