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ble-for-iot/alt-api - Reference Implementation of Alternative BLE IoT Gateway API

A BLE IoT gateway (ble-iot-gwy) provides web access to nearby Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices via the local LAN or remote BLE devices via Internet.

See API document, ALT API, for what web interface the gateway accepts.

This implementation runs on nodejs and uses the express module for building a web server, and the noble module for accessing a BLE device.

This is one of several implementations of ble-iot-gwy:

Impl Status API Platform Tested under
sig-api published sig nodejs/noble Windows 10
alt-api published alt nodejs/noble Windows 10
raspi working alt nodejs/dbus-native on linux/bluez Raspberry Pi
esp32 working alt Espressif ESP32 WiFi/BLE combo chip -

Convention: 'Platform' means a collection of software (or hardware) needed to run the gateway software.

Supported API

This is an implementation of an alternative API, as opposed to the Bluetooth SIG-proposed, GATT REST API, shown in another project, sig-api, in this repository.

The ALT API provides a web interface that maps web-friendly abstract data access to a BLE-specific device access.


This implementation is tested under:

  • DELL PC with Windows 10
  • CSR Bluetooth 4.0 dongle (as a central)
  • Nordic Semiconductor nRF51 dongle with nRF Connect (as a peripheral)

Dependencies are:

index.js uses the express module to accept web requests and dispatches API service functions in api-impl.js. The functions in api-impl.js further calls ble device access functions in ble-impl-noble.js, an implementation using the noble module.

See ev folder for screen shots taken when running the gateway. The tested URLs are slightly different from the final ones.

Written: 2019-Oct-10
Last updated: 2019-Oct-19