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UMAI Payment Receiver API for Node.js

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Provides the basic behaviour of a module that can receive guaranteed payment transaction notifications as specified by the UMAI RESTful API Specification.

You can use this library to implement your own «UMAI» Payment System integration module on Node.js.

This library supports Node.js versions beginning from v0.10 till latest stable (including io.js versions). Please refer TravisCI builds for more details.


$ npm install umai-payment-receiver --save


To implement your payment receiver module, inherit the PaymentReceiver class defining the following methods:

.validate(params, callback)

Validate payment requisites (identify account by a given requisite).



Type: string

User entered payment requisite (phone number/account id/email/etc.).

params.amount (optional)

Type: number

User entered transaction amount, the floating point number in the format of 0.00.


Type: function (err, status, message)

The callback function which you need to call asynchronously providing the status code and message if needed.

.process(params, callback)

Process the transaction with a given params.

If transaction processing in your implementation needs more time to be processed, you can call back with STATUS.ACCEPTED (that will causes API to respond [202 "Accepted"]) setting the transaction status to initialized or processing. In such case UMAI's server will re-request the transaction through the GET "/api/transactions/:id" again and again until it will be completed with one of the completion status (success|failure|cancelled).


Type: string

Transaction unique identifier.

Make sure that your module doesn't allow to process transactions with the same id twice!


Type: string

User entered payment requisite (phone number/account id/email/etc.).

params.amount (optional)

Type: number

User entered transaction amount, the floating point number in the format of 0.00.


Type: Date

UMAI server-side transaction initialization timestamp. This field have only informational purpose, so you are not required to use it in your module.


Type: function (err, status)

The callback function which you need to call asynchronously providing the status code.

.get(id, callback)

Get transaction by id.


Type: string

Transaction unique identifier that is sent by the UMAI Payment System.


Type: function (err, status, transaction)

The callback function which you need to call asynchronously providing the status code and resulting transaction object.

.cancel(id, callback)

Cancel a previously processed payment transaction.

If transaction cancellation process in your implementation needs more time to be processed, you can call back with STATUS.ACCEPTED (that will causes API to respond [202 "Accepted"]) setting the transaction status to processing. As with the #process method, UMAI's server will re-request the transaction through the GET "/api/transactions/:id" again and again until it will be completed with one of the cancellation status (cancelled|failure).


Type: string

Transaction unique identifier.

Make sure that your module doesn't allow to cancel the same transaction twice!


Type: function (err, status)

The callback function which you need to call asynchronously providing the status code.

.list(query, callback)

List transactions for a given datetime range.



Type: Date

Datetime to start search from.


Type: Date

Datetime to search till. May be omitted, which meant that transactions should be queried till latest.


Type: function (err, status, list)

The callback function which you need to call asynchronously providing the status code and resulting transactions list.


#!/usr/bin/env node

var PaymentReceiver = require('umai-payment-receiver');
var STATUS = PaymentReceiver.STATUS; // payment receiver status dictionary

var receiver = PaymentReceiver({
   * Validate payment requisites (identify account by a given requisite).
   * @param {Object} params – parameters that are sent by UMAI's server
   * @param {string} params.requisite – user entered requisite (phone number/account id/email/etc.)
   * @param {number} [params.amount] – transaction amount, the floating point number in the format of `0.00`
   * @param {function(err:Error, status:number?, message:string?)} callback
  validate: function (params, callback) {
    // todo: implement account identification

   * Process the payment transaction.
   * @param {Object} params – transaction parameters
   * @param {string} – transaction unique identifier
   * @param {string} params.requisite – user entered requisite (phone number/account id/email/etc.)
   * @param {number} params.amount – transaction amount, the floating point number in the format of `0.00`
   * @param {Date} params.timestamp – transaction initialization datetime (not required)
   * @param {function(err:Error, status:number?, message:string?)} callback
  process: function (params, callback) {
    // todo: implement transaction processing

   * Get transaction by id.
   * @param {string} id – transaction unique identifier
   * @param {function(err:Error, status:number?, result:Object?)} callback
  get: function (id, callback) {
    // todo: implement getting transaction by id

   * Cancel a previously processed payment transaction.
   * @param {string} id – transaction unique identifier
   * @param {function(err:Error, status:number?)} callback
  cancel: function (id, callback) {
    // todo: implement cancellation process

   * List transactions for a given datetime range.
   * @param {Object} query – parameters that are sent by UMAI's server
   * @param {Date} query.begin – datetime to start search from
   * @param {Date} query.end – datetime to search till
   * @param {function(err:Error, status:number?, result:Object[]?)} callback
  list: function (query, callback) {
    // todo: implement transaction listing

var VPN_INTERFACE_IP = process.env.VPN_INTERFACE_IP || '';

receiver.listen(3000, VPN_INTERFACE_IP, function () {
  var host = server.address().address;
  var port = server.address().port;
  console.log('UMAI payment receiver started and listening on %s:%s', host, port);

Quick start

You can use the /example project from this repo as a template project to implement your own payment receiver module. It also contains the basic integration specs which you can run to ensure that your module meets the basic requirements of the RESTful-API-Specification.


Your contributions are very welcome!

When contributing, follow the simple rules:

  • Don't violate DRY principles.
  • Boy Scout Rule needs to have been applied.
  • Your code should look like all the other code – this project should look like it was written by one man, always.
  • If you want to propose something – just create an issue and describe your question with as much description as you can.
  • If you think you have some general improvement, consider creating a pull request with it.
  • If you add new code, it should be covered by tests. No tests - no code.
  • If you find a bug (or at least you think it is a bug), create an issue with the library version and test case that we can run and see what are you talking about, or at least full steps by which we can reproduce it.


Licensed under MIT © 2015 «BM Technologies» LLC