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A gulp plugin for replacing local links with CDN links, includes fallbacks and customization


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cdnizer plugin for gulp

This plugin will replace references in HTML and other files with CDN locations. It's flexible without being overly complicated, and handles private and public CDNs. It can use your bower installation to determine file versions.

It also provides optional fallback scripts for failed file loading. By default it can only handle failed JavaScript files, but it shouldn't be too difficult to provide a better script.


This plugin does not check incoming files. Do not run it on files that you do not want modified.


First, install gulp-cdnizer as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev gulp-cdnizer

Then, add it to your gulpfile.js:

var cdnizer = require("gulp-cdnizer");

            defaultBase: "//",
            allowRev: true,
            allowMin: true,
            files: [
                    file: 'vendor/angular/angular.js',
                    package: 'angular',
                    test: 'angular',
                    // angular has a bizarre version string inside bower, with extra information.
                    // using major.minor.patch directly ensures it works with the CDN
                    cdn: '//${ major }.${ minor }.${ patch }/angular.min.js'
                    file: 'vendor/firebase/firebase.js',
                    test: 'Firebase',
                    cdn: '//'

Alternatively, you can just pass in the files array if you don't need to provide any options, and only have custom files:

                file: 'vendor/angular/angular.js',
                package: 'angular',
                test: 'angular',
                // use altnerate providers easily
                cdn: '//${ major }.${ minor }.${ patch }/angular.min.js'
                file: 'vendor/firebase/firebase.js',
                test: 'Firebase',
                cdn: '//'

You can also use globs to define groups of file, and dynamic filename properties:

                file: 'vendor/angular/*.js',
                package: 'angular',
                test: 'angular',
                cdn: '//${ major }.${ minor }.${ patch }/${ filenameMin }'

Works great on url()s in CSS files, too:

            defaultCDNBase: '//my.cdn.url/',
            relativeRoot: 'css',
            files: ['**/*.{gif,png,jpg,jpeg}']



Note: If options is an array, it is assumed to be the array of files to process, and the rest of the options are left as their default.


Type: String
Default: '' (disabled)

Used for a default, custom CDN, usually for your own files. This will be used in the defaultCDN property to define the default path for a CDN unless overridden.


Type: String
Default: '${ defaultCDNBase }/${ filepathRel }'

This is the default pattern used for generating CDN links when one isn't provided by a specific file.


Type: String
Default: ''

If you are processing a file that references relative files, or is not rooted to the CDN, you can set relativeRoot to get correct results.

For example, if you have a CSS file under style/, and you reference images as ../img/foo.png, you should set relativeRoot to style/. Now if your defaultCDNBase is //example/, the image will be resolved to //example/img/foo.png.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Allow for file names with gulp-rev appended strings, in the form of <file>-XXXXXXXX.<ext>. If you are using the gulp-rev plugin, this will automatically match filenames that have a rev string appeneded to them. If you are not using gulp-rev, then you can disable this by setting allowRev to false, which will prevent possible errors in accidentally matching similar file names.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Allow for file names that optionally have .min inserted before the file extension (but after rev, if enabled). This allows you to use the base name for a file, and have cndizer match the minified name.


Type: String

function cdnizerLoad(u) {
	document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="'+encodeURIComponent(u)+'"></scr'+'ipt>';

Overwrite the default fallback script. If any of the inputs has a fallback, this script is injected before the first occurence of <link, <script, or </head> in the HTML page. Ignored for files that don't contain <head.

If you already have a script loader (such as yepnope or Modernizr), you can set this to an empty string and override the fallbackTest below to use that instead. Of course, this won't help if you are loading those scripts off a CDN and they fail!


Type: String
Default: '<script>if(!(${ test })) cdnizerLoad("${ filepath }");</script>'

Overwrite the default fallback test. Note that all options availble to options.files[].cdn below are available to this template as well, along with the options.files[].test string.


Type: String
Default: null

If provided, this is the directory to look for bower components in. If not provided, cdnizer will attempt to look for the .bowerrc file, and if that is not found or does not specify a directory, it falls back to './bower_components'.

Once the directory is determined, the script will look for files in <bowerComponents>/bower.json or <bowerComponents>/.bower.json to try to determine the version of the installed component.


Type: Array
Default: (none) required

Array of sources or objects defining sources to cdnize. Each item in the array can be one of two types, a simple glob or object hashmap.

When using a glob, if it matches a source, the defaultCDN template is applied. Because there is no test, the script will not have a fallback.

The object hashmap gives you full control, using the following properties:


Type: String
Default: (none) required

Glob to match against for the file to cdnize. All properties within this object will be applied to all files that match the glob. Globs are matched in a first-come, first-served basis, where only the first matched object hashmap is applied.


Type: String
Default: (none)

Bower package name for this source or set of sources. By providing the package name, cdnizer will look up the version string of the currently installed bower package, and provide it as a property to the cdn string. This is done by looking for either the bower.json or .bower.json file within your bower components directory.

The benefit of doing it this way is that the version used from the CDN always matches your local copy. It won't be automatically updated to the latest patch version without being tested.


Type: String
Default: options.defaultCDN

Provides a custom CDN string, which can be a simple static string, or contain one or more underscore/lodash template properties to be injected into the string:

  • version: if package was provided, this is the currently installed version from bower.
  • major: if package was provided, this is the major version number.
  • minor: if package was provided, this is the minor version number.
  • patch: if package was provided, this is the patch version number.
  • defaultBase: the default base provided above. Note that this will never end with a trailing slash.
  • filepath: the full path of the source, as it exists currently. There is no guarantee about the whether this contains a leading slash or not, so be careful.
  • filepathRel: the full path of the source, but guaranteed to never have a leading slash.
  • filename: the name of the file, without any parent directories
  • filenameMin: the name of the file, without any rev tags (if allowRev is true), but with a .min extension added. This won't add a min if there is one already.
  • package: the bower package name, as provided above.

Type: String
Default: (none)

If provided, this string will be evaluated within a javascript block. If the result is truthy, then we assume the CDN resource loaded properly. If it isn't, then the original local file will be loaded. This is ignored for files that don't get the fallback script.

See options.fallbackScript and options.fallbackTest for more information.

Help Support This Project

If you'd like to support this and other OverZealous Creations (Phil DeJarnett) projects, donate via Gittip!

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You can learn a little more about me and some of the work I do for open source projects in an article at CDNify.


MIT License


A gulp plugin for replacing local links with CDN links, includes fallbacks and customization







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