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Add picture's author and license

Credimage lets you credit your pictures by pointing out the author, license and a link. It adds a copyrights zone on your pictures to warn users and visitors. This way, people will know what rights are associate with your pictures.

Why ?

The main goal of Credimage is to inform and raise awareness of internet users on rights applied on numeric creations. Many licenses and rights may be applied on a picture. So, it's not so simple to understand how we can use and share it. In addition, there is no easy and efficient way to determine rights on a picture we just found on the internet. That's why Credimage is born. It allows you to specify the author and the license of your pictures. Also, you can add a link : the URL where you found it.

Credimage is not a miracle solution, i think there is not, it's a new possibility.


Download the production version or the development version.


First you have to retrieve the following files from the dist folder: credimage.css and jquery.credimage.min.css. Then, include this files in your HTML page.

<script src="js/jquery.credimage.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/credimage.css" type="text/css">

Add some data-attributes (data-ci-author, data-ci-license and data-ci-link) on pictures you want to use Credimage (it works both on IMG tag and DIV tag). Of course, you have to fill the attributes.

<img src="img/Tsunami_by_hokusai_19th_century.jpg" alt="Une premiere image" data-ci-author="Katsushika Hokusai" data-ci-link="" data-ci-license="Domaine public"/>
<div id="div-5" class="ci-div" data-ci-author="Katsushika Hokusai"></div>

Remark: you do not have to add all the three attributes on a picture, it works as well with just one of them.

Now, initialize the plugin and select on which elements you want to run it.

Warning! The initialization must be after the page has been loaded. Well, you can use onload event:

  $(".container img").credimage();


Few tests


  • With Chrome : if the plugin is launched before the page has been loaded, texts are misplacing. That's why you have to use an onload event.

  • Sudden closure of tooltips (not frequent).


Website: Twitter: @BouchereauA


© Aymeric Bouchereau - Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.


Add picture's author and license






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