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Adhemerval Zanella edited this page Jul 24, 2014 · 1 revision

Boost 1.55 status:

System compiler binutils libc kernel
ppc64be GCC 4.8.3 GNU Binutils 2.24.51 GLIBC 2.12 2.6.32
ppc64le GCC 4.8.2 GNU Binutils 2.24.51 GLIBC 2.18 3.12
x86_64 GCC 4.7.2 GNU Binutils 2.22.90 GLIBC 2.15 3.5.0

General Status - PPC64BE vs x86_64

Library PPC64LE PPC64BE x86_64 Notes
accumulators OK OK OK
algorithm OK OK OK
any OK OK OK
array OK OK OK
asio OK OK OK
assign OK OK OK
atomic OK OK OK
bimap OK OK OK
bind OK OK OK
chrono OK OK OK
circular_buffer OK OK OK
compatibility Test not available Test not available Test not available
compose Test not available Test not available Test not available
concept_check Test not available Test not available Test not available
config OK OK OK
container OK OK OK
context OK OK OK
conversion Failure Failure OK [1]
coroutine OK OK OK
crc OK OK OK
date_time OK OK OK
detail OK OK OK
disjoint_sets Test not available Test not available Test not available
dynamic_bitset Test not available Test not available Test not available
exception OK OK OK
filesystem OK OK OK
flyweight OK OK OK
foreach OK OK OK
format OK OK OK
function OK OK OK
functional OK OK OK
function_types Failure Failure Failure [2]
fusion OK OK OK
geometry OK OK OK
gil OK OK OK
graph OK OK OK
graph_parallel OK OK OK
heap OK OK OK
icl OK OK OK
integer OK OK OK
interprocess OK OK OK
intrusive OK OK OK
iostreams OK OK OK
iterator OK OK OK
lambda OK OK OK
locale Failure Failure OK [3]
local_function OK OK OK
lockfree OK OK OK
log OK OK OK
logic OK OK OK
math Failure Failure OK [4]
mem_fn Test not available Test not available Test not available
move OK OK OK
mpi OK OK OK
mpl OK OK OK
msm OK OK OK
multi_array OK OK OK
multi_index OK OK OK
multiprecision OK OK OK
numeric.ublas OK OK OK
numeric.interval OK OK OK
numeric.odeint OK OK OK
numeric.convertion OK OK OK
optional OK OK OK
parameter OK OK OK
phoenix OK OK OK
polygon OK OK OK
pool OK OK OK
predef OK OK OK
preprocessor OK OK OK
program_options OK OK OK
property_map OK OK OK
property_tree OK OK OK
proto OK OK OK
ptr_container Failure Failure Failure [5]
python OK OK OK
random OK OK OK
range OK OK OK
ratio OK OK OK
rational OK OK OK
regex OK OK OK
scope_exit Failure Failure Failure [6]
serialization OK OK OK
signals OK OK OK
signals2 OK OK OK
smart_ptr OK OK OK
spirit Failure Failure Failure [7]
statechart Failure Failure Failure [8]
static_assert OK OK OK
system OK OK OK
test Failure Failure OK [9]
thread OK OK OK
timer OK OK OK
tokenizer OK OK OK
tr1 Failure Failure Failure [10]
tti OK OK OK
tuple OK OK OK
type_erasure OK OK OK
typeof OK OK OK
type_traits OK OK OK
units OK OK OK
unordered OK OK OK
utility OK OK OK
uuid OK OK OK
variant OK OK OK
wave Failure Failure Failure [11]
xpressive OK OK OK
  1. convertion: porting issue - PCP64 and PPC64LE

    • lexical_cast_loopback_test: the issue is due the fact 'boost/lexical_cast.hpp' use 'long double' to receive the result of a pow(10.0, -324). While this works for Intel long double, where the working range is from 3.65×10−4951 to 1.18×104932; for IBM long double this result in a underflow. A way to correct it to change the way to calculate to use a multiprecision algorithm.
  2. function_types: runtime issues - PPC64, PPC64LE, and x86_64

    • nonmember_ccs (# error ""test not supported with this compiler/platform"")
    • nonmember_ccs_exact (# error ""test not supported with this compiler/platform"")
    • member_css (#error ""test not supported with this compiler/platform"")
    • member_ccs_exact (#error ""test not supported with this compiler/platform"")"
    • Same behaviour on all platforms
  3. locale: runtime issues - PPC64/PPC64LE.

    • test_boundary
    • test_formatting
    • Dependent to external libraries: ICU.
  4. math: runtime issues - PPC64/PPC64LE

    • PPC64BE: 96 failures
    • PPC64LE: 99 failures
    • Mostly related to long double precision
  5. ptr_container: Both build and runtime failures - PPC64LE, PPC64BE, and x86_64

    • tut1.test (build issue)
    • test_serialization (runtime issue)
  6. scope_exit: Runtime erros "Error "lambda functions required"" - PPC64BE, PPC64LE, x86_64

    • world_checkpoint_all
    • world_checkpoint_all_seq
    • world_checkpoint_all_seq_nova
  7. spirit: runtime failures - PPC64LE, PPC64BE, X86_64

    • x86_64 issues:

      • qi_match_manip1-p3: runtime failure (looping)
      • qi_terminal_ex-p3: build failure
      • qi_tst-p3: link time failure
      • qi_regression_stream_eof-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_alternative1-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_real1-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_real2-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_regression_container_variant_sequence-p3: build failure
      • lex_lexertl2-p3: runtime failure (segfault)
    • PPC64BE issues:

      • qi_match_manip1-p3: runtime failure (looping)
      • qi_terminal_ex-p3: build failure
      • qi_tst-p3: link time failure
      • qi_regression_stream_eof-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_alternative1-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_real1-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_real2-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_regression_container_variant_sequence-p3: build failure
      • lex_lexertl2-p3: runtime failure (segfault)
      • qi_binary-p3: runtime failure
      • qi_int1-p3: runtime failure
      • qi_regression_numeric_alternatives-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_binary1-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_binary2-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_binary3-p3: runtime failure
    • PPC64LE:

      • qi_int1-p3: runtime failure
      • qi_match_manip1-p3: runtime failure (looping)
      • qi_terminal_ex-p3: build failure
      • qi_tst-p3: link time failure
      • qi_regression_numeric_alternatives-p3: runtime failure
      • qi_regression_stream_eof-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_alternative1-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_real1-p3: runtime failure
      • karma_regression_container_variant_sequence-p3: build failure
      • lex_lexertl2-p3: runtime failure (segfault)
  8. statechart: link issue, same error for all systems

  9. test: runtime failure - PPC64BE/PPC64LE

  • test_tools_test (runtime failure)
  1. tr1 - link and runtime issues, same error for all systems
  • test_ref_wrapper_tricky (build failure)
  • std_test_ref_wrapper_tricky (build failure)
  • test_cmath_tricky (build failure)
  • std_test_cmath_tricky (build failure)
  • test_mem_fn_tricky (build failure)
  • std_test_mem_fn_tricky (build failure)
  • run_random (runtime failure)
  • std_run_random (runtime failure)
  1. wave
  • testwave (runtime failure)
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