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Checklist Release

Christian Sterzl edited this page Sep 30, 2014 · 1 revision

Before making a release follow this checklist.


  • v0.x.y is the name of the release.
  • v0.x.z is the name of the next release.


  • Close all issues in the current development milestone (Pattern: v0.x.y (current development)).
  • Set the due date to today in the milestone to release.
  • Rename the milestone to 0.x.y.
  • Create a new milestone in Github issues with the number of the next version (Pattern: v0.x.z (current development)).
  • Move all remaining issues to other milestones (Probably the new created one.).
  • Close the milestone v0.x.y.


  • Commit and push all changes (excl. folder dist).
  • Update the section Releases in
  • Update the version to the name of the closed milestone (v0.x.y) in the files bower.json and package.json.
  • Commit the changes (excl. folder dist).
  • Sync between the current development branch and the master branch (Only if master branch is not the current development branch).
  • Commit changes and push master (excl. folder dist).
  • Checkout the current development branch.
  • Push the current development branch.
  • Execute grunt with-update.
  • Execute the tests (run npm test),
  • If all is fine, commit and push all changes incl. folder dist.
  • Create a tag v0.x.y.
  • Push the tag.
  • Update the version to v0.x.z-wip in the files bower.json and package.json.
  • Commit and push the changes.


  • Go to the Releases section in the Github repo.
  • Edit the new release.
  • Set the title to the name of the tag v0.x.y.
  • Copy the release notes into the description from
  • Save the release.
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