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PowerStack Hasura

GraphQL Engine for PowerStack projects.

⚡️ PowerStack: a powerful fullstack development framework.

Disclaimer: This is a work in progress. Will be finalized soon.


Hasura service is responsible for

  • Database migrations.
  • GraphQL API Gateway.
  • Access control.


Hasura Fundamentals

Getting Started

git clone
cd powerstack-hasura
cp .env-sample .env # and edit the environment variables
task build
task run

Ref Hasura Environment Variables

Directory Structure

├── metadata/ ........................................... hasura metadata
├── migrations/ ......................................... hasura migrations
├── config.yaml.......................................... hasura config
├── taskfile.yaml........................................ dev tasks config
└── .env ................................................ environment variables ([ hasura variables] )


# Build the image
docker build -t powerstack-hasura:local .

# Start a container
docker run --name powerstack-hasura --env-file .env -p 3300:3300 -d powerstack-hasura:local

# Get container ID
docker ps -aqf "name=^powerstack-hasura$"

# Print app output
docker logs -f powerstack-hasura

# Stop, start, restart, kill
docker stop powerstack-hasura
docker start powerstack-hasura
docker restart powerstack-hasura
docker kill powerstack-hasura

Database Migrations

Hasura Database Migrations enable a rock-solid deployment.




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