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Parrot Automatic Lipsync for Blender

This is an addon for Blender that lets you automatically generate lip-synced data from audio tracks. It can be used for both 2D and 3D animations and supports many common languages. It uses OpenAI's Whisper library to turn spoken audio tracks into words, and then Gruut to turn words into phonemes to create the key frames for your mouth positions.

Video - overview

Video - overview


Parrot Lipsync relies on you having some other applications already installed on your computer.

Install Ffmpeg

Ffmpeg is a popular library that lets you read and write many popular media files. It needs to be accessible from the command line.

Open a command prompt and type the following to see if it is already installed:

ffmpeg -version

If ffmpeg has not been found, you will need to install it.

# on Ubuntu or Debian
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg

# on Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S ffmpeg

# on MacOS using Homebrew (
brew install ffmpeg

# on Windows using Chocolatey (
choco install ffmpeg

# on Windows using Scoop (
scoop install ffmpeg

Installing the Parrot Lipsync addon

Now that ffmpeg is installed, you can install Parrot by opening the Edit > Preferences > Addons window and clicking the Install button. Browse to the Parrot Lipsync zip file you downloaded and select it. Finally, make sure the check mark next to View 3D: Parrot Lipsync is checked so that the addon is activated.

Install Whisper and Gruut

Parrot needs some support libraries to function. The easiest way to install them is to open Parrot's configuration page in the Addon window to reveal the buttons on the bottom. Press the Install whisper_timestamped and Install gruut buttons to ensure these necessary libraries are added to your Blender's python packages. Some languages will require an additional package - for example, if you intend to use the Russian language, make sure to click the Install gruut-lang-ru button as well.

Addon install panel

Alternate installation procedure for Whisper and Gruut

It is also possible to install Whsiper and Gruut on the command line as well if you don't want to use the installation panel.

Open a terminal window and go into your Blender installation's python directory (on Windows it should be something like C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 4.0\4.0\python\bin). Then issue the following commands:

./python.exe -m pip install --upgrade whisper_timestamped
./python.exe -m pip install --upgrade gruut

For MacOS and Linux, the following should work:

./python -m pip install --upgrade whisper_timestamped
./python -m pip install --upgrade gruut

Some languages will require additional packages to be installed:

./python.exe -m pip install --upgrade gruut-lang-ru


Once installed, click on the Parrot Lipsync panel to access Parrot's controls.

Parrot running in Blender 4.1

You can then configure various parameters:

General Parameters

  • Whisper library - Language library Whisper uses for AI translation
  • Phoneme Table - Table used to map phonemes to mouth poses
  • Key interpolation - Way to interpolate between mouth poses. It is recommended that you use bezier for 3D and constant for keyframe animation.
  • Silence cutoff - During processing, a frame is considered to be silent if the audio track is below this value for the entire frame. Used to positioning of words.
  • Word pad frames - The number of frames to pad at the begining and end of words before placing a rest pose.
  • Strength multiplier - Pose stength is multiplied buy this value. Set to less than 1 to soften the animation.
  • Track volume multiplier - If checked, the volume of the track at a particular frame will be used to adjust the strength of this frame. Can be used to make the mouth poses more extreme when the speaker is being loud and less extreme when the voice is quiet.
  • Auto detect language - Automatically determine the language being used by examining the audio data
  • Language code - You can specify the language code to be used here if auto detect language is not checked

Lipsync Action Paramaters

This generates an action based on audio data. This action is added to the project's actions and is not assigned to any particular object. You must have added an audio track to the Video Sequencer and selected it as the active object.

  • Lipsync Action - Action object that will have it's data replaced with the data generated for this audio track. If blank, a new action will be created.

Press the Render Lipsync to Action button to generate the action.

NLA Action Paramaters

This uses Blender's NLA editor to generate the animation action and then add it to the target object's NLA tracks. NLA tracks will be generatd for all selected tracks in the Video Sequencer.

  • Target object - Object action will be created for
  • Action name suffix - This string will be appended to the names of any actions generated to help you keep track of them

Press the Render Lipsync to Action button to generate the NLA tracks and actions.

Phoneme Groups

This is a list generated by reading the phoneme table. It lists every Phoneme group deacribed in the table and has a Pose Action field for each group that lets you define the mouth position for each group. You'll need to provide poses for each entery in the table for Parrot to generate lipsync tracks.

If the Phoneme Groups are not showing, or if you want to load a different table, click the Reload Phoneme Table to rebuild the table.

Running in headless mode

A script has been included in /examples/headless_example/ that demonstrates running Parrot from the command line without having to launch Blender first.

Run blender headless from the command line with the following command:

blender -b headless_demo.blend -P

import bpy

# Set Parrot operator properties
bpy.context.scene.props.target_object =['rig']

# Generate the lipsync

# Save the result

Editing the Phoneme Table

Parrot Lipsync uses a separate JSON file which defines what mouth positions to use and which phonemes are used for which mouth positions. By default it will use the file named phoneme_table_en.json which comes with the addon. This file can be edited to change which mouth position groups are used and which phonemes should be used for each mouth position.

If you wish to define your own phoneme table, it is recommended that you make a copy of phoneme_table_en.json, add your customizations to it and then set the Phoneme table file field of the Parrot UI to point to your custom file.

Default phoneme table

Description of the Phoneme table

The phoneme table has two main sections:

The groups section defines each mouth position that your animation will use. The groups are what you will assign mouth poses to in the addon UI. The name field defines the name of the group and the description field lets you add some descriptive text to explain to the user what sounds this mouth pose is meant to make (and which is displayed as a hint). The groups will also always include a special group called rest, even if you do not explicitly define it in the JSOn file. The rest group is meant to represent the mouth when it is closed between words.

The phonemes section is where you let Parrot know which phoneme symbols belong to which group. The code field is the International Phonetic Alphabetic code for the syllable and the group field indicates which mouth pose group the syllable belongs to. The class and example fields are not currently used by Parrot but meant to provide usage hints to the user and might be used in a future version of Parrot.


Whisper AI


Blender Base Meshes:


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Addon for Blender that lets you generate lipsync animation automatically from audio files.







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