Provides Simple Java Mail integration with Bootique.
Include bootique-bom
Import Simple Java Mail integration:
Configure the app:
# Mail delivery is disabled by default to prevent inadvertent spamming when the app is in development. This property
# needs to be flipped to "false" if you want mail to be actually sent to someone.
disabled: false
# Configure named mailers. If "mailers" section is absent, the default mailer is created pointing to "localhost:25"
main: # arbitrary name of the mailer
smtpPort: 3025
transportStrategy: SMTPS
Send mail:
Mailers mailers;
public void sendMail() {
Email email = EmailBuilder.startingBlank()
.withPlainText("Hello world..")
// if only one mailer is configured in YAML, it is assumed to be the default mailer
mailers.getDefaultMailer().sendMail(email, false);