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Implemented COOKIE SHA1 auth.
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blitz committed Oct 23, 2008
1 parent 91324d4 commit 3e912c7
Showing 1 changed file with 178 additions and 46 deletions.
224 changes: 178 additions & 46 deletions network.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,62 +11,31 @@
(assert (char= #\Return
(char line (1- (length line)))))
;; Using displaced arrays instead of subseq does not seem to offer
;; any advantages.
;; any advantages on SBCL.
(subseq line 0 (1- (length line)))))

(defun format-crlf (stream fmt &rest args)
(format t "~?~%" fmt args)
(format stream "~?~C~C" fmt args #\Return #\Newline))

(defun read-line-and-split (stream)
(cl-ppcre:split "\\s" (read-line-crlf stream)))

(defun accepted-methods (stream)
(format-crlf stream "AUTH")
(force-output stream)
(let* ((line (read-line-crlf stream))
(splitted (cl-ppcre:split "\\s" line)))
(assert (string= "REJECTED" (first splitted)))
(rest splitted)))

(defun try-cookie-sha1-auth (stream)
;; XXX
;;(ironclad:digest-file nil nil )

(defun try-anonymous-auth (stream)
;; XXX

;;; XXX This probably needs a better name.
(defun connect-ascii (host port)
"Returns an ASCII stream to the given `host' and `port'"
(let* ((stream (usocket:socket-stream (usocket:socket-connect
host port :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(con (make-instance 'dbus-connection
:stream stream)))
;; Send greeting (the NUL byte)
(write-byte 0 stream)
(force-output stream)
;; Now the ASCII authentication protocol can start.
(let ((ascii-stream (flexi-streams:make-flexi-stream
:external-format :ascii
:element-type 'character)))
;; We only support ANONYMOUS authentication (which is no
;; authentication at all). So at least check whether it's there.
(let ((methods (accepted-methods ascii-stream)))
(format t "Server supports authentication via:~{ ~A~}" methods)
(or (try-cookie-sha1-auth ascii-stream)
(try-anonymous-auth ascii-stream)
(progn (close-dbus con)
(error "Could not authenticate to server.")))))

(defun close-dbus (con)
(close (stream-of con)))
(destructuring-bind (response . rest)
(read-line-and-split stream)
(assert (string= "REJECTED" response))

;;; Hex string handling

(defun octets-to-hex-string (octets)
(string-downcase (format nil "~{~2,'0X~}" (coerce octets 'list))))

(defun string-to-hex-string (string)
(octets-to-hex-string (sb-ext:string-to-octets string :external-format :ascii)))

(defun parse-hex-string (string)
(declare (type string string))
Expand All @@ -86,4 +55,167 @@
(dc (1+ (* out-pos 2)))))))
(finally (return output)) ))

;;; EOF
;;; SHA1 cookie auth

(defun map-user-cookie-file (context fn)
"Call fn with all cookies in the given DBUS context. `fn' is given
the cookie ID, the cookie creation time in seconds since the UNIX
epoch and the cookie itself (as string of hex digits)."
(with-open-file (cookie-stream (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative ".dbus-keyrings")
:name context)
for line = (read-line cookie-stream nil nil)
while line
do (destructuring-bind (cookie-id-str cookie-creation-str cookie-hex-str)
(cl-ppcre:split "\\s" line)
(funcall fn
(parse-integer cookie-id-str)
(parse-integer cookie-creation-str)

(defun random-challenge (&optional (length 16))
(loop with array = (make-array length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
for i from 0 below length
do (setf (aref array i) (random 256))
finally (return array)))

(defun try-cookie-sha1-auth (stream)
;; Send the username we want to authenticate as.
(let ((user (sb-ext:posix-getenv "USER")))
(assert (stringp user) (user) "Couldn't find out username?! USER is not set.")
(format-crlf stream "AUTH DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1 ~A"
(string-to-hex-string user)))
(force-output stream)
;; The server sends the name of its "cookie context", a
;; space character; the integer ID of the secret cookie the client
;; must demonstrate knowledge of; a space character; then a
;; hex-encoded randomly-generated challenge string.
(destructuring-bind (response &optional data)
(read-line-and-split stream)
(when (string/= response "DATA")
(error "Got unexpected result: ~A ~A" response data))
(destructuring-bind (context secret-cookie-id-str hex-challenge-str)
(cl-ppcre:split "\\s" (sb-ext:octets-to-string (parse-hex-string data)
:external-format :ascii))
(format t "Got: ~A ~A ~A~%" context secret-cookie-id-str hex-challenge-str)
(let ((secret-cookie-id (parse-integer secret-cookie-id-str)))
;; Try to find the requested cookie.
(let ((cookie-data-str (block data
(lambda (cookie-id creation-time cookie-data-str)
(declare (ignore creation-time))
(when (= cookie-id secret-cookie-id)
(return-from data cookie-data-str))))
(error "Invalid cookie id from server."))))
;; We've found our cookie. Now
;; digest and and be done with
;; it. :)
(let ((my-challenge-str (octets-to-hex-string (random-challenge))))
(let* ((hashed-str (format nil "~A:~A:~A"
(digest (octets-to-hex-string (ironclad:digest-sequence 'ironclad:sha1
;; Format our answer
(format-crlf stream "DATA ~A20~A"
(to-hex-string my-challenge-str)
(string-to-hex-string digest)))
(force-output stream))))))
;; Now check if we get a positive reply.
(destructuring-bind (response . rest)
(read-line-and-split stream)
((string= response "OK")
;; Yay, we are authenticated. REST containts the hex-encoded
;; server GUID, but I guess we don't need that.
((string= response "REJECTED")
(format t "~&DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1 authentication failed:~{ ~A~}" rest)
(error "Unexpected reply from DBUS server: ~A~{ ~A~}" response rest)))))

;;; Anonymous auth

(defun try-anonymous-auth (stream)
;; XXX

(defun dbus-connect (host port)
"Returns an connection to the given `host' and `port'"
(let* ((success nil)
(stream (usocket:socket-stream (usocket:socket-connect
host port :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(con (make-instance 'dbus-connection
:stream stream)))
;; Send greeting (the NUL byte)
(write-byte 0 stream)
(force-output stream)
;; Now the ASCII authentication protocol can start.
(let ((ascii-stream (flexi-streams:make-flexi-stream
:external-format :ascii
:element-type 'character)))
;; Check which authentication methods are accepted and try the
;; ones we support.
(let ((methods (accepted-methods ascii-stream)))
(format t "Server supports authentication via:~{ ~A~}~%" methods)
(or (when (find "DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1" methods :test #'string=)
(try-cookie-sha1-auth ascii-stream))
(when (find "ANONYMOUS" methods :test #'string=)
(try-anonymous-auth ascii-stream))
(error "Could not authenticate to server."))))
(setq success t)
;; Cleanup
(unless success
(dbus-close con)))))

(defvar *endianness* :little-endian)

(defun read-uint32 (buf index)
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) buf))
(ecase *endianness*
(logior (aref buf index)
(ash (aref buf (+ index 1)) 8)
(ash (aref buf (+ index 2)) 16)
(ash (aref buf (+ index 3)) 24)))
(logior (ash (aref buf index) 24)
(ash (aref buf (+ index 1)) 16)
(ash (aref buf (+ index 2)) 8)
(aref buf (+ index 3))))))

(defun dbus-read-header (con)
(let ((buf (make-array 12 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(assert (= 12 (read-sequence buf (stream-of con))))
(let* ((*endianness* (ecase (aref buf 0)
(108 :little-endian)
(66 :big-endian)))
(msg-type (aref buf 1))
(flags (aref buf 2))
(protocol-version (aref buf 3))
(body-length (read-uint32 buf 4))
(serial (read-uint32 buf 8)))
(assert (= protocol-version 1))
(list *endianness* msg-type flags protocol-version body-length serial))))

(defun dbus-message (con)
(let ((header (dbus-read-header con)))
;; XXX

(defun dbus-close (con)
(close (stream-of con)))

;;; EOF

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