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Black Royal App


Every page is represented by a component in the pages folder. Each page and component may or may not have its own scss file, which is found in the style folder.

Generic components, such as the footer or header, are stored in the component folder.

The layout folder contains the basic template for a page (i.e. a page will use a layout that contains a header component and a footer component).



  1. Be sure you have access to:
  • Snipcart
  • DatoCMS
  • Netlify

To set up

  1. Run yarn install
  2. Run yarn global add gatsby-cli
  3. Ask someone for the DATO_API_TOKEN and SNIPCART_API_TOKEN. Or you can obtain them from the admin dashboard on the respective sites.
  4. Create an .env file at the root of this project and add the credentials. Your .env file should look as follows:

to run locally

  1. Run gatsby develop or yarn develop
  2. Application should be running locally at http://localhost:8000/

to deploy

  1. Run gatsby clean, so you don't push up any cached keys to master
  2. git add . && git commit -m "Commit message here" && git push
  3. You can view your deploy getting built at Netlify


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