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With this SDK, you can accept 3D Secure 2.0 payments via Adyen.


The SDK is available via CocoaPods, Carthage or via manual installation.


  1. Add pod 'Adyen3DS2' to your Podfile.
  2. Run pod install.


  1. Add github "adyen/adyen-3ds2-ios" to your Cartfile.
  2. Run carthage update.
  3. Link the framework with your target as described in Carthage Readme.

Dynamic Framework

Drag the dynamic Adyen3DS2.framework to the Embedded Binaries section in your general target settings. Select "Copy items if needed" when asked.

Static Framework

  1. In Xcode, select "File" and then "Add Files to...".
  2. Select the static Adyen3DS2.framework and check "Copy items if needed", then select "Add".
  3. In Xcode, select "File" and then "Add Files to...".
  4. Select Adyen3DS2.bundle inside Adyen3DS2.framework and check "Copy items if needed", then select "Add".

Swift Package Manager

  1. Follow Apple's Adding Package Dependencies to Your App guide on how to add a Swift Package dependency.
  2. Use as the repository URL.
  3. Specify the version to be at least 2.2.1.

⚠️ Please make sure to use Xcode 12.0+ when adding Adyen3DS2 using Swift Package Manager.

⚠️ Swift Package Manager for Xcode 12.0 and 12.1 has a know issue when it comes to importing binary dependencies. A workaround is described here.


Creating a transaction

First, create an instance of ADYServiceParameters with the additional data retrieved from your call to /authorise. Then, use the class method on ADYService to create a new service. This service can be used to create a new transaction.

ADYServiceParameters *parameters = [ADYServiceParameters new];
[parameters setDirectoryServerIdentifier:...]; // Retrieved from Adyen.
[parameters setDirectoryServerPublicKey:...]; // Retrieved from Adyen.
[parameters setDirectoryServerRootCertificates:...]; // Retrieved from Adyen.

[ADYService serviceWithParameters:parameters appearanceConfiguration:nil completionHandler:^(ADYService *service) {
    NSError *error = nil;
    ADYTransaction *transaction = [service transactionWithMessageVersion:@"2.1.0" error:&error];
    if (transaction) {
        ADYAuthenticationRequestParameters *authenticationRequestParameters = [transaction authenticationRequestParameters];
        // Submit the authenticationRequestParameters to /authorise3ds2.
    } else {
        // An error occurred.

Use the transaction's authenticationRequestParameters in your call to /authorise3ds2.

⚠️ [ADYService transactionWithMessageVersion:error:] requires the message version to be passed, please fill in the same message version as in the AReq, you should be able to get the message version decided by the 3DS server from its response when initiating the payment, if you use the Adyen 3DS server please see the documentation.

⚠️ Keep a reference to your ADYTransaction instance until the transaction is finished.

⚠️ If your application supports Mac catalyst or iPad OS multi-window/multi-scene, then its recommended to share the ADYTransaction/ADYService object(s) between scenes for the case if the shopper starts a transaction on one window and switch to another while the transaction is in progress.

Performing a challenge

In case a challenge is required, create an instance of ADYChallengeParameters with values from the additional data retrieved from your call to /authorise3ds2.

NSDictionary *additionalData = ...; // Retrieved from Adyen.
ADYChallengeParameters *parameters = [ADYChallengeParameters challengeParametersWithServerTransactionIdentifier:additionalData[@"threeds2.threeDS2ResponseData.threeDSServerTransID"]
                                                                                         threeDSRequestorAppURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"{YOUR_CUSTOM_APP_URL}"] // Or nil if for example you're using protocol version 2.1.0

Use these challenge parameters to perform the challenge with the transaction you created earlier:

[transaction performChallengeWithParameters:parameters completionHandler:^(ADYChallengeResult *result, NSError *error) {
    if (result) {
        NSString *transactionStatus = [result transactionStatus];
        // Submit the transactionStatus to /authorise3ds2.
    } else {
        // An error occurred.

When the challenge is completed successfully, submit the transactionStatus in the result in your second call to /authorise3ds2.

Customizing the UI

The SDK provides some customization options to ensure the UI of the challenge flow fits your app's look and feel. These customization options are available through the ADYAppearanceConfiguration class. To use them, create an instance of ADYAppearanceConfiguration, configure the desired properties and pass it during initialization of the ADYService.

For example, to make the Continue button red and change its corner radius:

ADYAppearanceConfiguration *appearanceConfiguration = [ADYAppearanceConfiguration new];
[[appearanceConfiguration buttonAppearanceForType:ADYAppearanceButtonTypeContinue] setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[[appearanceConfiguration buttonAppearanceForType:ADYAppearanceButtonTypeContinue] setTextColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
[[appearanceConfiguration buttonAppearanceForType:ADYAppearanceButtonTypeContinue] setCornerRadius:3.0f];

[ADYService serviceWithParameters:parameters appearanceConfiguration:appearanceConfiguration completionHandler:...];

Get the SDK version

If you want to get the currently used sdk version - for example to send to the /authorise end point, you can get it using:

NSString* threeDS2SDKVersion = ADY3DS2SDKVersion();
let threeDS2SDKVersion = ADY3DS2SDKVersion()

See also


This SDK is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. For more information, see the LICENSE file.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • Objective-C 99.3%
  • Other 0.7%