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Speech transcription cloud v1.1

anzar edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 2 revisions
Date completed September 26th, 2023
Release where first appeared OpenWillis v1.4
Researcher / Developer Vijay Yadav

1 – Use

import openwillis as ow

json, transcript = ow.speech_transcription_cloud(filepath = 's3://bucket/file.wav', model = 'aws', language = 'en-US', region = 'us-east-1', job_name = 'test', ShowSpeakerLabels = True, MaxSpeakerLabels = 2, access_key = 'xxxx', secret_key = 'xxxx', c_scale = 'panss')

2 – Methods

This function uses Amazon Transcribe to transcribe speech into text, label each speaker, and––optionally in the case of clinical interview recordings––identify each speaker as either the clinician or the participant.

Compared to the locally-running Speech Transcription function, the cloud-based version can support multiple speakers and is arguably more accurate. However, the user is expected to have AWS configured on their system and input access and secret keys that will allow the function to utilize their AWS account. To learn about how to set up AWS, check out their documentation.

The function has two outputs. The json output contains start times, end times, transcription confidence scores, and (in case ShowSpeakerLabels is true) speaker labels. The json also serves as an input to both the Speaker Separation Cloud and Speech Characteristics functions. The transcript output is simply a string of the entire transcription.

2.1 – Speaker separation

In the case of two speakers, each word in the output json is by default labeled either speaker0 or speaker1. This is done automatically by AWS. Using these labels, the user can process only the speech of a specific speaker for speech characteristics using the Speech Characteristics function, which allows for filtering of the input json by speaker label before further processing.

2.2 – Speaker identification

In case the audio file is of a structured clinical interview, the user can input the name of the clinical scale in the c_scale argument and the function will use what it knows about the scale to automatically label the clinician and the participant instead of the speaker0 and speaker1 labels. The two scales currently supported are PANSS (c_scale = 'panss') and MADRS (c_scale = 'madrs').

3 – Inputs

3.1 – filepath

Type str
Description URI path to audio file on S3 bucket; include all files format supported by AWS

3.2 – language

Type default is ‘en-US’ i.e. US English;
Description Amazon transcribe language codes:

3.3 – region

Type default is ‘us-east-1
Description aws region code

3.4 – job_name

Type default is ‘transcribe_job_01
Description name of the transcription job, required by aws

3.5 – ShowSpeakerLabels

Type Boolean; optional, default is True
Description Identifies and labels different speakers in audio or video transcriptions

3.6 – MaxSpeakerLabels

Type Boolean; optional, default is 2
Description This parameter sets the maximum number of speakers to be identified and labeled in audio or video transcriptions.

3.7 – c_scale

Type str; optional, default c_scale = ‘’
Description In case the user wants to identify the speaker (clinician vs. participant) in the transcribed json, they can enter the name of the clinical scale that the audio file is capturing as an optional parameter. The function currently only supports 'panss’.

3.8 – access_key

Type str; optional, default access_key = ‘’
Description A unique credential used to authenticate and authorize access to AWS (Amazon Web Services) resources and services. In case the user is running from their AWS account (e.g., from within their EC2 instance), they do not need to enter this. Only enter if running from local machine.

3.9 – secret_key

Type str; optional, default secret_key = ‘’
Description A unique credential used to authenticate and authorize access to AWS (Amazon Web Services) resources and services. In case the user is running from their AWS account (e.g., from within their EC2 instance), they do not need to enter this. Only enter if running from local machine.

4 – Outputs

4.1 – json

Type json
Description json output that lists each word transcribe, the confidence level associated with that word’s transcription, its utterance start time,end time and labeled speaker for those time point

4.2 – transcript

Type str
Description string with entire transcription and no punctuation

5 – Dependencies

Below are dependencies specific to calculation of this measure.

Dependency License Justification
SentenceTransformer Apache 2.0 A pre-trained BERT-based sentence transformer model to compute the similarity between the speech.
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