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Basic Assembly Interpreter

This is my final project for CS50 🎉.

This assembly interpreter is focused to run a simple version of the assembly language but at the same time, it supports the fundamental features like subroutines and conditional jumps to run complex algorithms. It has 4 registers (A, B, C, D) and can process mathematical and logical operations.

Usage: ./asm [-v] instructions.asm

On top of that, it has the option to be really verbose. If the -v tag is passed, it will print out every single step while it is executing the program. This allows the user to see debugging information like which line is being executed, what is the instruction on that line and where the program jumped.


Interpreter respects most of the regular assembly rules with some exceptions to make the code simpler and more user friendly.

  • Each line can only contain one instruction, its arguments (if any) and a comment (starts with a semicolon).
  • Depending on the instruction, there could be zero, one or two arguments.
  • After instruction, the first argument must be separated by a space.
  • Multiple arguments can be separated by a space, a comma or both.
  • Labels must be unique from instructions and other labels.
  • Labels must end with a colon.
  • The code must end with end instruction, otherwise, the interpreter will exit with 1.
  • Everything is case-insensitive except the label names.
  • Indentations, multiple spaces and line breaks are ignored by the interpreter.


In the table below, you can find all the supported instructions by the interpreter. An asterisk indicates that, a variable can be a register or an integer.

Instruction Description
mov x, y* Copies the value of y into x
inc x Increments the value of x
dec x Decrements the value of x
add x, y* Adds the value of y to x and stores it in x
sub x, y* Substracts the value of y from xand stores it in x
mul x, y* Multiplies x by the value of y and stores it in x
div x, y* Divides x by the value of y and stores it in x
cmp x*, y* Compares x and y, see conditions for more details
prnt x Prints the value of x during runtime
jmp lbl Jumps to label lbl without a condition
je lbl Jumps to label lbl, if compare was equal
jne lbl Jumps to label lbl, if compare was not equal
jg lbl Jumps to label lbl, if compare was greater
jge lbl Jumps to label lbl, if compare was equal or greater
jl lbl Jumps to label lbl, if compare was less
jle lbl Jumps to label lbl, if compare was equal or less
call lbl Calls the subroutine lbl, see subroutines for more details
ret Returns from the most recent subroutine
end Ends the program


cmp instruction will compare the value of the first argument with the value of the second argument. The result of the comparison is stored in a global variable and overwritten with every successful cmp call. The call does not affect any register, instead, it is used as a reference for an imminent conditional jump.

For instance, the code below will not jump to foo at line 4 but will jump to bar at line 5 because a is greater than b.

mov a, 1
mov b, 0
cmp a, b
jl  foo
jg  bar

The global variable is initialized as -1 and changed as 0 if equal, 1 if greater and 2 if less.


In addition to jumps, labels can be used to signify subroutines. A subroutine, when called, acts as a synchronous function. The frame is added on top of the call stack and executed until it returns by the ret instruction.

When ret is found in a subroutine the program is returned to the next line where that subroutine is called.

A subroutine can call itself or other subroutines. In the case of multiple subroutine calls, ret only returns the last subroutine call (last-in-first-out). In theory, with this method, an infinite amount of subroutine calls can be made (until the system runs out of memory) and recursion can be easily achieved.

ret should only be used in a subroutine call. Using it outside a subroutine will cause your program to terminate with an error. On the other hand, if a subroutine is not returned by ret (for example, ended or jumped), it will not cause any problem and the unused pointers will be freed.


This interpreter is made to be as dynamic as possible. It can read infinite lines of code, iterate over infinite loops and can handle recursion thanks to its call stacking feature. Although there are predefined limits like the maximum amount of lines and maximum characters in one line to limit memory usage, they can be adjusted or even removed.

The interpreter has 5 main components:


When the file is successfully opened, a scanner function reads the entire file line by line and looks for the labels. If it finds a label, it stores the name and the position off the label (relative to the start of the file) into an array.


Once the scan is finished, a reading loop is activated. The loop keeps reading line by line until either the file stream reaches the EOF or the instruction end is executed. This loop makes it very easy to handle jumps and allows the interpreter to be dynamic. Once a line is read, it is sent to the parser.


The main purpose of the parser is to isolate the instruction and its arguments (if any). It mostly benefits from the strtok function to separate a line into pieces. Then, it decides what instruction should be executed and calls the corresponding executer.


The main executer in the instructions file handles operations with the registers like mov and cmp.

The rest of the functions are handled inside the main file.

Jumps (if conditional) uses a global variable to see the last comparison result and executes accordingly. When a jump happens, the position of the label is fetched from the array (thanks to the scanner the label can be after the jump instruction too) and the file stream pointer is positioned to where the label is located.

Calls to subroutines fundamentally use the same mechanic as the jumps, however, when a return instruction is called the program needs to know where to return. For that reason, when a call happens, in addition to the jumping position, the current position is also saved. To save the position, the interpreter uses a linked list, therefore, it stacks the returning pointer and if another subroutine call happens inside a subroutine, the program can safely return to the most recent call.


Once the execution is done, the program frees all the dynamic memory it allocates and closes the file stream. Thus, there are no memory leaks possible.

Code Examples

See the examples folder for the code examples and their outputs.


  • Boran Seckin


I got the idea of building a basic assembly interpreter from the Kata - Assembler interpreter (part II) at Code Wars.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.