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raistlinthewiz edited this page Oct 2, 2014 · 1 revision

default.json contains the common configuration for the pools. You have to first copy default-example.json as default.json. Then you can put common settings for your pools on default.json as while loading pool.json configuration files, default.json values will be merged.


    "daemon": {
        "host": "",
        "timeout": 5
    "meta": {
        "motd": "Welcome to CoiniumServ pool, enjoy your stay! -",
        "txMessage": ""
    "payments": {
        "interval": 60,
        "minimum": 0.01
    "miner": {
        "validateUsername": true,
        "timeout": 300
    "job": {
        "blockRefreshInterval": 1000,
        "rebroadcastTimeout": 55
    "stratum": {
        "bind": "",
        "diff": 16,
        "vardiff": {
            "minDiff": 8,
            "maxDiff": 512,
            "targetTime": 15,
            "retargetTime": 90,
            "variancePercent": 30
    "banning": {
        "duration": 600,
        "invalidPercent": 50,
        "checkThreshold": 100,
        "purgeInterval": 300
    "storage": {
        "hybrid": {
            "redis": {
                "host": "",
                "port": 6379,
                "password": "",
                "databaseId": 0
            "mysql": {
                "host": "",
                "port": 3306,
                "user": "username",
                "password": "password"
        "mpos": {
            "mysql": {
                "host": "",
                "port": 3306,
                "user": "username",
                "password": "password"