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WordPress Access Areas


WP Access Areas lets you fine-tune who may read, edit or comment on your Blog posts. You can either restrict access to logged-in uses only, certain WordPress-Roles or even custom Access Areas.

Create Access Areas

Area Access Manager

Assign Access Areas to Blog users

User Editing

Fine tune access to your blog contents

Post Access Control


Either move the plugin dir in your wp-content/ directory ...

... or git-clone it:

$ cd wp-content/plugins/
$ git clone

Finally activate it in the GUI.


  • Define custom Access Areas and assign them to your blog-users
  • Restrict reading, editing and commenting permission to logged-in users, certain WordPress-Roles or Access Areas
  • On a Network you can define global access areas
  • German and Italian localization
  • Clean uninstall


  • WP 3.5.2 through 4.0-RC1

Plugin API

Action hook wpaa_view_restricted_post

Is fired when a user tries to load a page he hasn't access to.

// Example:
function my_deny( $forbidden_post_id , $forbidden_post ) {
	echo "you are not allowed to acces the post named '{$forbidden_post->post_title}'";
	echo "Sadly you are missing the follwing content";
	echo $forbidden_post->post_content;
add_action('wpaa_view_restricted_post','my_deny' , 10 , 2 );

Action hook wpaa_grant_access

Fired each time access is granted.

// Example:
function my_grant_access( $user , $capability ) {
	// do something 
add_action('wpaa_grant_access','my_grant_access' , 10 , 2 );

Action hook wpaa_grant_{$wpaa_capability}

Fired each time access is granted for $wpaa_capability.

// Example:
function my_grant_special_access( $user ) {
	// do something
$wpaa_capability = 'userlabel_1_foobar',
add_action('wpaa_grant_{$wpaa_capability}','my_grant_special_access' );

Action hook wpaa_revoke_access

Fired each time access is revoked.

// Example:
function my_revoke_access( $user , $capability ) {
	// do something 
add_action('wpaa_revoke_access','my_revoke_access' , 10 , 2 );

Action hook wpaa_revoke_{$wpaa_capability}

Fired each time access is revoked for $wpaa_capability.

// Example:
function my_revoke_special_access( $user ) {
	// do something
$wpaa_capability = 'userlabel_1_foobar',
add_action('wpaa_revoke_{$wpaa_capability}','my_revoke_special_access' );

Action hook wpaa_create_access_area

Fired each time an access area is created

// Example:
function my_create_access_area( $capability , $cap_title , $blog_id , $insert_id ) {
	// do something upon create
add_action( 'wpaa_create_access_area','my_deny' , 10 , 4 );

Action hook wpaa_update_access_area

Fired each time an access area is changed.

// Example:
function my_update_access_area( $access_area_id , $update_data ) {
	// do something upon update
add_action('wpaa_update_access_area','my_update_access_area' , 10 , 2 );

Filter wpaa_update_access_area_data

Alternative redirect for access restricted posts.

// Example:
function my_update_data( $update_data ) {
	$update_data['cap_title'] .= ' and stuff...';
	return $update_data;
add_filter('wpaa_update_access_area_data','my_update_data' );

Filter wpaa_restricted_post_redirect

Alternative redirect for access restricted posts.

// Example:
function my_redirect( $redirect , $forbidden_post_id , $forbidden_post ) {
	return "";
add_filter('wpaa_restricted_post_redirect','my_redirect' , 10 , 3 );

$update_data = apply_filters( 'wpaa_update_access_area_data' , $update_data );

			do_action( 'wpaa_revoke_access' , $user , $capability );
			do_action( "wpaa_revoke_{$capability}" , $user );

Function reference

Checking permissions

wpaa_user_can( $cap , $args = array() )

Checks if the current user user has the the specified capability or role $cap. $args is passed to WPs current_user_can( $cap , $args ) function.

Will return true if one the following conditions is met:

  • If $cap is an access area: the user is in the specified access area
  • If $cap is a WP-role: the user has the specified role a superior role
  • current_user_can( $cap , $args ) is true (see WP function reference for current_user_can)


// check for a notive WP capability
wpaa_user_can( 'edit_post' , array( $post_ID ) );
// check for a WP role
wpaa_user_can( 'contributor' );
// will be true, if current user is contributor or above

wpaa_get_access_area( $identifier )

Returns the access area object assiciated with $identifier. $identifier can be numeric database id or a capability name.

Example return:

$aa = wpaa_get_access_area( 'userlabel_1_foobar' );
/* output:
object(stdClass)#4 (4) {
  string(1) "123"
  string(5) "Foo Bar for everybody"
  string(17) "userlabel_1_foobar"
  string(1) "1"

wpaa_is_access_area( $cap )

Check if $cap is an valid access area name.

wpaa_user_can_accessarea( $cap , $args = array() )

Check if a user is capable of the specified access area. On single Sites always true for administrators, on multisites always true for super admins.

$args is passed to WPs current_user_can( $cap , $args ) function.

Network Related

wpaa_is_local_cap( $cap )

Check if the access area's scope is valid on the current blog. Will return false, if $cap is a globally defined access area.

wpaa_get_local_prefix( $blog_id = null )

Get local access area prefix for Blog $blog_id. If $blog_id is null, the current blog is used.

wpaa_user_can_role( $role , $user_role_caps = null )

Check if the current users capabilites (specified by his roles) cover the capabilities of $role.

As retrieving all capabilities for a user requires some computing you can pass all the user's capabilities through $user_role_caps, if you already declared them somewhere else.

wpaa_get_user_role_caps( $user_roles = null )

Get all capabilities of the roles specified by $user_roles. Without arguments the function will return all capabilities of the current user.

wpaa_user_contained_roles( $user_roles = null )

Get all roles covered by rolenames specified by $user_roles. if $user_rolesis null the current user's roles are used.


// current user is an editor
// will return array('subscriber','contributor','author','editor')

wpaa_contained_roles( $role )

Get all roles covered by $role specified by .


// current user is an editor
// will return array('subscriber','contributor','author','editor')

wpaa_role_contains( $container , $contained )

Check if role $contained is covered by role $container.


wpaa_role_contains('editor',`contributor`); // true

wpaa_role_contains('author',`editor`); // false

wpaa_is_post_public( $post )

Check if post $post (post ID or post object) is visible to the public.


wpaa_is_post_public( 1 ); 

// same as
$post = get_post( 1 );
wpaa_is_post_public( $post ); 


Fine tuning WordPress Content Access






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