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edited scan_P_
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boris-kz committed Sep 21, 2018
1 parent 3777835 commit dbcbf34
Showing 1 changed file with 32 additions and 38 deletions.
70 changes: 32 additions & 38 deletions
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import cv2
import argparse
# import cv2
# import argparse
from scipy import misc
from time import time
from collections import deque

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,32 +77,32 @@ def vertical_comp(ders_, ders2__, _dP_, dframe):
for (p, d, m), (ders2_, _dy, _my) in zip(ders_, ders2__): # pixel is compared to rng higher pixels in ders2_, summing dy and my per higher pixel
x += 1
index = 0
for (_p, _d, _m, dy, my) in ders2_: # vertical derivatives are incomplete; prefix '_' denotes higher-line variable
for (_p, _d, dy, _m, my) in ders2_: # vertical derivatives are incomplete; prefix '_' denotes higher-line variable

dy += p - _p # fuzzy dy: running sum of differences between pixel and all lower pixels within rng
my += min(p, _p) # fuzzy my: running sum of matches between pixel and all lower pixels within rng

if index < max_index:
ders2_[index] = (_p, d, m, dy, my)
ders2_[index] = (_p, d, dy, m, my)

elif x > min_coord and y > min_coord: # or min y is increased by x_comp on line y=0?

_v = _m - abs(d) - ave # _m - abs(d): projected m cancelled by negative d: d/2, + projected rdn value of overlapping dP: d/2
vy = my + _my - abs(dy) - ave
ders2 = _p, _d, _v, dy + _dy, vy
ders2 = _p, _d, dy + _dy, _v, vy
dP, dP_, dbuff_, _dP_, dframe = form_P(ders2, x, dP, dP_, dbuff_, _dP_, dframe)

index += 1

ders2_.appendleft((p, d, m, 0, 0)) # initial dy and my = 0, new ders2 replaces completed t2 in vertical ders2_ via maxlen
ders2_.appendleft((p, d, 0, m, 0)) # initial dy and my = 0, new ders2 replaces completed t2 in vertical ders2_ via maxlen
new_ders2__.append((ders2_, dy, my)) # vertically-incomplete 2D array of tuples, converted to ders2__, for next-line ycomp

return new_ders2__, dP_, dframe # extended in scan_P_; net_s are packed into frames

def form_P(ders2, x, P, P_, buff_, _P_, frame): # initializes, accumulates, and terminates 1D pattern: dP | vP | dyP | vyP

p, d, v, dy, vy = ders2 # 2D tuple of derivatives per pixel, "y" denotes vertical derivatives:
p, d, dy, v, vy = ders2 # 2D tuple of derivatives per pixel, "y" denotes vertical derivatives:
s = 1 if d > 0 else 0 # core = 0 is negative: no selection?

if s == P[0] or x == rng * 2: # s == pri_s or initialized pri_s: P is continued, else terminated:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ def scan_P_(x, P, P_, _buff_, _P_, frame): # P scans shared-x-coordinate _Ps in
if _buff_:
[_P, _x, _fork_, roots] = _buff_.popleft() # load _P buffered in prior run of scan_P_, if any
elif _P_:
[_P, _x, _fork_] = _P_.popleft() #
[_P, _x, _fork_] = _P_.popleft()
roots = 0 # number of Ps connected to current _P[(pri_s, I, D, Dy, V, Vy, ders2_)]
Expand All @@ -150,51 +151,48 @@ def scan_P_(x, P, P_, _buff_, _P_, frame): # P scans shared-x-coordinate _Ps in
buff_.append([_P, _x, _fork_, roots])
else: # no x overlap between _P and next P: _P is included in unique blob segment:
ini = 1
if y > rng * 2 + 1: # beyond 1st line of _fork_ _Ps, else: blob_seg ini only
if y > rng * 2 + 1: # beyond 1st line of _fork_ Ps, else: blob_seg ini only
if len(_fork_[0]) == 1:
if _fork_[0][0][4] == 1: # _fork roots, see blob_seg init, second [] is a _P container with id
if _fork_[0][0][4] == 1: # _fork roots, see blob_seg init, second [] is a fixed-id _P container
_P[0] = form_blob_seg(_fork_[0][0], _P[0], _x) # blob_seg incr: _P packed in _fork_[0]
ini = 0 # no initialization
return ini, fork_
if ini == 1: # blob_seg initialization by all not-included _Ps at y > rng * 2, same fork id for all root Ps:
_P[0] += [[_P[0]], _x - len(_P[0][6]) / 2, 0, roots, _fork_]
# flat _P vars + Py_, ave_x = _x - len(_P[0][6]) / 2, Dx = 0, seg-wide _fork_
if ini == 1: # blob_seg initialization by all not-included _Ps, at _P id:
_P[0] = _P[0], [_P[0]], _x - len(_P[0][6]) // 2, 0, roots, _fork_ # _P, Py_, ave_x, Dx = 0, roots, blob_seg _fork_

if roots == 0:
_P[0] += _fork_[0][0] # _P[0] is 1st-level blob, initialized with terminated blob_segment at _fork_[0][0]
if len(_fork_) == 0:
frame = term_blob(_P[0], frame) # all root-mediated forks terminated, blob is packed into frame
if len(_fork_):
_P[0], frame = term_blob_seg(_P[0], frame) # recursive root blob termination test
_P[0], frame = term_blob_seg(_P[0], _fork_, frame) # recursive root blob termination test
frame = term_blob(_P[0], frame) # all root-mediated forks terminated, blob is packed into frame

buff_ += _buff_ # _buff_ is likely empty
P_.append([P, x, fork_]) # P with no overlap to next _P is buffered for next-line scan_P_, as _P

return [P_, buff_, _P_, frame] # _P_ and buff_ contain only _Ps with _x => next x

def term_blob_seg(blob, fork_, frame): # blob initiated as a terminated blob segment, then added to terminated forks in its fork_
def term_blob_seg(blob, frame): # blob initiated as a terminated blob segment, then added to terminated forks in its fork_

blob, Py_, ave_x, Dx, roots, fork_ = blob
for index, (_blob, _fork_, roots) in enumerate(fork_):
_blob = form_blob(_blob, blob) # terminated blob is included into its forks blobs

if roots == 0:
if len(_fork_) == 0: # no fork-mediated roots left, terminated blob is packed in frame:
frame = term_blob(blob, frame)
_blob, frame = term_blob_seg(_blob, _fork_, frame) # recursive root blob termination test
_blob, frame = term_blob_seg(_blob, frame) # recursive root blob termination test

return [blob, frame] # fork_ contains incremented blobs
return [blob, frame]

def form_blob_seg(blob_seg, P, last_x): # continued or initialized blob segment is incremented by attached _P, replace by zip?

(s, L2, I2, D2, Dy2, V2, Vy2, ders2_), Py_, _x, Dx, fork_, roots = blob_seg # fork_ at init, roots at term?
(s, L2, I2, D2, Dy2, V2, Vy2, ders2_), Py_, _x, Dx, roots, fork_ = blob_seg # fork_ at init, roots at term?
s, I, D, Dy, V, Vy, ders2_ = P # s is identical, ders2_ is a replacement

x = last_x - len(ders2_) / 2 # median x, becomes _x in blob, replaces lx
Expand All @@ -207,7 +205,7 @@ def form_blob_seg(blob_seg, P, last_x): # continued or initialized blob segment
V2 += V
Vy2 += Vy
Py_.append((s, x, dx, I, D, Dy, V, Vy, ders2_)) # dx to normalize P before comp_P?
blob_seg = (s, L2, I2, D2, Dy2, V2, Vy2, ders2_), Py_, _x, Dx, fork_, roots # redundant s and ders2_
blob_seg = [(s, L2, I2, D2, Dy2, V2, Vy2, ders2_), Py_, _x, Dx, roots, fork_] # redundant s and ders2_

return blob_seg

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,7 +256,7 @@ def image_to_blobs(image): # postfix '_' denotes array vs. element, prefix '_'
ders_ = lateral_comp(pixel_) # after part_comp (pop, no t_.append) while x < rng?

for (p, d, m) in ders_:
ders2 = p, d, m, 0, 0 # dy, my initialized at 0
ders2 = p, d, 0, m, 0 # dy, my initialized at 0
ders2_.append(ders2) # only one tuple per first-line ders2_
ders2__.append((ders2_, 0, 0)) # _dy, _my initialized at 0

Expand All @@ -279,20 +277,16 @@ def image_to_blobs(image): # postfix '_' denotes array vs. element, prefix '_'
ave = 127 * rng * 2 # average match: value pattern filter
ave_rate = 0.25 # average match rate: ave_match_between_ds / ave_match_between_ps, init at 1/4: I / M (~2) * I / D (~2)

argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argument_parser.add_argument('-i', '--image', help='path to image file', default='./images/raccoon.jpg')
arguments = vars(argument_parser.parse_args())

# read image as 2d-array of pixels (gray scale):
image = cv2.imread(arguments['image'], 0).astype(int)

# or read the same image online, without cv2:
# from scipy import misc
# image = misc.face(gray=True) # read pix-mapped image
# image = image.astype(int)

image = misc.face(gray=True) # read image as 2d-array of pixels (gray scale):
image = image.astype(int)
Y, X = image.shape # image height and width

# or:
# argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# argument_parser.add_argument('-i', '--image', help='path to image file', default='./images/raccoon.jpg')
# arguments = vars(argument_parser.parse_args())
# image = cv2.imread(arguments['image'], 0).astype(int)

start_time = time()
blobs = image_to_blobs(image)
end_time = time() - start_time
Expand Down

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