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vmashd is a command-line tool built on top of the moviepy library. It takes subclips from a directory of movie files and randomly forms a video set to one or more audio files.

How it works

Audio files are concatenated (no crossfade - yet) and normalized to avoid differing volume outputs between songs. Short video clips are then (mostly) randomly joined together from any video clips in the specified directory to match the length of the combined audio. Video files are weighted by length to make sure a short clip doesn't appear in a disproportionate amount.



Install vmashd with pip:

pip install vmashd

Configuring vmashd for your environment

Some configuration is required prior to generating video mixes. Before use run:

vmashd config

This will generate a default configuration file and print the contents to the console. The directories will not be created at this point. If you would like to change any of the file paths, edit the config file in your text editor of choice.

Create any missing directory structure by executing:

vmashd makedirs

If you would like to add titles (at random of course) throughout the video, provide a path a text file in the config file. The text file should have each caption on a separate line. Ex:

eat beef
it is delicious
beef makes you better

Font, position, and color can be modified in the configuration file. To see a list of fonts available (it will be long) execute:

vmashd listfonts

Creating a video mashup

After the configuration is commplete, the rest is pretty simple. You will need:

1. one or more audio files stored in the audio directory; make sure they will not be filtered out by the audio filter string. 2. one or more video files (more is better) stored in the video directory; they should at least 5 seconds long.

If the above conditions are met, execute:

vmashd mash --filename ./filepath.mp4

Optionally, you can enable video effects to be randomly inserted into the video:

vmashd mash --randfx --filename ./filepath.mp4

A soft blur can be applied to the length of the video:

vmash mash -f filepath.mp4 --blur --randfx