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cmd/scollector: fastly collector (#1728)
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kylebrandt committed May 11, 2016
1 parent 824ea50 commit 07a9d92
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Showing 3 changed files with 378 additions and 0 deletions.
372 changes: 372 additions & 0 deletions cmd/scollector/collectors/fastly.go
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
package collectors

import (


func init() {
registerInit(func(c *conf.Conf) {
for _, f := range c.Fastly {
client := newFastlyClient(f.Key)
collectors = append(collectors, &IntervalCollector{
F: func() (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
return c_fastly(client)
name: "c_fastly",
Interval: time.Minute * 1,
collectors = append(collectors, &IntervalCollector{
F: func() (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
return c_fastly_billing(client)
name: "c_fastly_billing",
Interval: time.Minute * 5,

const (
fastlyBillingPrefix = "fastly.billing."
fastlyBillingBandwidthDesc = "The total amount of bandwidth used this month."
fastlyBillingBandwidthCostDesc = "The cost of the bandwidth used this month in USD."
fastlyBillingRequestsDesc = "The total number of requests used this month."
fastlyBillingRequestsCostDesc = "The cost of the requests used this month."
fastlyBillingIncurredCostDesc = "The total cost of bandwidth and requests used this month."
fastlyBillingOverageDesc = "How much over the plan minimum has been incurred this month."
fastlyBillingExtrasCostDesc = "The total cost of all extras this month."
fastlyBillingBeforeDiscountDesc = "The total incurred cost plus extras cost this month."
fastlyBillingDiscountDesc = "The calculated discount rate this month."
fastlyBillingCostDesc = "The final amount to be paid this month."

func c_fastly_billing(c fastlyClient) (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
var md opentsdb.MultiDataPoint
now := time.Now().UTC()
year := now.Format("2006")
month := now.Format("01")
b, err := c.GetBilling(year, month)
if err != nil {
return md, err
Add(&md, fastlyBillingPrefix+"bandwidth", b.Total.Bandwidth, nil, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Unit(b.Total.BandwidthUnits), fastlyBillingBandwidthDesc)
Add(&md, fastlyBillingPrefix+"bandwidth_cost", b.Total.BandwidthCost, nil, metadata.Gauge, metadata.USD, fastlyBillingBandwidthCostDesc)
Add(&md, fastlyBillingPrefix+"requests", b.Total.Requests, nil, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Request, fastlyBillingRequestsDesc)
Add(&md, fastlyBillingPrefix+"requests_cost", b.Total.RequestsCost, nil, metadata.Gauge, metadata.USD, fastlyBillingRequestsCostDesc)
Add(&md, fastlyBillingPrefix+"incurred_cost", b.Total.IncurredCost, nil, metadata.Gauge, metadata.USD, fastlyBillingIncurredCostDesc)
Add(&md, fastlyBillingPrefix+"overage", b.Total.Overage, nil, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Unit("unknown"), fastlyBillingOverageDesc)
Add(&md, fastlyBillingPrefix+"extras_cost", b.Total.ExtrasCost, nil, metadata.Gauge, metadata.USD, fastlyBillingExtrasCostDesc)
Add(&md, fastlyBillingPrefix+"cost_before_discount", b.Total.CostBeforeDiscount, nil, metadata.Gauge, metadata.USD, fastlyBillingBeforeDiscountDesc)
Add(&md, fastlyBillingPrefix+"discount", b.Total.Discount, nil, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Pct, fastlyBillingDiscountDesc)
Add(&md, fastlyBillingPrefix+"cost", b.Total.Cost, nil, metadata.Gauge, metadata.USD, fastlyBillingCostDesc)

return md, nil

func c_fastly(c fastlyClient) (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
var md opentsdb.MultiDataPoint
to := time.Now().UTC().Truncate(time.Minute)
from := to.Add(-15 * time.Minute) // "Minutely data will be delayed by roughly 10 to 15 minutes from the current time -- Fastly Docs"

// Aggregate
statsCollection, err := c.GetAggregateStats(from, to)
if err != nil {
return md, err
for _, stats := range statsCollection {
fastlyReflectAdd(&md, "fastly", "", stats, stats.StartTime, nil)

// By Service
services, err := c.GetServices()
if err != nil {
return md, err
for _, service := range services {
statsCollection, err := c.GetServiceStats(from, to, service.Id)
if err != nil {
slog.Errorf("couldn't get stats for service %v with id %v: %v", service.Name, service.Id, err)
for _, stats := range statsCollection {
fastlyReflectAdd(&md, "fastly", "_by_service", stats, stats.StartTime, service.TagSet())

// By Region
regions, err := c.GetRegions()
if err != nil {
return md, err
for _, region := range regions {
statsCollection, err := c.GetRegionStats(from, to, region)
if err != nil {
slog.Errorf("couldn't get stats for region %v: %v", region, err)
for _, stats := range statsCollection {
fastlyReflectAdd(&md, "fastly", "_by_region", stats, stats.StartTime, region.TagSet())
return md, nil

type fastlyClient struct {
key string
client *http.Client

func newFastlyClient(key string) fastlyClient {
return fastlyClient{key, &http.Client{}}

func (f *fastlyClient) request(path string, values url.Values, s interface{}) error {
u := &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "",
Path: path,
RawQuery: values.Encode(),
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", u.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return err
req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
req.Header.Set("Fastly-Key", f.key)
resp, err := f.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
return fmt.Errorf("%v: %v: %v", req.URL, resp.Status, string(b))
d := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
if err := d.Decode(&s); err != nil {
return err
return nil

func (f *fastlyClient) GetServices() ([]fastlyService, error) {
var services []fastlyService
err := f.request("service", url.Values{}, &services)
return services, err

type fastlyService struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Id string `json:"id"`

func (f *fastlyService) TagSet() opentsdb.TagSet {
return opentsdb.TagSet{"service": f.Name}

type fastlyRegion string

func (fr fastlyRegion) TagSet() opentsdb.TagSet {
return opentsdb.TagSet{"region": string(fr)}

func (f *fastlyClient) GetRegions() ([]fastlyRegion, error) {
r := struct {
Data []fastlyRegion `json:"data"`
err := f.request("stats/regions", url.Values{}, &r)
return r.Data, err

type fastlyBilling struct {
// There are other breakdowns in the API response for by service and by regions. So this
// can be expanded in the future if we wish
Total struct {
Bandwidth float64 `json:"bandwidth"`
BandwidthCost float64 `json:"bandwidth_cost"`
BandwidthUnits string `json:"bandwidth_units"`
Cost float64 `json:"cost"`
CostBeforeDiscount float64 `json:"cost_before_discount"`
Discount float64 `json:"discount"`
Extras []interface{} `json:"extras"`
ExtrasCost float64 `json:"extras_cost"`
Overage float64 `json:"overage"`
IncurredCost float64 `json:"incurred_cost"`
PlanCode string `json:"plan_code"`
PlanMinimum float64 `json:"plan_minimum"`
PlanName string `json:"plan_name"`
Requests float64 `json:"requests"`
RequestsCost float64 `json:"requests_cost"`
Terms string `json:"terms"`
} `json:"total"`

func (f *fastlyClient) GetBilling(year, month string) (fastlyBilling, error) {
var b fastlyBilling
err := f.request(fmt.Sprintf("billing/year/%v/month/%v", year, month), nil, &b)
return b, err

func (f *fastlyClient) GetAggregateStats(from, to time.Time) ([]fastlyStats, error) {
v := url.Values{}
v.Add("from", fmt.Sprintf("%v", from.Unix()))
v.Add("to", fmt.Sprintf("%v", to.Unix()))
v.Add("by", "minute")
r := struct {
Data []fastlyStats `json:"data"`
err := f.request("stats/aggregate", v, &r)
return r.Data, err

func (f *fastlyClient) GetServiceStats(from, to time.Time, serviceId string) ([]fastlyStats, error) {
v := url.Values{}
v.Add("from", fmt.Sprintf("%v", from.Unix()))
v.Add("to", fmt.Sprintf("%v", to.Unix()))
v.Add("by", "minute")
r := struct {
Data []fastlyStats `json:"data"`
err := f.request(fmt.Sprintf("stats/service/%v", serviceId), v, &r)
return r.Data, err

func (f *fastlyClient) GetRegionStats(from, to time.Time, region fastlyRegion) ([]fastlyStats, error) {
v := url.Values{}
v.Add("from", fmt.Sprintf("%v", from.Unix()))
v.Add("to", fmt.Sprintf("%v", to.Unix()))
v.Add("by", "minute")
v.Add("region", string(region))
r := struct {
Data []fastlyStats `json:"data"`
err := f.request("stats/aggregate", v, &r)
return r.Data, err

// Stats without a description are not sent as it means I wasn't able to find documentation on them
type fastlyStats struct {
AttackBlock int64 `json:"attack_block"`
AttackBodySize int64 `json:"attack_body_size"`
AttackHeaderSize int64 `json:"attack_header_size"`
AttackSynth int64 `json:"attack_synth"`
Bandwidth int64 `json:"bandwidth" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"bytes per second" desc:"The total bytes delivered per second (body_size + header_size)."`
Blacklist int64 `json:"blacklist"`
BodySize int64 `json:"body_size" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"bytes per second" desc:"The total bytes delivered per second for the bodies."`
Errors int64 `json:"errors" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"errors per second" desc:"The number of cache errors per second."`
HeaderSize int64 `json:"header_size" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"bytes per second" desc:"The total bytes delivered per second for headers."`
HitRatio string `json:"hit_ratio" rate:"gauge" unit:"ratio" desc:"The ratio of cache hits to cache misses (between 0-1)."`
Hits int64 `json:"hits" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"hits per second" desc:"The number of cache hits per second."`
HitsTime float64 `json:"hits_time" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"seconds per second" desc:"The amount of time spent processing cache hits."`
HTTP2 int64 `json:"http2"`
Imgopto int64 `json:"imgopto"`
Ipv6 int64 `json:"ipv6"`
Log int64 `json:"log"`
MissTime float64 `json:"miss_time" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"seconds per second" desc:"The amount of time spent processing cache misses"`
OrigReqBodySize int64 `json:"orig_req_body_size"`
OrigReqHeaderSize int64 `json:"orig_req_header_size"`
OrigRespBodySize int64 `json:"orig_resp_body_size"`
OrigRespHeaderSize int64 `json:"orig_resp_header_size"`
Otfp int64 `json:"otfp"`
Pass int64 `json:"pass" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"hits per second" desc:"The number of requests that passed through the CDN without being cached"`
Pci int64 `json:"pci"`
Requests int64 `json:"requests" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"requests per second" desc:"The number of requests processed"`
Shield int64 `json:"shield"`
StartTime int64 `json:"start_time" exclude:""`
Status1xx int64 `json:"status_1xx" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http responses delivered with a 1xx response code (Informational)."`
Status200 int64 `json:"status_200" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http responses delivered with a 200 response code (Success)."`
Status204 int64 `json:"status_204" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http responses delivered with a 204 response code (No Content)."`
Status2xx int64 `json:"status_2xx" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http responses delivered with a 2xx response code (Success)."`
Status301 int64 `json:"status_301" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http responses delivered with a 301 response code (Moved Permanently)."`
Status302 int64 `json:"status_302" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http responses delivered with a 302 response code (Found)."`
Status304 int64 `json:"status_304" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http responses delivered with a 304 response code."`
Status3xx int64 `json:"status_3xx" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http responses delivered with a 3xx response code (Redirection)."`
Status4xx int64 `json:"status_4xx" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http responses delivered with a 4xx response code (Client Error)."`
Status503 int64 `json:"status_503" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http responses delivered with a 503 response code. (Service Unavailable)"`
Status5xx int64 `json:"status_5xx" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http responses delivered with a xxx response code."`
Synth int64 `json:"synth" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of synthetic responses sent from Varnish. This is typically used to send edge-generated error pages."`
TLS int64 `json:"tls"`
Uncacheable int64 `json:"uncacheable" div:"true" rate:"gauge" unit:"responses per second" desc:"The number of http requests that were uncacheable."`
Video int64 `json:"video"`

const fastlyDivDesc = "This metric is collected per minute, but we divide it by 60 seconds in order to normalize the rate to per second instead of per minute."

func fastlyReflectAdd(md *opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, prefix, suffix string, st interface{}, timeStamp int64, ts opentsdb.TagSet) {
t := reflect.TypeOf(st)
valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(st)
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
field := t.Field(i)
value := valueOf.Field(i).Interface()
var (
jsonTag = field.Tag.Get("json")
metricTag = field.Tag.Get("metric")
rateTag = field.Tag.Get("rate")
unitTag = field.Tag.Get("unit")
divTag = field.Tag.Get("div")
descTag = field.Tag.Get("desc")
exclude = field.Tag.Get("exclude") != ""
if exclude || descTag == "" {
metricName := jsonTag
if metricTag != "" {
metricName = metricTag
if metricName == "" {
slog.Errorf("Unable to determine metric name for field %s. Skipping.", field.Name)
shouldDiv := divTag != ""
if shouldDiv {
descTag = fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", fastlyDivDesc, fastlyDivDesc)
fullMetric := fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v%v", prefix, metricName, suffix)
switch value := value.(type) {
case int64, float64:
var v float64
if f, found := value.(float64); found {
v = f
} else {
v = float64(value.(int64))
if shouldDiv {
v /= 60.0
AddTS(md, fullMetric, timeStamp, v, ts, metadata.RateType(rateTag), metadata.Unit(unitTag), descTag)
case string:
// Floats in strings, I know not why, precision perhaps?
// err ignored since we expect non number strings in the struct
if f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64); err != nil {
if shouldDiv {
f /= 60.0
AddTS(md, fullMetric, timeStamp, f, ts, metadata.RateType(rateTag), metadata.Unit(unitTag), descTag)
// Pass since there is no need to recurse
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions cmd/scollector/conf/conf.go
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ type Conf struct {
TagOverride []TagOverride
HadoopHost string
Oracles []Oracle
Fastly []Fastly

type HAProxy struct {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,6 +100,10 @@ type GoogleAnalytics struct {
Sites []GoogleAnalyticsSite

type Fastly struct {
Key string

type GoogleAnalyticsSite struct {
Name string
Profile string
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions metadata/metadata.go
Expand Up @@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ const (
Thread = "threads"
Timestamp = "timestamp"
Transition = "transitions"
USD = "US dollars"
V = "V" // Volts
V10 = "tenth-Volts"
Vulnerabilities = "vulnerabilities"
Expand Down

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