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Releases: bo3b/3Dmigoto

Release build for x32, x64

30 Jan 11:53
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3dmigoto logo

The d3dx.ini is tuned for hunting, not playing.
Hunting, dumping shaders, and logging are on by default.

Unzip the 5 files and ShaderFixes from x32 or x64 as needed into the game executable directory.
Use the uninstall.bat to remove dlls and ShaderFixes folder.

This loader can be used if dxgi is required earlier than d3d11, like ShadowOfWar. Works for both Win7 and Win10, but is x64 only. This is not the same as the 3DMigoto Loader.exe shipped with 3DMigoto 1.3.15+ and is used in different circumstances.

x64 dxgi.dll loader

This is from the 1.3 branch, which includes full support for platform_update.

Primary difference for this branch is that Device and SwapChain creation has been reworked.
Compatibility should be much better for games that require the Evil Update.
Compatibility should be much better for Win10 and other overlays like Steam, Afterburner.

v1.3.0 Experimental first release to get initial results outside of our testing.
Known to load correctly in Dishonored2.

v1.3.1 Experimental release with numerous bug fixes.
Includes bug fix for Prey missing StereoParams.
Improvements in assembler for whitespace.
Switches DoubleBeep warnings to new Overlay text warnings.
Last build setup issues resolved, should be fairly close to actual release.

v1.3.2 Numerous bug fixes.
Set permissions on game directory to resolve locked out issues.
Add load_library_redirect flag to d3dx.ini to fix broken proxy loading.
ID3D11CreateDevice wrap now allows hooks to be installed, without infinite recursion. SpecialK fix.
Restore confirmation beeps using a new flag.
Numerous fixes to bad references when using hooking mode.

Dark background on overlay notifications & improved font.
Bring back audible config/shader reload failure tones, remove confirmation tones option.
Fix software mouse in some games.
Fix refresh rate override in some games.
Set permissions on dumped shaders to resolve locked out issues.
Add ability to set compile flags for custom shaders.
Add ability to combine multiple custom shader stages into a single file, and updated shipped shaders to do this.

Fixes long standing bug where cache_shaders=1 could cause users to keep seeing outdated shaders used after an update.
Now warns if both HLSL and Assembly variants of the same shader are present.
Fix "no more memory" error in ShaderRegex with particularly boss substitutions.
Fix ref counting issues in the overlay (FFXIV).
Possibly improve compatibility with certain third party modding tools.
Fix compatibility with certain games that do not create an IDXGIFactory.
Release Notes

Major overhaul to frame analysis - deduplication, dump command, deferred context support, and more - refer to the full release notes
New full_screen_on_key option
Release Notes

Fix regression from v1.3.3 breaking forced full screen in Batman: Telltale
Numerous improvements to frame analysis - more formats dumped in JPS, better DDS compatibility with third party tools, ability to abort long running sessions - refer to the full release notes.
[Constants] is now a command list for any initialisation that needs to be performed on startup / config reload
Numerous bug fixes.
Release Notes

Fix crashes in games using D3D11_KEEP_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEWS and IDXGISwapChain4 (Shadow of War).
Frame Analysis: Symlinks now have to be explicitly enabled, hard links are rotated earlier to leave one free link.
Software mouse no longer uses pre-multiplied alpha by default (better colours, fixes corrupt cursors in some games).
Keys & Preset sections now have a "run=" command to trigger command lists.
[Key] sections now support multiple "key=" lines, particularly useful for type=cycle/toggle.
type=cycle keys now support a "back=" key binding to cycle backwards, and wrap=false can disable wrapping from the end of the list back to the start.
Theoretical rendering fixes with overlay (no known cases).
Release Notes

Fix "missing upscaling object" regression in introduced in 1.3.5
TextureOverride sections now have width_multiply and height_multiply overrides
Direct mode no longer implicitly forces 2x width back buffer
New "direct_mode_eye=left/right" command added to the command list, used to render overlays in both eyes in 3D Vision Direct games.
"analyse_options=dump_vb txt" now properly decodes vertex & instance buffers and has various other improvements.
Custom resources now warn on the overlay if they are unable to load their file.
Release Notes

v1.3.9 / v1.3.10
IMPORTANT: Changes to scissor clipping (refer to the release notes)
Support to include additional configuration files
Several Improvements to Presets
Partial-mesh matching support for TextureOverrides, and quality of life improvements for mesh modders.
Various other fixes.
Release Notes

New if/then/else flow control support in the command lists
New expression parser for flow control, ini param assignment & key/preset conditions
3DVision2SBS shader is now better optimised for SLI
New performance monitor (Ctrl+F9 by default)
Several performance improvements
Marking mode can now be cycled by key binding
Presets now processed in predictable order
Copying a vertex/index buffer no longer strips off the start of the buffer
Fixed namespacing on reset_per_frame_limits
Release Notes

New shader/buffer marking actions (clipboard, assembly) and improvements to shader marking
New vertex buffer hunting keys
Support for StructuredBuffers, RWStructuredBuffers and 'g' shared memory in the decompiler
Raw buffer support added to arbitrary resource copying
Release Notes

Named variables, persistent settings, removed IniParams cap, smarter type=cycle keys, ignore input when not in foreground, 3DMigoto overlay now works in SBS/TAB mode, "else if", Custom [Resource] text data="" initialisers, [TextureOverride] "this" target, deduces bind_flags in more cases, expanded performance monitor, many bug fixes, less surprising "post run=" and "post checktextureoverride=" commands and more.
Release Notes

New external loader, support for vendor extension draw calls, numerous bug fixes (including many hang and crash fixes), improved ReShade compatibility, caching custom shaders, fix crash with nvapi wrapper on non-nvidia, significant updates to assembler including support for minimum and double precision, assembler now throws parse errors, deadlock debugger
Release Notes

Fixes games randomly swapping to 2D (partially or completely)! Major performance improvements when using ShaderRegex, fixed compatibility issue with ReShade, Made disassembly output clearer, new form of partner shader filtering, work around RE2/DMC5 game bugs, support for indirect draw calls, crash handler, and lots more.
Release Notes

Archived 1.2 series release build for x32, x64

03 Jun 06:18
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This is a Release build for general use.
It is a good starting point when looking to fix any x32 or x64 DX11 game.

3dmigoto logo

The c-runtime is statically linked and the release version. Performance is good.

The d3dx.ini is tuned for hunting, not playing.
Hunting, dumping shaders, and logging are on by default.

Unzip the 5 files from x32 or x64 as needed into the game executable directory.
Use the uninstall.bat to remove dlls and ShaderFixes folder.

This is from the 1.2 branch, which includes the hunting overlay text, and new crc32c hash.

Includes improved support for depth buffers.
Includes settings to relax strict DX11.0 requirement, especially for Win10 support.
Added support for modifier keys for any key overrides.
Includes major improvements to the assembler.
Includes support for SBS/TAB output via a custom shader.
Includes support for creating and updating game profiles directly from d3dx.ini.

v1.2.61 Added support for 3D Vision Direct Mode. Set d3dx.ini flag force_stereo=2 to enable.
Release Notes

v1.2.62 New feature for automatic Presets, based on ShaderOverrides (from llyzski).
Release Notes

v1.2.63 New feature of UpscalingShader, to allow post-process upscaling. Includes new ability to set ScissorClipping on a per item basis. Unlocks/bugfix the abiilty to filter by IndexBuffers.
Release Notes

v1.2.64 New ini parser which is approximately 200x faster. Fixes include path for custom shaders. More descriptive log messages when [re]creating resource caches. Misc bug fixes.
Release Notes

v1.2.65 This is a huge update - software mouse cursor, texture filter updates, preset improvements and much, much more.
Release Notes

v1.2.66 New ShaderRegex Engine & many bug fixes. Release removed due to a serious regression in key bindings.
Release Notes

v1.2.67 Fixes regression in key bindings. Multiple performance regression fixes. Fix crash when using draw command and hooking together. draw=from_caller now works with shader hunting.
Release Notes

v1.2.68 Includes further performance improvements for CPU bound games by optimising StereoParams and IniParams use and eliminating frame analysis logging overhead in release mode. Fixes some issues (such as crashes) in some circumstances when using hooking. This should be considered a moderately risky release.
Release Notes

v1.2.69 Fixes regression introduced in 1.2.68 where StereoParams and IniParams could be unbound. Fix crash in The Division. Fix long standing bug where shaders could become corrupt after pressing F10. Fix crash in overlay if shaders tag lines was too long. Convergence can now be set by shaders on the GPU to facilitate auto-convergence algorithms. Can now pass time since launch to shaders. Can now specify the initial data on custom buffers.
Release Notes

v1.2.70 Fixes long standing crash / other issues in some games on alt+enter if the hunting overlay had been displayed since launch. TextureOverride now supports alternative fuzzy attribute matching as alternative to texture hashes. Can now force NV surface creation mode on buffers and 1D textures. Major overhaul to ShaderUsage.txt. Fixes issues in frame analysis log introduced in 1.2.68 where shader hashes could go missing. Fixes crash in assembler processing blank lines with DOS style newlines. Frame analysis log now shows command list recursion.
Release Notes

v1.2.71 Updated hooking library to resolve crashes & removed workarounds from hook=recommended. Fix refcounting and other issues in upscaling. Fix refresh rate overrides not working in UE4. Fuzzy texture override matching now assumes match_usage=default to reduce risk of driver crash. Fix access out of bounds bug in assembler.
Release Notes

v1.2.72 Fixes another regression from 1.2.68 where StereoParams could be unbound in certain games (Prey). Fixes ShaderRegex command lists not being applied to the very first shader they match if there are no ShaderOverride sections. Log file no longer repeatedly warns about except_set_shader_resources workaround when using hooking in certain games. Assembly shaders now have excess whitespace stripped from the end of each line to make it easier to write ShaderRegex patterns.
Release Notes

v1.2.73 Includes the following backports from 1.3.x: Fixes long standing bug where cache_shaders=1 could cause users to keep seeing outdated shaders used after an update. Add load_library_redirect flag to d3dx.ini to fix broken proxy loading. Set permissions on game directory to resolve locked out issues. Set permissions on dumped shaders to resolve locked out issues. Fix "no more memory" error in ShaderRegex with particularly boss substitutions.
Release Notes

If you have any problems with this version, revert to the 1.2.57, 1.2.51, 1.2.27, 1.2.10, 1.1.36, or 1.0.1 version.

Release build for x32, x64

07 Apr 02:15
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This is a Release build for general use.
It is a good starting point when looking to fix any x32 or x64 DX11 game.

3dmigoto logo

The c-runtime is statically linked and the release version. Performance is good.

The d3dx.ini is tuned for hunting, not playing.
Hunting, dumping shaders, and logging are on by default.

Unzip the 5 files from x32 or x64 as needed into the game executable directory.
Use the uninstall.bat to remove dlls and ShaderFixes folder.

This is from the new 1.2 branch, which includes the hunting overlay text, and new crc32c hash.

The texture and buffer hash calculation has changed and is not compatible with older versions. Any use of TextureOverrides will need to be redone for this version. Shader hashes have not changed.

It includes all known bug fixes, and should be stable.
Using new keybindings, and XInput support.
Key override transitions are supported.

Includes numerous Decompiler fixes.
Includes support for Assembler.
Includes Frame Analysis.
Includes Screenshot on Mark.
Include pinking highlight mode.
Includes support for Compute, Geometry shaders.
Includes fast hardware crc32c hash calculation for textures and buffers.

v1.2.34 fixes the caching of ASM shaders, and removes all use of _reasm in file names. Some refactoring done, so there might be new bugs.
Release Notes

v1.2.35 allows shaders to use #include with paths relative to the shader itself. Paths relative to the game's working directory will still work, but it is recommended to switch as paths relative to the shader should be more reliable.
Release Notes

v1.2.36 adds two new shader hash methods - embedded and bytecode. Convergence is no longer unlocked by default and a new option is added to the ini file to do this. Allows StereoParams and IniParams to be referenced as sources in arbitrary resource copying. Adds width_multiply and height_multiply options to custom resource sections. Adds max_executions_per_frame to custom shader sections. Fixes ubfe instruction generation in the decompiler. Note: the ini parsing code was refactored - if you notice any problems parsing options in the d3dx.ini please try the previous version.
Release Notes

v1.2.37 Fixes an issue with the present call that was interfering with the SBS/TAB output mode and frame analysis on Crysis 3 and Ryse: Son of Rome.

v1.2.38 Add an experimental override option of allow_dxgi1_2 from d3dx.ini. For Call of Pripyat.

v1.2.39 Add an experimental override option of allow_check_interface from d3dx.ini. For Call of Pripyat and Shadow of Mordor.

v1.2.40 Fixes a crash when creating a custom buffer that is not a structured buffer, and eliminates the need to specify the stride when doing so (type, format and array must be specified).

v1.2.41 Adds an override option in d3dx.ini for D3D11CreateDevice, to allow non-DX11 requests to succeed. Normally, and by default we return an error for anything non-DX11.

v1.2.42 Adds Decompiler fixes to include all atomic_* opcodes, as well as the firstbit_hi_lo opcodes used in JC3. Fixes a Decompiler bug with array references of cb* buffers. cmd_Decompiler can now be used in source debugging mode.

v1.2.43 Adds a skip_dxgi_device hooking option to work around a crash in MGSV when the Windows 10 Anniversary is installed.

v1.2.44 Adds a new option to d3dx.ini to allow Marking screenshots to be turned off, created as mono, or created as stereo.

v1.2.45 Fixes a problem seen in Mafia 3 where the HackerContext was lost because of their poor use of QueryInterface.

v1.2.46 Adds an allow_platform_update option to work with Dishonored 2 (Note: this release is untested, if you have problems go back to 1.2,45)

v1.2.47 Fixes an issue where using stereo2mono or similar operations on a resource with pixel format R11G11B10_FLOAT would attempt to use an incompatible format R10G10B10A2 for the new resource and would fail to create a view, leading to errors in the log and a seemingly black texture.

v1.2.48 Adds a second mode to allow_dxgi1_2=2, which may allow the Steam overlay and controller to work in some games such as The Witcher 3 on Windows 7 and 8. This mode should only be enabled if you need it, as it has the potential to disable core functionality in some games.
Release Notes

v1.2.49 Adds support for writing the driver profile on launch, and logging the decrypted profiles to d3d11_log.txt. Check out the documentation in the new [Profile] section in the d3dx.ini.
Release Notes

v1.2.50 Fixes an issue where under certain circumstances the DLL could fail to elevate to admin to install the profile resulting in an error dialog that reads "There was a problem starting ...... The specified module could not be found."
Release Notes

v1.2.51 Fixes a bug where max_copies_per_frame and max_executions_per_frame would run once more than specified. Exceeding max_copies_per_frame will now be indicated in the frame analysis log in the same way as max_executions_per_frame.

v1.2.52 is a major update to the assembler, adding support for dozens of missing or incomplete instructions - now works with WATCH_DOGS2, Song of the Deep, etc. Assembler now supports tabs for indentation and properly handles comments at the end of a line. Custom resources sections now have new options - mode=stereo / mode=mono to force creation mode, bind_flags to override bind flags (can influence driver heuristics in advanced circumstances). Custom buffer resources now support filename= to load them from a file (must still specify buffer type and format). Frame analysis log now notes which copy operation was selected. cmd_Decompiler's --validate option now shows binary differences if validation fails, and checks each section separately.
Release Notes

v1.2.53 Fixes a crashing bug for Elite Dangerous.

v1.2.54 Adds support for key combinations (e.g. key=ctrl 1) and exclusions (e.g. key=no_ctrl 1) and has a shorthand to exclude all standard modifiers (e.g. key=no_modifiers F1). Template d3dx.ini now excludes modifiers on all standard bindings. Adds "ctrl" as an alias for "control". Fixes a problem where certain blend states (blend_factor and all the src1 options) did not work correctly in custom shader sections. Ini handler will now audibly warn about unrecognised sections or ShaderOverride/TextureOverride sections missing hash= or Key sections missing key=. New [CommandList*] section type to group common commands together.
Release Notes

v1.2.55 is a special release for WATCH_DOGS2 v1.09.154. Getting the resolution from the depth buffer will now ignore depth buffers that are exactly 4x as wide as they are high.

v1.2.56 is a special release for Resident Evil 7. Fixes a problem with dumping DDS textures in FrameAnalysis.
Release Notes

v1.2.57 has some improvements for allow_platform_update support. Fixes a compatibility problem with the FAR mod in Nier Automata. Not well tested.
Release Notes

If you have any problems with this version, revert to the 1.2.51, 1.2.27, 1.2.10, 1.1.36, or 1.0.1 version.

Release build for x32, x64

18 Aug 08:37
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This is a Release build for general use.
It is a good starting point when looking to fix any x32 or x64 DX11 game.

3dmigoto logo

The c-runtime is statically linked and the release version. Performance is good.

The d3dx.ini is tuned for hunting, not playing.
Hunting, dumping shaders, and logging are on by default.

Unzip the 5 files from x32 or x64 as needed into the game executable directory.
Use the uninstall.bat to remove dlls and ShaderFixes folder.

This is from the new 1.2 branch, which includes the hunting overlay text, and new crc32c hash.

The texture and buffer hash calculation has changed and is not compatible with older versions. Any use of TextureOverrides will need to be redone for this version. Shader hashes have not changed.

It includes all known bug fixes, and should be stable.
Using new keybindings, and XInput support.
Key override transitions are supported.

Includes numerous Decompiler fixes.
Includes support for Assembler.
Includes Frame Analysis.
Includes Screenshot on Mark.
Include pinking highlight mode.
Includes support for Compute, Geometry shaders.
Includes fast hardware crc32c hash calculation for textures and buffers.

Release Notes

v1.2.3 removes nvapi requirement.

v1.2.4 adds support to copy resources arbitrarily between shaders, and removes the now obsolete depth_input feature.
Release Notes

v1.2.5 includes various improvements and fixes to resource copying, shader overrides and frame analysis.
Release Notes

v1.2.6 includes Flugan's disassembler improvements to fix floating point precision issues, fixes several other bugs, and makes hunting=0 more lightweight.
Release Notes

v1.2.7 has a fix for wrapping IDXGIAdapter1 as a new QueryInterface override. Fixes a crash for DyingLight.

v1.2.8 has a fix for CreateImmediateContext to avoid accidental Release of objects.

v1.2.9 fixes the 10 minute crash in Far Cry 4 (and maybe Fallout 4?), fixes texture CRC calculations for compressed textures & texture arrays, fixes ini params not working and crashes when 3D is disabled in the control panel or not running on an nvidia system.
Release Notes

v1.2.10 fixes a FC4 hang on Win10, rejects any non-DX11 devices. Includes support for XBox button. Make Decompiler more safe for unknown code. Includes experimental auto-HUD depth.

v1.2.11 includes support to track texture updates & copies and synchronise the hash (track_texture_updates=1) - ShaderUsage.txt and frame analysis track possible hash contamination issues that may require this to solve. ShaderUsage.txt now dumps texture descriptions. 3DMigoto internal resources are no longer hashed. Custom textures can now be loaded from file. stereo2mono can copy a stereo resource to a mono side-by-side resource. Support for injecting vertex & index buffers to shader resources & getting the number of vertices/indices being drawn. TextureOverride sections now support many of the same features as ShaderOverride sections, when run from checktextureoverride=<shader>s-t<slot> in a ShaderOverride. A lot of internal refactoring and code rework - if you have problems revert to 1.2.10.
Release Notes

v1.2.12 fixes resource copying not working on resources with certain combinations of misc flags and bind flags. Fixes copying resources by reference not working if the game changes the resource.

v1.2.13 adds missing interpolation modifiers for dcl_input_ps inputs. Fixes graphic glitches when wrong mode was used.

v1.2.14 fixes crashes when assigning render or depth targets. New approach to handling Booleans in the decompiler. Adds ability to override a Texture2D width & height.

v1.2.18 adds the feature of showing the first line of text of shader files in ShaderFixes in the overlay.

v1.2.19 adds a 'condition' option to [Key] sections to allow them to be conditional on an IniParam for use with scene detection.

v.1.2.20 allows the StereoParams and IniParams textures to be assigned to different resource slots.

v.1.2.21 adds analyse_options=log, fixed decompiler bug generating wrong modifier for nointerpolation, fixed filenames of compute shader resources in frame analysis
Release Notes

v1.2.22 adds the ability to inject custom shaders, fixes issues copying structured buffers by reference and fixes double negatives created in the disassembler.
Release Notes

v1.2.23 adds an experimental hooking mode for compatibility with certain games (not recommended for general use yet). Fixes regression copying index buffers. Fixes copying vertex and index buffers with games that use per-draw offsets. Frame analysis dump_vb_txt and dump_ib_txt will take per-draw offsets into account.
Release Notes

v1.2.24 adds a missing instruction used in Dolphin.
Release Notes

v1.2.25 works around an issue hooking certain calls and can now run MGSV:TPP
Release Notes

v1.2.26 adds support for float4x4 default initializers.

v1.2.27 adds workarounds for several crashes/hangs related to hooking certain functions in Windows 10, and Windows 7 without the evil update. Adds an option to skip wrapping the DXGIFactory to allow MGSV to run on Windows 10.

v1.2.28 includes arbitrary resource creation & type overrides. Extends the forced full screen support to prevent games moving the window which could return to borderless windowed mode. Allows shader models to be overridden. Implements copy_description resource copy type to create custom resources compatible with existing ones without performing a full copy. Implements draw=from_caller for use with custom shader injection to repeat the game's current draw call. Various other minor fixes. The view creation has undergone significant rework in this version, which should allow the arbitrary resource copying to cope with several additional edge cases - please report any regressions in this area.
Release Notes

v1.2.29 is a bug fix release. Changes the forced full screen support extension introduced in 1.2.28 to use full_screen=2 to prevent possible issues when not required. Fixes a crash compiling a custom shader that produces warnings when logging is disabled. StereoParams is now updated once per frame on Present.
Release Notes

v1.2.30 is the first release including the command line decompiler (in a separate zip), which can be used to decompile, disassemble and assemble shaders from the command line (for compiling use fxc). This release also adds the ability to override the output merger blend state in CustomShader sections. Several crashing regressions have been fixed. Support for preloading shaders has been dropped.
Release Notes

v1.2.31 fixes a regression introduced in 1.2.30 which could cause StereoParams not to be bound to domain, geometry and hull shaders. Adds "bb" back buffer target to arbitrary resource copying. Fixes several inconsistencies with running a custom shader from the [Present] section, and some cases where a command could be added to the wrong command list.
Release Notes

v1.2.32 adds a side-by-side & top-and-bottom output mode via a custom shader (uncomment the line in the [Present] section to enable). Numerous options to CustomShader sections to override state that could interfere (e.g. set_viewport and no_view_cache when assigning a render target, cull=none, topology=triangle_strip, allow explicit shader unbinding, etc). CustomShader sections now save & restore all render targets, depth targets, UAVs & viewports. Fixed a regression creating depth/stencil views. Fix overlay position in some games.
Release Notes

v1.2.33 fixes a regression introduced in 1.2.28 which would cause resource views to be created for the least detailed mip-map instead of the most detailed. Improves decompiler support for geometry shaders.

If you have any problems with this version, revert to the 1.2.27, 1.2.10, 1.1.36, or 1.0.1 version.

Release build for x32, x64

05 Jul 10:44
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This is a Release build for general use.
It is a good starting point when looking to fix any x32 or x64 game.

3dmigoto logo

The c-runtime is statically linked and the release version. Performance is good.

The d3dx.ini is tuned for hunting, not playing.
Hunting, dumping shaders, and logging are on by default.

Unzip the 5 files from x32 or x64 as needed into the game executable directory.
Use the uninstall.bat to remove dlls and ShaderFixes folder.

This is from the new 1.1 branch, which includes the hunting overlay text.

It includes all known bug fixes, and should be stable.
Using new keybindings, and XInput support.
Key override transitions are supported.

Includes numerous Decompiler fixes.
Includes support for Assembler.
Includes Frame Analysis.
Includes Screenshot on Mark.
Include pinking highlight mode.
Includes support for Compute, Geometry shaders.
Includes experimental depth buffer injection into shaders.

1.1.31: Decompiler fixes, including packing. Fix for float accuracy output.

1.1.32: New feature to prevent CryEngine culling objects. Fix crash in Origin & UPlay games. Fix texture hashes that match resolution. Pass render target resolution to shaders.

1.1.33: Decompiler fixes for resinfo, vCoverage, [precise].

1.1.34: Support for texture filtering. Fixed crash in Crysis 3
Release Notes

1.1.35: Fix bug for proper names with non-zero packoffsets.
Release Notes

1.1.36: Performance tweak for GTA5 to early exit on features not being used.

If you have any problems with this version, revert to the 1.0.1 version.

Release build for x32, x64

24 Mar 10:08
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This is a Release build for general use.
It is a good starting point when looking to fix any x32 or x64 game.

3dmigoto logo

The c-runtime is statically linked and the release version. Performance is good.

The d3dx.ini is tuned for hunting, not playing.
Hunting, dumping shaders, and logging are on by default.

Unzip the 6 files from x32 or x64 as needed into the game executable directory.
Use the uninstall.bat to remove dlls and ShaderFixes folder.

This is from the archive_1.0 branch, as a last build before refactoring the code base.

It includes all known bug fixes, and should be stable.
Using new keybindings, and XInput support.
Key override transitions are supported.

On x64 Mainhook is always enabled, to force d3d11 to override.

Experimental DX10 Release Build

13 Mar 11:53
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This is a Release build for general use.
This is an experimental build for x32 DX10 games.

3dmigoto logo

The c-runtime is statically linked and the release version. Performance is good.

The d3dx.ini is tuned for hunting, not playing.
Hunting, dumping shaders, and logging are on by default.

Unzip the 6 files from x32 or x64 as needed into the game executable directory.
Use the uninstall.bat to remove dlls and ShaderFixes folder.

D3D10 loads in two games that I tried, Cryostasis and Cliffs of Dover.
Shader hunting works.
Disabling shaders works.
Not certain stereo texture injection is working.

Experimental build.

Release build for x32, x64

03 Feb 16:28
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This is a Release build for general use.
It is a good starting point when looking to fix any x32 or x64 game.

3dmigoto logo

The c-runtime is statically linked and the release version. Performance is good.

The d3dx.ini is tuned for hunting, not playing.
Hunting, dumping shaders, and logging are on by default.

Unzip the 6 files from x32 or x64 as needed into the game executable directory.
Use the uninstall.bat to remove dlls and ShaderFixes folder.

Numerous fixes for Decompiler errors including many for FC4.
Includes PirateGuyBrush's performance fix.
Patch for multi-threaded Decompiler crash.
Solid fixes for 'udiv' and 'resinfo'/GetDimensions errors.
Improves Decompiler output to ensure swizzle is maintained, most truncation warnings fixed.

Includes bug fix to properly find system32 directory on alternate OS installs.
Mainhook is always enabled in x64.

Includes new changes from DarkStarSword for .ini parsing. Some refactoring.
Includes changes for texture logging, ShaderUsage output.

Includes new keyboard handling routines using GetAsyncKeys instead of DirectInput.
Includes changes to support aiming override via keyboard or mouse.
Includes d3dx.ini changes to alter iniParams for any keypress or mouse.

Includes experimental reload of d3dx.ini upon F10.
Includes first pass at auto-repeat for shader hunting.
Adds XInput for xbox controller support, including auto-repeat.
Adds delay parameters for key overrides.
Add type=cycle for lists of overrides.
Add smooth transitions for delays, including linear and cosine.
Key, texture, shader names no longer need to be numeric.
All new features documented in d3dx.ini.

New resource format means: real versions numbers in the dlls themselves.

Fix for Defense Grid 2 crashes and exceptions. Improves FC4 shadercaching.

New ShaderOverride settings for filtering on depth buffer for UI fixes and on matching partner shader

Risky build. Lots of big changes with only some testing.

** Update ** First build 1.1.6 off of fully refactored code base. Not making a full release just yet, this is experimental. Includes new Overlay UI and nvapi blocking params. Known to crash in some games.

** Update ** Adding experiment 1.1.8 build for Witcher3. No longer crashes, allows 720p.

** Update ** Adding experimental 1.1.9 build for Decompiler fixes.

** Update ** Added experimental 1.1.11 build for active Assembler (w/ F10) plus Decompiler asint fixes.

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.12, bug fix for crash without evil update, hunting off at start.
Release Notes

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.13, bug fix for hang on shader reload errors.

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.14 bug fix for Dragon Age crash, hunting improvements.

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.16 bug fix for Witcher 1.05 crash, dxgi improvements, screenshot on Mark.

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.17 preview build of new frame analysis feature.
Release Notes

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.18 several improvements to the frame analysis feature.
Release Notes

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.19 adds support for compute shaders.

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.20 fixes bug in swapchain creation for Dirt Rally, includes pinking mode.

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.21 fixes crash for Dirt Rally, lower logging.
Release Notes

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.22 Lots of small fixes, limited support for tessellation & geometry shaders.

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.23 Experimental support for injecting the depth buffer into shaders.

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.24 Support for tessellation shaders, extended ini params, improved frame analysis.

** Update ** Experimental build 1.1.26 Update for handling decompiler exceptions, clean up build targets.

Release build for x32, x64

16 Jan 08:43
Choose a tag to compare

This is a Release build for general use.
It is a good starting point when looking to fix any x32 or x64 game.

3dmigoto logo

The c-runtime is statically linked and the release version. Performance is good.

The d3dx.ini is tuned for hunting, not playing.
Hunting, dumping shaders, and logging are on by default.

Unzip the 6 files from x32 or x64 as needed into the game executable directory.
Use the uninstall.bat to remove dlls and ShaderFixes folder.

This is the 0.99.31 version.
Numerous fixes for Decompiler errors including many for FC4.
Includes PirateGuyBrush's performance fix.
Patch for multi-threaded Decompiler crash.
Solid fixes for 'udiv' and 'resinfo'/GetDimensions errors.

Aiming override option to change convergence or separation in OverrideSettings- presently disabled.
Experimental setting of iniParams to zero upon F2 keypress.

Includes bug fix to properly find system32 directory on alternate OS installs.
Mainhook is enabled in x64.

Includes new changes from DarkStarSword for .ini parsing. Some refactoring.
Includes changes for texture logging, ShaderUsage output.

Improves Decompiler output to ensure swizzle is maintained, most truncation warnings fixed.

Relatively risky build. If you have trouble with this build, use 0.99.28 instead.

Release build for x32, x64

14 Jan 06:09
Choose a tag to compare

This is a Release build for general use.
It is a good starting point when looking to fix any x32 or x64 game.

3dmigoto logo

The c-runtime is statically linked and the release version. Performance is good.

The d3dx.ini is tuned for hunting, not playing.
Hunting, dumping shaders, and logging are on by default.

Unzip the 6 files from x32 or x64 as needed into the game executable directory.
Use the uninstall.bat to remove dlls and ShaderFixes folder.

This is the 0.99.30 version.
Numerous fixes for Decompiler errors including many for FC4.
Includes PirateGuyBrush's performance fix.
Patch for multi-threaded Decompiler crash.
Solid fixes for 'udiv' and 'resinfo'/GetDimensions errors.

Aiming override option to change convergence or separation in OverrideSettings- presently disabled.
Experimental setting of iniParams to zero upon F2 keypress.

Includes bug fix to properly find system32 directory on alternate OS installs.
Mainhook is enabled in x64.

Includes new changes from DarkStarSword for .ini parsing. Some refactoring.

Relatively risky build. If you have trouble with this build, use 0.99.28 instead.