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mocksh is a library for shell scripting inside Python. It makes external commands available as functions, and provides accessible ways to use their results. It tries to copy the semantics of sh (the Bourne shell) when they make sense in Python.

It acts as a thin layer around the subprocess module.


In the simplest case, a command is run until completion, and the output is shown without being captured:

>>> from mocksh import sh
>>> sh.echo("Hello, world")
Hello, world

If the command fails, it raises an exception:

>>> sh.false()
Traceback (most recent call last):
mocksh.CommandError[1]: Command 'false' failed with status code 1

This most basic form is useful for commands that are run for their side effects. Command output isn't captured by default, because it's often useful. If something goes wrong, it provides extra information that an exception doesn't know about.

Capturing output

Output can be captured with the capture_ method, awkwardly inserted into the middle, right before the arguments:

>>> str(sh.echo.capture_("Hello, Python"))
'Hello, Python\n'

The process doesn't immediately return a string. You have to tell it how you want to access the output:

>>> bytes(sh.dd.capture_('if=/dev/urandom', 'count=1', 'bs=16'))  # raw bytes
>>> for num in sh.seq.capture_(3):  # line by line
...     print(num)
>>> list(sh.shuf.capture_('-n', 5, '/usr/share/dict/words'))
['upgrading', 'humongous', 'thesauri', 'candidly', 'drools']

Commands called this way return immediately, before the command is finished. This means the output can be processed line by line without wasting memory if the output is large.


Another special method, pipe_, lets you construct pipelines:

>>> sh.fortune.pipe_().cowsay()  # Like 'fortune | cowsay'
/ Are you making all this up as you go \
\ along?                               /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

The next command in the pipeline is called like a method, the same way you would call a command on the sh object.

This can naturally be combined with capture_:

>>> str(sh.fortune.pipe_().rot13.capture_())  # Like 'fortune | rot13'
'Lbhe cerfrag cynaf jvyy or fhpprffshy.\n'


By default, commands raise an exception if they fail, but that's not always desirable. Sometimes you just want to test whether a command succeeded. The test_ special method can be used for that:

>>> if'-c', 1, 'fake.domain'):
...     print("fake.domain is up")
... else:
...     print("fake.domain is down")
ping: fake.domain: Name or service not known
fake.domain is down


$ pip install mocksh

Because the module is only a single file, you could also just dump into your scripts folder.

Advanced usage

Other argument forms

Some commands have subcommands. For example, git has git status and git commit. They can be separated by a dot:

>>> sh.git.status()
On branch master

Underscores in command names are converted to dashes, because many commands have dashes in their names but Python doesn't allow dashes in its names. To run a command that does have an underscore in its name, or any weird characters, you can use indexing syntax:

>>> sh.units_cur()  # Doesn't work, converted to units-cur
Traceback (most recent call last):
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'units-cur': 'units-cur'
>>> sh['units_cur']()  # works
>>> sh.sudo['units_cur']()

You can also index with multiple arguments. This gives an easy way of defining aliases:

>>> lh =['-l', '-h']
>>> lh('/')
total 16K
drwxr-xr-x   1 root root 2.4K Jul 14 08:26 bin

Command options

Options can be passed either as regular arguments or as keyword arguments:

>>> sh.curl('-L', '--data', 'test', '')  # wordy, but transparent
>>> sh.curl('', L=True, data='test')     # fancy, but opaque

Both examples are exactly equivalent, and generate the same command.

Options are processed according to a few rules.

  • Options that are one character long are short options, others are long options. This means v is translated to -v, but verbose is translated to --verbose.
  • Underscores ( _ ) are translated to dashes ( - ). This is because Python does not allow dashes in keyword arguments. cookie_jar becomes --cookie-jar.
  • If the value of the argument is False, it's discarded. If the value is True, only the flag is added. Otherwise, the key and the value are both added. L=True becomes -L, and data='test' becomes --data test.
  • For long options that nevertheless take a single dash, you can start the argument with a dash. java -jar ... can be expressed as
  • Options are inserted after the command name and before the other arguments.

This is enough to deal with most programs. But if it doesn't do what you want, sticking to the simple, dependable form is always a good option.

Special options

Keyword arguments that end with an underscore aren't added to the command, but used for special behavior. mocksh has a few special keyword arguments, and any others are forwarded to subprocess (without the underscore).

For example, to append command output to a file:

>>> with open('log.txt', 'a') as f:  # rsync -Pr somedir somehost: >> log.txt
...     sh.rsync('-Pr', 'somedir', 'somehost:', stdout_=f)  # stdout_, not stdout

That's roughly equivalent to this use of subprocess:

>>> import subprocess
>>> with open('log.txt', 'a') as f:
...['rsync', '-Pr', 'somedir', 'somehost:'], stdout=f)

In addition to the arguments of subprocess.Popen, mocksh supports the following arguments:

  • check: Whether to automatically raise an exception if the command fails. True by default.
  • input: String or bytes to be sent to the standard input of the command.
  • wait: Whether to wait until the command is finished before returning. To run a command in the background, add wait_=False.
  • timeout: Optionally, how many seconds to wait before raising a subprocess.TimeoutExpred exception.
  • capture_stdout: If True, capture the standard output of the command. capture_stdout_=True is equivalent to stdout_=sh.PIPE_.
  • capture_stderr: Likewise, but for stderr. If only stderr is captured, converting the command to a string will give the stderr output.

Process objects

Commands return mocksh.Process objects, a subclass of subprocess.Popen. It can be used like a regular instance of Popen, but has additional features, most of which are covered by other sections.

A process in a pipeline will have a tail attribute, set to the previous command in the pipeline. If the process at the start of the pipeline has an open stdin, its stdin attribute is set to that.

Process.wait is pipeline-aware, and will wait for the entire pipeline to finish, with proper timeout handling.

The Process.check_returncode method raises a CommandError even if check=False, for manual checking.

The captured property points to stdout if it's captured, or stderr if that's captured. If both are captured, stdout and stderr have to be addressed directly.

Asynchronous commands

Commands can be run in the background by adding wait_=False to the argument list.

To make sure they finish, they can be used as a context manager:

>>> with sh.wget('some.large/file.ext'):
...     something_else()
... # wget is now guaranteed to have finished, and would have thrown an
... # exception if it failed
... use('file.ext')

Because capture_ also runs processes in the background, you can wait with gathering the output until later. You could loop through its lines:

>>> for line in sh.long_process():
...     process(line)

Or you could collect it all in one go:

>>> proc = sh.expensive_computation()
>>> # do things
>>> output = str(proc)

Exception handling

Commands that fail raise a CommandError.

As a convenience for from mocksh import sh, the exception type is accessible as sh.CommandError_ (note the underscore).

The exception is subclassed for different return codes and signals. Subclasses can be accessed with the code classmethod. For example:

>>> try:
...     sh.false()
... except sh.CommandError_.code(10):
...     print("Exited with 10")
... except sh.CommandError_.code(1):
...     print("Exited with 1")
Exited with 1

Signals can be referred to by name:

>>> try:
...     sh.tcc('-run', '-', input_='#include <stdio.h> int main() { puts(0); }')
... except sh.CommandError_.code('SIGSEGV'):
...     ...

Command objects

sh is a mocksh.Command object. Commands like sh.echo and['-l', '-h'] are also Command objects.

Command objects can contain a prepared set of arguments for Process. This is how piping is implemented: _pipe returns a new Command object with tail set to the last Process.

If you're tired of typing .capture_ all the time, you could create your own launcher like this:

>>> import mocksh
>>> mysh = mocksh.Command(capture_stdout=True, wait=False)
>>> str(mysh.echo('test'))

Why you should use subprocess instead

mocksh is a leaky abstraction. It pretends external processes are Python functions, but external processes don't behave like Python functions at all. It tries to copy sh's semantics, but sh's semantics are incompatible with Python's syntax.

In most cases you're better off using subprocess directly, through a nice interface like It will be easier to reason about because it doesn't hide what's getting executed.

Similar projects

  • sh (unrelated to other uses of the word sh in this document)
  • plumbum


Simple shell scripting in Python







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