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BombBomb - the Ruby gem for the BombBomb

We make it easy to build relationships using simple videos.

This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2.0.831
  • Package version: 2.0.25798
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build bombbomb.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./bombbomb-2.0.25798.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./bombbomb-2.0.25798.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'bombbomb', '~> 2.0.25798'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'bombbomb', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'bombbomb'

# Setup authorization
BombBomb.configure do |config|
  # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BBOAuth2
  config.access_token = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN'

api_instance =

  #Get account details.
rescue BombBomb::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AccountsApi->account_details: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
BombBomb::AccountsApi account_details GET /accounts Get account details.
BombBomb::AccountsApi create_account POST /accounts Create Account
BombBomb::AccountsApi get_client_statistics GET /accounts/stats Get Client Statistics
BombBomb::AccountsApi get_user_country GET /accounts/{clientId}/country Gets user country
BombBomb::AccountsApi reset_api_key PUT /accounts/apikey Reset API key
BombBomb::AccountsApi subscription_purchase_allowed GET /accounts/purchaseable Check if subscription purchase allowed.
BombBomb::AccountsApi update_profile_data POST /account/profile/ Add profile information.
BombBomb::AutomationsApi get_drip_drop_stats GET /automation/{dripId}/dripdrop/{dripDropId}/stats Get Automation Email Stats
BombBomb::AutomationsApi get_drip_stats GET /automation/{id}/stats Get Automation Stats
BombBomb::AutomationsApi get_scheduling_status GET /automation/{id}/scheduling/status Get the number of pending scheduling calculations
BombBomb::ContactsApi add_contacts_csv POST /contacts/import_csv Add contacts from a CSV file.
BombBomb::ContactsApi add_new_contact POST /contacts/ Add a contact.
BombBomb::ContactsApi add_new_custom_field POST /contacts/custom_fields/ Add custom fields.
BombBomb::ContactsApi add_pasted_contacts POST /contacts/paste Add pasted contacts.
BombBomb::ContactsApi c_sv_to_object POST /csv-to-object Format CSV.
BombBomb::ContactsApi delete_contacts PUT /contacts/delete Delete Contacts
BombBomb::ContactsApi get_contact_by_id GET /contact/{id} Get Contact Details
BombBomb::ContactsApi get_custom_fields GET /contacts/custom_fields/ Get custom fields.
BombBomb::CurriculumApi get_curricula GET /curricula/ Get Curricula
BombBomb::CurriculumApi get_user_curriculum_with_progress GET /curriculum/getForUserWithProgress Get Detailed For User
BombBomb::EmailsApi create_printing_press_email POST /emails/print Create an Email with Printing Press
BombBomb::EmailsApi get_all_templates_for_current_user GET /emails/templates Get all user templates
BombBomb::EmailsApi get_email_tracking GET /emails/{emailId}/tracking Get Email Tracking
BombBomb::EmailsApi get_email_tracking_interactions GET /emails/{emailId}/tracking/interactions Get Email Tracking Interactions
BombBomb::EmailsApi get_hourly_email_tracking GET /emails/{emailId}/tracking/hourly Get Hourly Email Tracking
BombBomb::EmailsApi get_live_fire_data GET /emails/livefire Get livefire feed data
BombBomb::EmailsApi get_quick_send_templates GET /emails/quicksend/templates Get all quicksend templates
BombBomb::EmailsApi get_template_html_for_template_id GET /emails/templates/{templateId}/html Get the HTML for a given template
BombBomb::EmailsApi get_video_quick_sender_data GET /emails/quicksend Get quicksend data
BombBomb::EmailsApi save_quick_sender_settings POST /emails/quicksend/settings Save quicksender settings
BombBomb::EmailsApi video_quick_sender POST /emails/quicksend Send a quicksend email
BombBomb::FilesApi doc_host_delete DELETE /files/{docId} Delete file
BombBomb::FilesApi doc_host_get GET /files/{docId} Get file
BombBomb::FilesApi doc_host_list GET /files List all files
BombBomb::FilesApi doc_host_upload_v2 POST /files Upload a file
BombBomb::FilesApi get_hosted_images_paged GET /files/images/paged Get paged hosted images
BombBomb::FormsApi get_form_tracking_as_csv GET /forms/{id}/tracking/export Get csv
BombBomb::IntegrationsApi connect_integration POST /integrations Activate an integration for a user.
BombBomb::IntegrationsApi delete_integration DELETE /integrations Remove an integration for a user.
BombBomb::IntegrationsApi get_integration_health GET /integrations/health/{code} Get health for a given integration
BombBomb::IntegrationsApi get_integration_page_components GET /integrations/pageComponents Get page components for a given integration
BombBomb::IntegrationsApi sync_users_integrated_lists GET /integrations/sync Synchronize your integration list or lists.
BombBomb::ListsApi add_new_list POST /lists/ Add list.
BombBomb::ListsApi clear_list PUT /lists/{listId}/clear Clear Contacts from List
BombBomb::ListsApi copy_list_contacts POST /lists/{listId}/copy Copy All Contacts from a List
BombBomb::ListsApi get_all_lists GET /lists/ Get all Lists
BombBomb::ListsApi suppress_all_in_list PUT /lists/{listId}/suppress Suppress All Contacts from List
BombBomb::OrdersApi template_asset_delete DELETE /orders/templates/images Deletes image from user s3 store
BombBomb::PromptsApi create_prompt_bot POST /prompts/bots Create a running Prompt Bot for a list
BombBomb::PromptsApi create_video_email_prompt POST /prompt Prompts user to send a video
BombBomb::PromptsApi get_alternate_campaign_content GET /campaign/{campaignId}/content/alternate List alternate campaign content
BombBomb::PromptsApi get_pending_video_email_prompts GET /prompt/pending List pending prompts
BombBomb::PromptsApi get_prompt_bots GET /prompts/bots List Prompt Bots
BombBomb::PromptsApi get_prompt_campaigns GET /prompts/{userId}/campaigns List Prompt Campaigns
BombBomb::PromptsApi get_video_email_prompt GET /prompt/{id} Gets a prompt
BombBomb::PromptsApi get_video_email_prompts GET /prompt/ List prompts
BombBomb::PromptsApi respond_to_video_email_prompt POST /prompt/{id}/response Respond to a prompt
BombBomb::PromptsApi send_prompt_immediately POST /prompt/{id}/sendit
BombBomb::PromptsApi sync_prompt_subscriptions POST /prompts/campaigns/sync Syncs Campaigns and One to Ones Subscriptions for User
BombBomb::PromptsApi update_prompt PUT /prompts/{id} Update Prompt
BombBomb::PromptsApi update_prompt_bot PUT /prompts/bots/{id} Update Prompt Bot
BombBomb::PromptsApi update_prompt_campaign PUT /prompts/campaigns/{clientGroupId} Update Prompt Campaign
BombBomb::PromptsApi update_prompt_template PUT /prompts/{id}/content Update Prompt Content
BombBomb::SocialsApi get_facebook_pages GET /socials/facebook/pages Gets facebook pages
BombBomb::SocialsApi get_social_article_properties GET /socials/properties Gets the social email properties
BombBomb::SocialsApi get_social_authorizations GET /socials/authorizations Get authorizations for all social integration
BombBomb::SocialsApi get_social_profile_properties GET /socials/profile Gets the profile properties
BombBomb::SocialsApi get_social_stats GET /socials/{promptId}/stats Get social stats for a prompt
BombBomb::SocialsApi post_social_content POST /socials/content Creates social content
BombBomb::SocialsApi retry_social_send POST /socials/send/retry Sends social content
BombBomb::SocialsApi send_social POST /socials/send Sends social content
BombBomb::SocialsApi update_client_group_send_mechanism PUT /socials/client/sendMechanism Gets the auto shares from the client group assoc id
BombBomb::SocialsApi update_client_groups_send_mechanism PUT /socials/client/sendMechanisms Toggles the prompt campaigns in a users account
BombBomb::SocialsApi update_facebook_pages PUT /socials/facebook/pages Updates facebook page Ids
BombBomb::SocialsApi update_social_content PUT /socials/content Updates social content
BombBomb::TeamsApi add_team_member POST /team/{teamId}/member Add Member to Team
BombBomb::TeamsApi add_users POST /team/{teamId}/members Add users to group.
BombBomb::TeamsApi add_users_from_csv POST /team/{teamId}/members/csv Add members to group from CSV
BombBomb::TeamsApi cancel_jericho_send DELETE /team/{teamId}/jericho/{jerichoId} Cancel a Jericho Send
BombBomb::TeamsApi create_subteam POST /team/{teamId}/subteam Add a Subteam
BombBomb::TeamsApi delete_subteam DELETE /team/{teamId}/subteam Delete Subteam
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_all_client_group_associations GET /team/associations/ Lists team associations
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_client_group_assets GET /team/assets/ Lists team assets
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_client_group_statistics GET /team/{teamId}/stats Get Team statistics
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_jericho_sends GET /team/{teamId}/jericho List Jericho Sends
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_jericho_stats GET /team/{teamId}/jericho/{jerichoId}/performance Gets Jericho performance statistics
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_paged_client_group_members GET /team/{teamId}/members List Team Members
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_prompt_monthly_stats GET /team/{month}/{year}/monthStats Jericho Monthly Stats
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_prompt_overview GET /team/promptOverview Get Prompt Overview
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_subteams GET /team/{teamId}/subteam List Subteams
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_team_prompt_aggregate_stats GET /team/{clientGroupId}/campaign/stats Get aggregate stats for campaigns
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_team_prompt_campaigns GET /team/{clientGroupId}/campaign Get campaigns for team
BombBomb::TeamsApi invite_to_social_prompt_team POST /teams/prompt/invite Invite a list to join the admin's social prompt team
BombBomb::TeamsApi queue_jericho_send POST /team/{teamId}/jericho Creates a Jericho send.
BombBomb::TeamsApi remove_member_from_team DELETE /team/{teamId}/member/{userId} Remove Member from Team
BombBomb::TeamsApi resend_team_member_invitation POST /team/{teamId}/{memberUserId}/rewelcome Resend invite
BombBomb::TeamsApi update_jericho_prompt_send PUT /team/{teamId}/jericho/{jerichoId} Updates the Jericho Prompt Settings
BombBomb::TeamsApi update_team POST /team/{teamId} Update a team
BombBomb::TeamsApi update_team_member PUT /team/{teamId}/member Update Member of Team
BombBomb::UsersApi get_client_contact_information GET /clients/contact/information Get client contact information.
BombBomb::UsersApi get_user_profile_info GET /users/profile/information Get user profile information.
BombBomb::UtilitiesApi create_o_auth_client POST /oauthclient Create an OAuth Client
BombBomb::UtilitiesApi delete_o_auth_client DELETE /oauthclient/{id} Delete an OAuth Client
BombBomb::UtilitiesApi get_o_auth_clients GET /oauthclient Lists OAuth Clients
BombBomb::UtilitiesApi get_spec GET /spec Describes this api
BombBomb::VideosApi get_video_encoding_status GET /videos/{videoId}/status Video Encoding Status
BombBomb::VideosApi get_video_recorder GET /videos/live/getRecorder Get Live Video Recorder HTML
BombBomb::VideosApi mark_live_recording_complete POST /videos/live/markComplete Completes a live recording
BombBomb::VideosApi sign_upload POST /video/signedUpload Generate Signed Url
BombBomb::VideosApi update_video_thumbnail_v2 PUT /videos/thumbnail Upload thumbnail
BombBomb::WebhooksApi add_web_hook POST /webhook Add Webhook
BombBomb::WebhooksApi delete_web_hook DELETE /webhook/{hookId} Deletes Webhook
BombBomb::WebhooksApi get_web_hooks GET /webhook/ Lists Webhooks
BombBomb::WebhooksApi list_web_hook_events GET /webhook/events Describe WebHook Events
BombBomb::WebhooksApi send_webhook_example POST /webhook/test Sends test Webhook

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: implicit
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
    • all:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb information
    • all:read: View your BombBomb information
    • email:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb emails
    • email:read: View your BombBomb emails
    • video:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb videos
    • video:read: View your BombBomb videos
    • contact:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb contacts
    • contact:read: View your BombBomb contacts
    • curriculum:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb challenges
    • curriculum:read: View your BombBomb challenges
    • automation:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb automations
    • automation:read: View your BombBomb automations
    • form:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb forms
    • form:read: View your BombBomb forms
    • list:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb lists
    • team:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb teams
    • team:read: View your BombBomb teams
    • order:manage: Manage your BombBomb orders
    • settings:manage: Manage your BombBomb settings
    • file:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb files
    • file:read: View your BombBomb files
    • account:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb account
    • account:read: View your BombBomb account


We implement pipeline secret scanning on all pull request events to prevent credentials from being merged. If the pipeline scanner detects a secret in your changed files it will gate the pull request and you will need to purge the found credential from your code and re-open the PR. To prevent getting gated by this tool and as best practice you should install the secret scanner locally in a pre-commit hook to prevent the secret from ever being committed to the repo in the first place. You can find documentation on how to set it up locally here
Ripsecrets has ways to bypass secret scanning although we should not be ignoring secrets that turn up in the scans. If something is out of your control and blocking the pipeline you can bypass it in one of the following ways

  1. Adding "# pragma: allowlist secret" to the end of the line with the secret.
  2. Adding the specific secret underneath the "[secrets]" block in .secretsignore
  3. Adding the filepath to ignore the whole file aboove the "[secrets]" block in .secretsignore