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Puppet Arch Linux

Automated setup and configuration module for Arch Linux systems. Provides additional support for Retina Macbook Pro (11,3), Parallels Desktop, and VirtualBox environments.

This module was designed to support standalone puppet compilations, where no Puppet master is required. However, there is no reason why it can't also be used by a Puppet master to keep systems in check.


This is an early release. It's not yet production ready.

Setup Requirements

A basic Arch Linux install with the following packages

  • base
  • base-devel
  • git
  • puppet

Note: An internet connection (or package cache) is required


When using a Puppet server

$ sudo puppet module install blakejakopovic-archlinux

# site.pp
node '' {
  class { '::archlinux':
    default_user  => 'blake',
    hostname      => 'bach',
    timezone      => 'Australia/Brisbane',

When using in standalone mode (without Puppet master)

$ sudo puppet module install blakejakopovic-archlinux
$ sudo puppet apply -e "class { 'archlinux': default_user => 'blake', hostname => 'bach', timezone => 'Australia/Brisbane' }"

Note: For existing systems, it's advisable to use the --noop --verbose flags, so you can review any changes that may occur.


If you find anything wrong, feel free to leave a github issue or submit a pull request.


Copyright (c) 2016 Blake Jakopovic. Licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.