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A library of godog tools and extensions.

Pretty Failed Formatter

When running a bit test suite, where most of the scenarios pass, the output becomes less helpful if you try to check the failing scenarios.

pretty-failed formatter extends pretty formatter, but discards output of successful scenarios and also does not show skipped steps after the failure was encountered.

You can enable it by calling godogx.RegisterPrettyFailedFormatter().

Allure Formatter

Allure is convenient UI to expose test results.

You can enable it by calling allure.RegisterFormatter().

Additional configuration can be added with env vars before test run.

ALLURE_ENV_* are added to allure environment report.

ALLURE_EXECUTOR_* configure Executor info.

ALLURE_RESULTS_PATH can change default ./allure-results destination.


export ALLURE_ENV_APP=todo-list
export ALLURE_EXECUTOR_NAME=IntegrationTest

Then you can run test with

# Optionally clean up current result (if you have it).
rm -rf ./allure-results/*
# Optionally copy history from previous report.
cp -r ./allure-report/history ./allure-results/history
# Run suite with godog CLI tool or with go test.
godog -f allure
# Generate report with allure CLI tool.
allure generate --clean