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A collection of helpful things for the C programming language that I wrote over the years and use in most of my projects.

  • bstr.[ch] provides bstr_t, a convenient and safe "string" entity that manages its own memory growth. Most conveniently, it can be appended to via a bprintf() call which supports the usual format string specifications. Many other convenient utilities are provided that make string manipulation a breeze.

  • bstr.[ch] also provides safe(r) versions of libc's standard string manipulation functions. These are prepended with an 'x'. So there's xstrlen, xstrcmp and so on. They don't crash on NULL input and provide other safeguards as well.

  • barr.[ch] is an array library. It manages its own memory and growth. In addition to adding and accessing elements, these arrays can be sorted and searched easily.

  • blist.[ch] provides a linked list / queue.

  • btime.[ch] contains utilities for time stucture (time_t, struct timeval, struct timespec) manipulation, comparison, addition/substraction etc.

  • blog.[ch] is a logging utility. Uses syslog most anywhere, but on Mac OS X, it uses the new ASL services.

  • bcurl.[ch] is a wrapper around libcurl. Documents can be fetched via a single call returning the response in a bstr_t. GET, POST and PUT are supported, as is sending parameters, custom headers and custom user-agent strings. A utility to conveniently urlencode post data is also provided.

  • bfs.[ch] contains file system related utilities.

  • bint.[ch] provides integer utilities.

barr/bstr example

It can get confusing to use a barr of bstr's (or any other struct-type that's allocated on the heap), so here's a boilerplate example:

barr_t  *arr;
bstr_t  *elem;

arr = barr_init(sizeof(bstr_t));

/* Adding */
elem = binit();
barr_add(arr, elem);
elem = binit();
barr_add(arr, elem);
elem = binit();
barr_add(arr, elem);
elem = binit();
barr_add(arr, elem);

/* Reading */
for(elem = (bstr_t *) barr_begin(arr);
    elem < (bstr_t *) barr_end(arr);
    ++elem) {
        printf("(%d) %s\n", bstrlen(elem), bget(elem));

/* Cleanup */
for(elem = (bstr_t *) barr_begin(arr);
    elem < (bstr_t *) barr_end(arr);
    ++elem) {
        buninit_(elem); /* Use the "_" form of buninit that doesn't free/reset the pointer */


Helpful functions and utilities for C






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