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cmd/scollector: Add metadata for SNMP network interface stats
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Also eliminate bond specific descriptions. Would have to do the same for tunnel, virtual, etc. And what it is should be clear from the metric name.
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kylebrandt committed Aug 13, 2015
1 parent 5db76e8 commit dd5ffdf
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Showing 4 changed files with 62 additions and 60 deletions.
41 changes: 19 additions & 22 deletions cmd/scollector/collectors/collectors.go
Expand Up @@ -55,28 +55,25 @@ const (

const (
osCPUClockDesc = "The current speed of the processor in MHz."
osDiskFreeDesc = "The space_free property indicates in bytes how much free space is available on the disk."
osDiskPctFreeDesc = "The percent_free property indicates what percentage of the disk is available."
osDiskTotalDesc = "The space_total property indicates in bytes how much total space is on the disk."
osDiskUsedDesc = "The space_used property indicates in bytes how much space is used on the disk."
osMemFreeDesc = "Number, in bytes, of physical memory currently unused and available."
osMemPctFreeDesc = "The percent of free memory. In Linux free memory includes memory used by buffers and cache."
osMemTotalDesc = "Total amount, in bytes, of physical memory available to the operating system."
osMemUsedDesc = "The amount of used memory. In Linux this excludes memory used by buffers and cache."
osNetBondBroadcastDesc = "The rate at which broadcast packets are sent or received on the bonded network interfaces."
osNetBondBytesDesc = "The rate at which bytes are sent or received over bonded network adapters."
osNetBondDroppedDesc = "The number of packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent transmission."
osNetBondErrorsDesc = "The number of packets that could not be transmitted because of errors."
osNetBondMulticastDesc = "The rate at which multicast packets are sent or received on the bonded network interfaces."
osNetBondPacketsDesc = "The rate at which packets are sent or received on the bonded network interfaces."
osNetBondUnicastDesc = "The rate at which unicast packets are sent or received on the bonded network interfaces."
osNetBondifspeedDesc = "The total link speed of the bonded adapters in Megabits per second."
osNetBytesDesc = "The rate at which bytes are sent or received over each network adapter."
osNetDroppedDesc = "The number of packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent transmission."
osNetErrorsDesc = "The number of packets that could not be transmitted because of errors."
osNetPacketsDesc = "The rate at which packets are sent or received on the network interface."
osSystemUptimeDesc = "Seconds since last reboot."
osCPUClockDesc = "The current speed of the processor in MHz."
osDiskFreeDesc = "The space_free property indicates in bytes how much free space is available on the disk."
osDiskPctFreeDesc = "The percent_free property indicates what percentage of the disk is available."
osDiskTotalDesc = "The space_total property indicates in bytes how much total space is on the disk."
osDiskUsedDesc = "The space_used property indicates in bytes how much space is used on the disk."
osMemFreeDesc = "Number, in bytes, of physical memory currently unused and available."
osMemPctFreeDesc = "The percent of free memory. In Linux free memory includes memory used by buffers and cache."
osMemTotalDesc = "Total amount, in bytes, of physical memory available to the operating system."
osMemUsedDesc = "The amount of used memory. In Linux this excludes memory used by buffers and cache."
osNetBroadcastDesc = "The rate at which broadcast packets are sent or received on the network interface."
osNetBytesDesc = "The rate at which bytes are sent or received over the network interface."
osNetDroppedDesc = "The number of packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent transmission."
osNetErrorsDesc = "The number of packets that could not be transmitted because of errors."
osNetMulticastDesc = "The rate at which multicast packets are sent or received on the network interface."
osNetPacketsDesc = "The rate at which packets are sent or received on the network interface."
osNetUnicastDesc = "The rate at which unicast packets are sent or received on the network interface."
osNetIfspeedDesc = "The total link speed of the network interface in Megabits per second."
osNetPauseFrameDesc = "The rate of pause frames sent or recieved on the network interface. An overwhelmed network element can send a pause frame, which halts the transmission of the sender for a specified period of time."
osSystemUptimeDesc = "Seconds since last reboot."

var (
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30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions cmd/scollector/collectors/network_windows.go
Expand Up @@ -239,21 +239,21 @@ func c_network_team_windows() (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
Add(&md, "", nicStats.SentMulticastPackets, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descWinNetTeamSentMulticastPackets)
Add(&md, "", nicStats.ReceivedBroadcastPackets, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descWinNetTeamReceivedBroadcastPackets)
Add(&md, "", nicStats.SentBroadcastPackets, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descWinNetTeamSentBroadcastPackets)
Add(&md, osNetBondifspeed, linkSpeed/1000000, opentsdb.TagSet{"iface": iface}, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Megabit, osNetBondifspeedDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondBytes, nicStats.ReceivedBytes, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Bytes, osNetBondBytesDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondBytes, nicStats.SentBytes, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Bytes, osNetBondBytesDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondUnicast, nicStats.ReceivedUnicastPackets, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondUnicastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondUnicast, nicStats.SentUnicastPackets, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondUnicastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondMulticast, nicStats.ReceivedMulticastPackets, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondMulticastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondMulticast, nicStats.SentMulticastPackets, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondMulticastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondBroadcast, nicStats.ReceivedBroadcastPackets, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondBroadcastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondBroadcast, nicStats.SentBroadcastPackets, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondBroadcastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondPackets, float64(nicStats.ReceivedUnicastPackets)+float64(nicStats.ReceivedMulticastPackets)+float64(nicStats.ReceivedBroadcastPackets), tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondPacketsDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondPackets, float64(nicStats.SentUnicastPackets)+float64(nicStats.SentMulticastPackets)+float64(nicStats.SentBroadcastPackets), tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondPacketsDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondDropped, nicStats.ReceivedDiscardedPackets, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondDroppedDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondDropped, nicStats.OutboundDiscardedPackets, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondDroppedDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondErrors, nicStats.ReceivedPacketErrors, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondErrorsDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondErrors, nicStats.OutboundPacketErrors, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBondErrorsDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondIfSpeed, linkSpeed/1000000, opentsdb.TagSet{"iface": iface}, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Megabit, osNetIfSpeedDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondBytes, nicStats.ReceivedBytes, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Bytes, osNetBytesDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondBytes, nicStats.SentBytes, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Bytes, osNetBytesDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondUnicast, nicStats.ReceivedUnicastPackets, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetUnicastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondUnicast, nicStats.SentUnicastPackets, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetUnicastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondMulticast, nicStats.ReceivedMulticastPackets, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetMulticastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondMulticast, nicStats.SentMulticastPackets, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetMulticastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondBroadcast, nicStats.ReceivedBroadcastPackets, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBroadcastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondBroadcast, nicStats.SentBroadcastPackets, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetBroadcastDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondPackets, float64(nicStats.ReceivedUnicastPackets)+float64(nicStats.ReceivedMulticastPackets)+float64(nicStats.ReceivedBroadcastPackets), tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetPacketsDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondPackets, float64(nicStats.SentUnicastPackets)+float64(nicStats.SentMulticastPackets)+float64(nicStats.SentBroadcastPackets), tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetPacketsDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondDropped, nicStats.ReceivedDiscardedPackets, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetDroppedDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondDropped, nicStats.OutboundDiscardedPackets, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetDroppedDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondErrors, nicStats.ReceivedPacketErrors, tagsIn, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetErrorsDesc)
Add(&md, osNetBondErrors, nicStats.OutboundPacketErrors, tagsOut, metadata.Counter, metadata.Count, osNetErrorsDesc)
return md, nil
Expand Down
49 changes: 26 additions & 23 deletions cmd/scollector/collectors/snmp_ifaces.go
Expand Up @@ -101,49 +101,49 @@ func c_snmp_ifaces(community, host string) (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
var md opentsdb.MultiDataPoint
add := func(oid, metric, dir string) error {
m, err := snmp_subtree(host, community, oid)
add := func(sA snmpAdd) error {
m, err := snmp_subtree(host, community, sA.oid)
if err != nil {
return err
var sum int64
for k, v := range m {
tags := opentsdb.TagSet{
"host": host,
"direction": dir,
"direction": sA.dir,
"iface": fmt.Sprintf("%d", k),
"iname": ifNames[k],
if iVal, ok := v.(int64); ok && ifTypes[k] == 6 {
sum += iVal
Add(&md, switchInterfaceMetric(metric, ifNames[k], ifTypes[k]), v, tags, metadata.Unknown, metadata.None, "")
Add(&md, switchInterfaceMetric(sA.metric, ifNames[k], ifTypes[k]), v, tags, sA.rate, sA.unit, sA.desc)
metadata.AddMeta("", tags, "alias", ifAliases[k], false)
if metric == osNetBytes {
tags := opentsdb.TagSet{"host": host, "direction": dir}
Add(&md, osNetBytes+".total", sum, tags, metadata.Counter, metadata.Bytes, "")
if sA.metric == osNetBytes {
tags := opentsdb.TagSet{"host": host, "direction": sA.dir}
Add(&md, osNetBytes+".total", sum, tags, metadata.Counter, metadata.Bytes, "The total number of bytes transfered through the network device.")
return nil
oids := []snmpAdd{
{ifHCInBroadcastPkts, osNetBroadcast, "in"},
{ifHCInMulticastPkts, osNetMulticast, "in"},
{ifHCInUcastPkts, osNetUnicast, "in"},
{ifHCOutBroadcastPkts, osNetBroadcast, "out"},
{ifHCOutMulticastPkts, osNetMulticast, "out"},
{ifHCOutOctets, osNetBytes, "out"},
{ifHCOutUcastPkts, osNetUnicast, "out"},
{ifHCinOctets, osNetBytes, "in"},
{ifInDiscards, osNetDropped, "in"},
{ifInErrors, osNetErrors, "in"},
{ifOutDiscards, osNetDropped, "out"},
{ifOutErrors, osNetErrors, "out"},
{ifInPauseFrames, osNetPauseFrames, "in"},
{ifOutPauseFrames, osNetPauseFrames, "out"},
{ifHCInBroadcastPkts, osNetBroadcast, "in", metadata.Counter, metadata.Packet, osNetBroadcastDesc},
{ifHCInMulticastPkts, osNetMulticast, "in", metadata.Counter, metadata.Packet, osNetMulticastDesc},
{ifHCInUcastPkts, osNetUnicast, "in", metadata.Counter, metadata.Packet, osNetUnicastDesc},
{ifHCOutBroadcastPkts, osNetBroadcast, "out", metadata.Counter, metadata.Packet, osNetBroadcastDesc},
{ifHCOutMulticastPkts, osNetMulticast, "out", metadata.Counter, metadata.Packet, osNetMulticastDesc},
{ifHCOutOctets, osNetBytes, "out", metadata.Counter, metadata.Bytes, osNetBytesDesc},
{ifHCOutUcastPkts, osNetUnicast, "out", metadata.Counter, metadata.Packet, osNetUnicastDesc},
{ifHCinOctets, osNetBytes, "in", metadata.Counter, metadata.Bytes, osNetBytesDesc},
{ifInDiscards, osNetDropped, "in", metadata.Counter, metadata.Packet, osNetDroppedDesc},
{ifInErrors, osNetErrors, "in", metadata.Counter, metadata.Error, osNetErrorsDesc},
{ifOutDiscards, osNetDropped, "out", metadata.Counter, metadata.Packet, osNetDroppedDesc},
{ifOutErrors, osNetErrors, "out", metadata.Counter, metadata.Error, osNetErrorsDesc},
{ifInPauseFrames, osNetPauseFrames, "in", metadata.Counter, metadata.Frame, osNetPauseFrameDesc},
{ifOutPauseFrames, osNetPauseFrames, "out", metadata.Counter, metadata.Frame, osNetPauseFrameDesc},
for _, o := range oids {
if err := add(o.oid, o.metric, o.dir); err != nil {
for _, sA := range oids {
if err := add(sA); err != nil {
return nil, err
Expand All @@ -154,4 +154,7 @@ type snmpAdd struct {
oid string
metric string
dir string
rate metadata.RateType
unit metadata.Unit
desc string
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions metadata/metadata.go
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ const (
Fault = "faults"
Flush = "flushes"
Files = "files"
Frame = "frames"
Get = "gets"
GetExists = "get exists"
Interupt = "interupts"
Expand All @@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ const (
MilliSecond = "milliseconds"
Ok = "ok" // "OK" or not status, 0 = ok, 1 = not ok
Operation = "Operations"
Packet = "packets"
Page = "pages"
Pct = "percent" // Range of 0-100.
PerSecond = "per second"
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