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Sitecore Publish Reporting Kit (SPRK) is a Sitecore module that provides detailed item-level publish logs.


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Sitecore Publish Reporting Kit (SPRK) is a tool for logging all publishing activity in Sitecore at the item level.

Maintenance Notice

As of 2022, this module will be updated and maintained for all 10.x versions of Sitecore XM/XP (likely 10.3 and 10.4). This module will not support future Sitecore composable CMS products, such as Sitecore XM Cloud.


  • Provides detailed log files for publishing operations in Sitecore.
  • Provides detailed information about each item published, including:
    • Publish mode (incremental / full)
    • Username
    • Item ID
    • Publish result (success / fail / etc.)
    • Source database
    • Target database
    • Date/time of publish
  • Reporting interface built into the Sitecore Client backend.
  • View, sort, filter, and export publish logs to CSV format.
  • Publish Queue Report: detailed report of items in the incremental publish queue.


  • .NET 4.5.2 or greater
  • Sitecore 8.2 or greater (tested on 8.2.0, 8.2.4, 8.2.6, 9.0.0, 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10.0.0)

Getting Started

1. Installation

SPRK is installed via a Sitecore package zip file. Install the package "" in the instance of Sitecore that handles content publishing. This is most likely your content management instance.

2. Configuration

After installing the package, open the following configuration file and be sure it is configured for your environment:


The following settings are available:

  • SitecoreSpark.SPRK.Enabled - enables / disables the SPRK publish logging altogether
  • SitecoreSpark.SPRK.DebugMode - enables / disables debug features; read more below
  • SitecoreSpark.SPRK.LogFolder - path where publish logs should be written; by default, this will be Sitecore's default location for logs - "$(dataFolder)/logs/"
  • SitecoreSpark.SPRK.LogPrefix - filename prefix for log files; all log files are appended with a dateformat (yyyyMMdd)
  • SitecoreSpark.SPRK.SourceDatabase - content management database; this will usually be master
  • SitecoreSpark.SPRK.TargetDatabase - published content database; this will usually be web

The default values provided should work for most Sitecore environments.

2a. Configuration for Sitecore 9.1 and up

If you're using Sitecore 9.1 and up with Identity Server, you will neeed to enable the following configuration file (remove the .disabled extension):


3. Verify the Installation

To verify that the module is working properly, ensure that you see the expected log file appear once a publish is complete. If using default settings, you should see "SPRK.log.YYYYMMDD.txt" ('YYYYMMDD' matching the date) in your Sitecore log folder.

You can also verify that the "SPRK Publish Reports" reporting tools are loading from the Sitecore Launchpad.


If you're upgrading from a previous version, the Sitecore package will prompt you for overwrite/skip actions. Most files are safe to overwrite, but if you have modified any of the following files from their defaults, you will want to merge them manually:



If you don't see a log file after publishing, open the ShowConfig.aspx utility and verify that the following changes were made to <sitecore> configuration:

Pipeline processors added under the <publish> node:


Pipeline processors added under the <publishItem> node:


Configurator added under the <services> node:


Other Notes

  • SPRK does NOT log items published through the Sitecore Publishing Service.

  • Any errors or exceptions generated by SPRK will be logged in the standard Sitecore diagnostics log.

  • The "SPRK Publish Reports" icon appears on the Sitecore Launchpad. By default, all common Sitecore roles can access these reports. If you need to make changes to this icon (security, location, etc.), it is located in the Core database:

    core://sitecore/client/Applications/Launchpad/PageSettings/Buttons/Tools/SPRK Publish Reports

Dependency Injection

SPRK uses Sitecore's built-in Microsoft dependecy injection library (8.2+ only). If you are using a third-party DI library, you will have to register a few classes based on the following registrations:

serviceCollection.AddSingleton<ISparkLogger, SparkLogger>();
serviceCollection.AddTransient<ILogManager<LogItem>, LogManager>();

Debug Mode

Debug mode enables certain parts of SPRK to display additional debug information for troubleshooting purposes. The DebugMode setting must be set to true in SPRK settings (see Configuration section above).

Current features of debug mode:

  • Debug Info Summary Page - navigate to /sitecore/sprk/debug for module-wide debug information

Contact the Author

For questions / comments / issues, contact me:


MIT License. See accompanying "LICENSE.txt" file.


Sitecore Publish Reporting Kit (SPRK) is a Sitecore module that provides detailed item-level publish logs.








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