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Various, Khanh added utils for 1D alg
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boris-kz committed Jan 2, 2020
1 parent dc7bbd5 commit 33db6b0
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Showing 510 changed files with 253,321 additions and 57 deletions.
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions frame_2D_alg/
Expand Up @@ -116,14 +116,16 @@ def form_P_(dert_): # horizontal clustering and summation of dert params into P
return P_

def scan_P_(P_, stack_, frame): # merge P into same-sign stacks of Ps, that contain higher-row _P with x-overlap
def scan_P_(P_, stack_, frame): # merge P into higher-row stack of Ps which have same sign and overlap by x_coordinate
Each P in P_ scans higher-row _Ps (packed in stack_) left-to-right, searching for x_coordinate overlaps between
Ps and same-sign _Ps. Overlap is represented as up_fork in P and is added to down_fork_cnt in _P. Scan continues
until P.x0 >= _P.xn: no more x-overlap. Then P is packed into its up_fork stacks or initializes a new stack.
This next x_coordinate overlap evaluation is also done for loaded _P, removing those that won't overlap next P.
Each stack that contains removed _P is packed in blob if its down_fork_cnt==0: no lower-row connections.
Each P in P_ scans higher-row _Ps (in stack_) left-to-right, testing for x-overlaps between Ps and same-sign _Ps.
Overlap is represented as up_fork in P and is added to down_fork_cnt in _P. Scan continues until P.x0 >= _P.xn:
no x-overlap between P and next _P. Then P is packed into its up_fork stacks or initializes a new stack.
After such test, loaded _P is also tested for x-overlap to the next P.
If negative, a stack with loaded _P is removed from stack_ (buffer of higher-row stacks) and tested for down_fork_cnt==0.
If so: no lower-row connections, the stack is packed into connected blobs (referred by its up_fork_),
else the stack is recycled into next_stack_, for next-row run of scan_P_.
It's a form of breadth-first flood fill, with forks as vertices per stack of Ps: a node in connectivity graph.
next_P_ = deque() # to recycle P + up_fork_ that finished scanning _P, will be converted into next_stack_
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112 changes: 62 additions & 50 deletions line_1D_alg/
Expand Up @@ -23,8 +23,12 @@
- Positive mPs: spans of pixels forming positive match, are evaluated for cross-comp of dert input param over incremented range
(positive match means that pixels have high predictive value, thus likely to match more distant pixels).
- Negative mPs: high-variation spans, are evaluated for cross-comp of difference, which forms higher derivatives.
Both types of extended cross-comp are recursive: resulting sub-patterns are evaluated for deeper cross-comp, same as top patterns.
Both types of extended cross-comp are recursive: resulting sub-patterns are evaluated for deeper cross-comp, same as top patterns
- Median mPs: comp d sign (direction), D is too weak for immediate comp_d, but may accumulate
these forks may not be exclusive
If value of incremental range or derivation cross-comp over full pattern is low, but the pattern is long enough, then its dert_
is segmented by (m-ave) for +mPs and d-sign match for -mPs. Value density of resulting positive segments (seg_Ps) is higher than
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,8 +72,8 @@ def cross_comp(frame_of_pixels_): # non-fuzzy version
pri_m = m
# terminate last P in row:
dert = p, d * 2, m * 2, d # forward-project unilateral to bilateral d and m values
_, P_ = form_pattern(P, P_, dert, x, X, fid=0, rdn=1, rng=1)

P, P_ = form_pattern(P, P_, dert, x, X, fid=0, rdn=1, rng=1)
P_ += [P]
frame_of_patterns_ += [P_] # line of patterns is added to frame of patterns

return frame_of_patterns_ # frame of patterns is output to level 2
Expand All @@ -81,35 +85,30 @@ def form_pattern(P, P_, dert, x, X, fid, rdn, rng): # initialization, accumulat
fid: flag input is derived, magnitude correlates with predictive value
exclusive forks or eval by ave * rdn? M = summed (ave |d| - |d|)
pri_sign, L, I, D, M, sub_, seg_, dert_ = P # change sub_ and seg_ to stacks of layers, appended by feedback
pri_p, d, m, uni_d = dert
_sign, L, I, D, M, sub_, seg_, dert_ = P # change sub_ and seg_ to stacks of layers, appended by feedback
_p, d, m, uni_d = dert
sign = m > 0 # m sign, defines positive | negative mPs

if (x > rng * 2 and sign != pri_sign) or x == X: # sign change: terminate mP, evaluate for sub_segment and intra_comp
if pri_sign: # positive mP
if M > ave_M * rdn and L > rng * 2: # M > fixed costs of full-P comp_rng, * redundancy to higher layers
sub_ = intra_comp(dert_, 1, fid, rdn+1, rng+1) # comp_rng: sub_ = frng=1, fid, sub_
if (x > rng * 2 and sign != _sign) or x == X: # sign change: terminate mP, evaluate for sub_segment and intra_comp

elif L > ave_Lm * rdn: # long but weak +mP may contain high +mm segments: comp_rng eval by ave_M/2
seg_ = sub_segment(dert_, 1, fid, rdn+1, rng) # segment by mm sign: seg_ = fmm=1, fid, seg_
if _sign: # low-variation +mP: segment by mm, segment(ds) eval per -mm seg, intra_comp(rng) eval per +mm seg
if L > ave_Lm * rdn: # fixed cost filter
seg_[:] = segment(dert_, 1, fid, rdn+1, rng) # seg_ = fmm=1, fid, seg_
if -M > ave_D * rdn and L > rng * 2: # -M > fixed costs of full-P comp_d: sub_ = frng=0, fid=1, sub_:
sub_ = intra_comp(dert_, 0, 1, rdn+1, rng=1) # comp_d, unilateral to preserve resolution

elif L > ave_Ld * rdn: # long but weak -mP may contain high-D same-d-sign segments, no D eval?
seg_ = sub_segment(dert_, 0, 1, rdn+1, rng=1) # segment by d sign: seg_ = fmm=0, fid=1, seg_
sub_[:] = intra_comp(dert_, 0, 1, rdn+1, rng=1) # comp_d, unilateral to preserve resolution

P[5][:] = sub_; P[6][:] = seg_ # may have been filled by intra_comp and sub_segment
L, I, D, M, sub_, seg_, dert_ = 0, 0, 0, 0, [], [], [] # reset accumulated params

pri_sign = sign # current sign is stored as prior sign
L += 1 # length of mP | dP
I += pri_p # accumulate params with bilateral values:
_sign = sign # current sign becomes prior sign
L += 1 # length of mP | dP, + skipped derts: 1->1, 3
I += _p # accumulate params with bilateral values:
D += d
M += m
dert_ += [(pri_p, d, m, uni_d)] # uni_d for intra_comp(d) and sub_segment(d)
P = pri_sign, L, I, D, M, sub_, seg_, dert_ # sub_ and seg_ are accumulated in intra_comp and sub_segment
dert_ += [(_p, d, m, uni_d)] # uni_d for intra_comp(d) and sub_segment(d)
P = _sign, L, I, D, M, sub_, seg_, dert_ # sub_ and seg_ are accumulated in intra_comp and sub_segment

return P, P_

Expand All @@ -118,46 +117,44 @@ def intra_comp(dert_, frng, fid, rdn, rng): # extended cross_comp within P.dert

sub_P = dert_[0][2] > 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [], [], [] # sign, L, I, D, M, sub_, seg_, dert_: same as master P
sub_P_ = [] # return to replace P.sub_
buff_ = deque([])
buff_ = deque([]) # prefix '_' denotes prior of two same-name variables

if frng: # flag comp(rng), bilateral comp between rng-distant pixels in dert_, forming rng_d and rng_m
# switch to sparse rng*2-1 cross-comp?
if frng: # flag comp(rng), bilateral comp of rng*2-1- distant pixels in dert_, skip comp of intermediate derts

for x in range(rng): # initialize prior-rng derts with _i, _d = 0 + rng-1 bi_d, _m = 0 + rng-1 bi_m:
for x in range(rng, len(dert_)): # backward rng-distant comp, prefix '_' denotes prior of two same-name variables
for x in range(rng, len(dert_), rng*2-1): # L is different from len(dert_): change in form_pattern?

i, shorter_bi_d, shorter_bi_m = dert_[x][:3] # shorter-rng (rng-1) dert
i, short_bi_d, short_bi_m = dert_[x][:3] # shorter-rng (rng-1) dert
_i, _d, _m = buff_.popleft()
d = i - _i
d = i - _i # backward rng-distant comp(i)
if fid: # match = min: magnitude of derived vars correlates with stability
m = min(i, _i) - ave_m * rdn \
+ shorter_bi_m - ave_m * (rng - 1)
+ short_bi_m - ave_m * (rng - 2) # redundancy-adjusted m is accumulated in comp rng per pixel
else: # inverse match: intensity doesn't correlate with stability
m = ave - abs(d) * rdn \
+ shorter_bi_m - ave * (rng - 1) # redundancy-adjusted m is accumulated over comp range per pixel
d += shorter_bi_d # _d and _m combine bi_d | bi_m at rng-1
buff_.append((i, d, m)) # future _i, _d, _m
+ short_bi_m - ave * (rng - 2) # or rdn is separate from mP definition, for comp_P?

if x < rng * 2: d *= 2; m *= 2 # back-projection for unilateral ders
d += short_bi_d # _d and _m combine bi_d | bi_m at rng-1
buff_.append((i, d, m)) # future _i, _d, _m
if x < rng * 2:
d *= 2; m *= 2 # back-projection for unilateral ders
bi_d = _d + d # bilateral difference, accum in rng
bi_m = _m + m # bilateral match, accum in rng
dert = _i, bi_d, bi_m, d
# P accumulation or termination:
sub_P, sub_P_ = form_pattern(sub_P, sub_P_, dert, x, len(dert_), fid, rdn + 1, rng)

else: # frng=0: bilateral comp between rng-distant unilateral ds in dert_, forming dd and md (may match across d sign)
# adjust for dd redundancy to d?
else: # frng=0: bilateral comp between consecutive uni_ds in dert_, dd and md may match across d sign

for x in range(rng): # initialize prior-rng derts with uni_d, _d=0, _m=0:
buff_.append((dert_[x][3], 0, 0))
for x in range(rng, len(dert_)): # backward rng-distant comp, prefix '_' denotes prior of two same-name variables
for x in range(rng, len(dert_)):

i = dert_[x][3] # i is unilateral d
_i, _d, _m = buff_.popleft()
d = i - _i # d is dd
m = min(i, _i) - ave_m * rdn
# md = min because magnitude of derived vars corresponds to predictive value
m = min(i, _i) - ave_m * rdn # md = min: magnitude of derived vars corresponds to predictive value
buff_.append((i, d, m)) # future _i, _d, _m
if x < rng * 2:
d *= 2; m *= 2 # back projection for unilateral ders
Expand All @@ -172,44 +169,59 @@ def intra_comp(dert_, frng, fid, rdn, rng): # extended cross_comp within P.dert
# terminate last sub_P in dert_:
# extend to rng?
dert = i, d * 2, m * 2, d # project unilateral to bilateral values
_, sub_P_ = form_pattern(sub_P, sub_P_, dert, x+1, len(dert_), fid, rdn + 1, rng)
sub_P, sub_P_ = form_pattern(sub_P, sub_P_, dert, x+1, len(dert_), fid, rdn + 1, rng)
sub_P_ += [sub_P]

return frng, fid, sub_P_ # replaces P.sub_

def sub_segment(P_dert_, fmm, fid, rdn, rng): # mP segmentation by mm or d sign: initialization, accumulation, termination
def segment(P_dert_, fmm, fid, rdn, rng): # mP segmentation by mm or d sign: initialization, accumulation, termination

seg_ = [] # replaces P.seg_
_p, _d, _m, _uni_d = P_dert_[1]
if fmm: pri_sign = _m - ave > 0
else: pri_sign = _uni_d > 0
if fmm: _sign = _m - ave > 0 # flag: segmentation criterion is sign of mm, else sign of uni_d
else: _sign = _uni_d > 0

L=1; I=_p; D=_d; M=_m; sub_=[]; dert_ = [(_p, _d, _m, _uni_d)] # initialize seg_P, same as P except no seg_

for p, d, m, uni_d in P_dert_[1:]:
if fmm: sign = m - ave > 0 # segmentation crit = mm sign
else: sign = uni_d > 0 # segmentation crit = uni_d sign
if pri_sign != sign:
if _sign != sign:
# terminate segment:
seg_P = pri_sign, L, I, D, M, sub_, dert_
if fmm:
if M > ave_M / 2 * rdn and L > rng * 2: # ave_M / 2: reduced because mm filter = m filter * 2
seg_P = intra_comp(dert_, 1, fid, rdn + 1, rng + 1) # frng = 1: incremental-range cross-comp
sub_[:] = intra_comp(dert_, 1, fid, rdn + 1, rng + 1) # frng = 1: incremental-range cross-comp

elif L > ave_Ld * rdn: # fixed cost filter, sub-segment by d sign, evaluate segments for comp_d
fid = 1
if D > ave_D * rdn and L > rng * 2: # D of same-d-sign segment may be higher that P.D
seg_P = intra_comp(dert_, 0, fid, rdn + 1, rng=1) # frng = 0, fid = 1: cross-comp d
seg_[:] = segment(dert_, 1, fid, rdn + 1, rng) # seg_ = fmm=1, fid, seg_

for seg_P in seg_[2]:
_sign_d, Ld, Id, Dd, Md, sub_d_, dert_d_ = seg_P

if Dd > ave_D * rdn and L > rng * 2: # D of same-d-sign segment may be higher that P.D
sub_[:] = intra_comp(dert_, 0, fid, rdn + 1, rng=1) # frng = 0, fid = 1: cross-comp d

seg_.append((_sign, L, I, D, M, sub_, dert_)) # seg_P, same as sub_P without seg_
L, I, D, M, sub_, dert_ = 0, 0, 0, 0, [], [] # reset accumulated seg_P params

L += 1; I += p; D += d; M += m; dert_.append((p, d, m, uni_d)) # accumulate seg_P params, not uni_d
pri_sign = sign
_sign = sign

seg_.append((pri_sign, L, I, D, M, sub_, dert_)) # pack last segment, nothing to accumulate
seg_.append((_sign, L, I, D, M, sub_, dert_)) # pack last segment, nothing to accumulate

return fmm, fid, seg_ # replace P.seg_

if M > ave_M * rdn and L > rng * 2: # M > fixed costs of full-P comp_rng, * redundancy to higher layers
sub_[:] = intra_comp(dert_, 1, fid, rdn+1, rng+1) # comp_rng: sub_ = frng=1, fid, sub_
rng+ for noisy d sign: short dPs?, by ave_M/2
d sign is compared automatically, or no need, replaced by dd?
elif L > ave_Ld * rdn: # long but weak -mP may contain high-D same-d-sign segments, no D eval?
seg_ = sub_segment(dert_, 0, 1, rdn+1, rng=1) # segment by d sign: seg_ = fmm=0, fid=1, seg_

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Parse argument (image)
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