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Christian Sterzl edited this page Sep 30, 2014 · 2 revisions

Whether you've found an issue with our software or have a question. Here's how to report ...

How to file a bug

  1. Go to our issue tracker on GitHub
  2. Search for existing issues using the search field at the top of the page
  3. File a new issue including the info listed below
  4. Thanks a ton for helping make Bootstrap WYSIWYG higher quality!

When filing a new bug, please include:

  • Descriptive title - use keywords so others can find your bug (avoiding duplicates)
  • Steps to trigger the problem that are specific, and repeatable
  • What happens when you follow the steps, and what you expected to happen instead.
    Include the exact text of any error messages if applicable (or upload screenshots).
  • Bootstrap Wysiwyg version
  • Browser vendor and version

Requesting a feature

Feel free to file new feature requests as an issue on GitHub, just like a bug.

What happens after a bug is filed?

The project will be developed with Kanban. Here is our board.

Bug lifecycle

  1. New bug is filed; Moved to Backlog -- '0 - Backlog'
  2. Triaged to ready after review from a contributor -- '1 - Ready'
  3. Developer begins working on it -- bug is tagged '2 - Working'
  4. Developer opens pull request with a fix, which must be reviewed -- a link to the pull request appears in the bug's activity stream
  5. Pull request is merged, and the bug's filer is pinged to verify that it's fixed -- bug is tagged '4 - Done'
  6. Filer agrees that it's fixed -- bug is closed, and its milestone is set to the release the fix landed in

Bug review

We review all new issues on a regular basis. Several things typically happen as part of review:

Some bugs may be closed without fixing - see "Hey! My bug wasn't fixed!" below.

If we have questions because we cannot reproduce the bug and the bug filer does not react the bug moves to 'Waiting for Close' and will be closed after more than 30 days of inactivty.

Can I help fix a bug?

Yes please! We are accepting Pull requests.