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bos committed Dec 7, 2012
2 parents 4a3d1a1 + ed16167 commit 83a2433
Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 126 deletions.
248 changes: 122 additions & 126 deletions Data/Aeson.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,136 +11,20 @@
-- (A note on naming: in Greek mythology, Aeson was the father of Jason.)
-- To parse JSON into something useful, everything goes through the
-- 'decode' function, which is polymorphic on the 'FromJSON'
-- class. For representing arbitrary JSON AST there is a 'Value' type,
-- which is an instance of 'FromJSON'. For example:
-- > λ> decode "{\"foo\":123}" :: Maybe Value
-- > Just (Object (fromList [("foo",Number 123)]))
-- > λ> decode "{\"foo\":[\"abc\",\"def\"]}" :: Maybe Value
-- > Just (Object (fromList [("foo",Array (fromList [String "abc",String "def"]))]))
-- To run these examples, you need to enable @OverloadedStrings@ (in
-- GHCi you can write @:set -XOverloadedStrings@) so that you can use
-- string literals for non-'String' types. We're using (the lazy
-- version of) 'Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString', which requires at
-- least version of the bytestring package to provide the
-- 'Data.String.IsString' instance. You probably have something newer
-- than this installed.
-- Any instance of 'FromJSON' can be specified (but see the PITFALLS section):
-- > λ> decode "[1,2,3]" :: Maybe [Int]
-- > Just [1,2,3]
-- Alternatively, there are instances for standard data types, so you
-- can use them directly. For example, use the 'Data.Map.Map' type to
-- get a map of 'Int's.
-- > λ> :m + Data.Map
-- > λ> decode "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}" :: Maybe (Map String Int)
-- > Just (fromList [("bar",2),("foo",1)])
-- The above approach with maps of course will not work for
-- heterogenous objects, so there are a couple of approaches available
-- to you.
-- The 'Object' type contains JSON objects:
-- > λ> decode "{\"name\":\"Dave\",\"age\":2}" :: Maybe Object
-- > Just (fromList) [("name",String "Dave"),("age",Number 2)]
-- And you extract values from it with a parser using 'parse',
-- 'parseEither' or, in this example, 'parseMaybe':
-- > λ> do result <- decode "{\"name\":\"Dave\",\"age\":2}"
-- > flip parseMaybe result $ \obj -> do
-- > age <- obj .: "age"
-- > name <- obj .: "name"
-- > return (name ++ ": " ++ show (age*2))
-- >
-- > Just "Dave: 4"
-- Considering that any type that implements 'FromJSON' can be used
-- here, this is quite a powerful way to parse JSON. See the
-- documentation in 'FromJSON' for how to implement this class for
-- your own data types.
-- The downside is that you have to write the parser yourself, the
-- upside is that you have complete control over the way the JSON is
-- parsed.
-- If you don't want such control and would prefer the JSON be parsed
-- to your own data types automatically according to some reasonably
-- sensible isomorphic implementation, you can use the generic parser
-- based on 'Data.Typeable.Typeable' and 'Data.Data.Data'. Switch to
-- the 'Data.Aeson.Generic' module, and you can do the following:
-- > λ> decode "[1]" :: Maybe [Int]
-- > Just [1]
-- > λ> :m + Data.Typeable Data.Data
-- > λ> :set -XDeriveDataTypeable
-- > λ> data Person = Person { personName :: String, personAge :: Int } deriving (Data,Typeable,Show)
-- > λ> encode Person { personName = "Chris", personAge = 123 }
-- > "{\"personAge\":123,\"personName\":\"Chris\"}"
-- > λ> decode "{\"personAge\":123,\"personName\":\"Chris\"}" :: Maybe Person
-- > Just (Person {
-- > personName = "Chris", personAge = 123
-- > })
-- Be aware that the encoding might not be what you expect:
-- > λ> data Foo = Foo Int Int deriving (Data,Typeable,Show)
-- > λ> encode (Foo 1 2)
-- > "[1,2]"
-- So it's better to treat the 'Data.Aeson.Generic.decode' and
-- 'Data.Aeson.Generic.encode' functions as an isomorphism, but do not
-- rely or care about the actual intermediate representation.
-- Note that the JSON standard only allows arrays or objects of things
-- at the top-level, so calling decode on a simple type will not work:
-- > λ> decode "1" :: Maybe Int
-- > Nothing
-- > λ> decode "1" :: Maybe String
-- > Nothing
-- So stick to objects (e.g. maps in Haskell) or arrays (lists in Haskell):
-- > λ> decode "[1,2,3]" :: Maybe [Int]
-- > Just [1,2,3]
-- Likewise, for encoding to JSON you can encode anything that's an
-- instance of 'ToJSON', which does include simple types. So beware
-- that this aspect of the API is not isomorphic:
-- > λ> encode [1,2,3]
-- > "[1,2,3]"
-- > λ> decode (encode [1]) :: Maybe [Int]
-- > Just [1]
-- > λ> encode 1
-- > "1"
-- > λ> decode (encode (1 :: Int)) :: Maybe Int
-- > Nothing
-- Alternatively see 'Data.Aeson.Parser.value' to parse non-toplevel
-- JSON values.

module Data.Aeson
-- * Usage example
-- $usage-example

-- * Working directly with the JSON AST
-- $json-ast

-- * Pitfalls
-- $pitfalls

-- * Encoding and decoding
-- $encoding-and-decoding
, decode'
, eitherDecode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,3 +92,115 @@ eitherDecode = eitherDecodeWith json fromJSON
eitherDecode' :: (FromJSON a) => L.ByteString -> Either String a
eitherDecode' = eitherDecodeWith json' fromJSON
{-# INLINE eitherDecode' #-}

-- $usage-example
-- The most common way to use the library is to define a data type,
-- corresponding to some JSON data you want to work with, and then
-- write either a 'FromJSON' instance, a to 'ToJSON' instance, or both
-- for that type. For example, given this JSON data:
-- > { "name": "Joe", "age": 12 }
-- we create a matching data type:
-- > data Person = Person
-- > { name :: Text
-- > , age :: Int
-- > } deriving Show
-- To decode data, we need to define a 'FromJSON' instance:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
-- > instance FromJSON Coord where
-- > parseJSON (Object v) = Person <$>
-- > v .: "name" <*>
-- > v .: "age"
-- > -- A non-Object value is of the wrong type, so fail.
-- > parseJSON _ = mzero
-- We can now parse the JSON data like so:
-- > >>> decode "{\"name\":\"Joe\",\"age\":12}" :: Maybe Person
-- > Just (Person {name = "Joe", age = 12})
-- The explicit type signature can often be omitted as the compiler
-- can deduce the type using type inference.
-- To encode data, we need to define a 'ToJSON' instance:
-- > instance ToJSON Person where
-- > toJSON (Person name age) = object ["name" .= name, "age" .= age]
-- We can now encode a value like so:
-- > >>> encode (Person {name = "Joe", age = 12})
-- > "{\"name\":\"Joe\",\"age\":12}"
-- There are predefined 'FromJSON' and 'ToJSON' instances for many
-- types. Here's an example using lists and 'Int's:
-- > >>> decode "[1,2,3]" :: Maybe [Int]
-- > Just [1,2,3]
-- And here's an example using the 'Data.Map.Map' type to get a map of
-- 'Int's.
-- > >>> decode "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}" :: Maybe (Map String Int)
-- > Just (fromList [("bar",2),("foo",1)])
-- See the documentation of 'FromJSON' and 'ToJSON' for some examples
-- how you can automatically dervice instances in some circumstances.

-- $json-ast
-- Sometimes you want to work with JSON data directly, without first
-- converting it to a custom data type. This can be useful if you want
-- to e.g. convert JSON data to YAML data, without knowing what the
-- contents of the original JSON data was. The 'Value' type, which is
-- an instance of 'FromJSON', is used to represent an arbitrary JSON
-- AST. Example usage:
-- > >>> decode "{\"foo\": 123}" :: Maybe Value
-- > Just (Object (fromList [("foo",Number 123)]))
-- > >>> decode "{\"foo\": [\"abc\",\"def\"]}" :: Maybe Value
-- > Just (Object (fromList [("foo",Array (fromList [String "abc",String "def"]))]))
-- Once you have a 'Value' you can write recursive functions to
-- traverse it and make arbitrary transformations.

-- $pitfalls
-- Note that the JSON standard only allows arrays or objects of things
-- at the top-level, so calling decode on a simple type will not work:
-- > >>> decode "1" :: Maybe Int
-- > Nothing
-- > >>> decode "1" :: Maybe String
-- > Nothing
-- Likewise, for encoding to JSON you can encode anything that's an
-- instance of 'ToJSON', which does include simple types. So beware
-- that this aspect of the API is not isomorphic:
-- > >>> encode [1,2,3]
-- > "[1,2,3]"
-- > >>> decode (encode [1]) :: Maybe [Int]
-- > Just [1]
-- > >>> encode 1
-- > "1"
-- > >>> decode (encode (1 :: Int)) :: Maybe Int
-- > Nothing
-- Alternatively see 'Data.Aeson.Parser.value' to parse non-toplevel
-- JSON values.

-- $encoding-and-decoding
-- Encoding and decoding is a two step process. To encode a value, it
-- is first converted to a generic representation, using 'ToJSON'. The
-- generic representation is then encoded as JSON data. To decode a
-- value the process is reversed and 'FromJSON' is used instead. Both
-- these steps are combined in the 'encode' and 'decode' functions.

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