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Ozan Kılıç

Ozan edited this page Jan 2, 2023 · 7 revisions

Who am I?

I'm Ozan. I am a senior student in computer science department at Boğaziçi University. I'm interested in IOS and backend development. My hobbies are rowing, hiking and speleology.


Weekly Personal Effort

Weekly Efforts for CMPE451

Week 1 (11/09/2022 - 04/09/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Creating personal wikipage( 30 minutes Documentation
2 Attended Meeting 13.1: Meeting with team friends, learning project details from friends. 3 hours Research, Meeting
3 Opened issues ( 4 hours Documentation, Review
4 Reading requirements of the project and take notes about possible updates ( 3 hours Documentation, Review

Week 2 (11/10/2022 - 17/10/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Meeting with team Meeting 14.1 and customer Customer Meeting 5. 120 minutes Meeting
2 Reviewed the Requirements 20 minutes Documentation
3 Researching the technologies to be used-In frontend it is React. 90 minutes Research

Week 3 (18/10/2022 - 24/10/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attented Meeting 15.1. 120 minutes Meeting
2 Creating communication plan for frontend team task is created ( . 10 minutes Documentation
3 Learning React to work on the frontend tasks 200 minutes Practice
4 Attended Frontend Meeting 1. @burakmert236 initialized the project structure and created first files. 60 minutes Meeting
4 Figma drawings are created as team at Frontend Meeting 1. I did the login part of the frontend. 60 minutes Meeting

Week 4 (25/10/2022 - 31/10/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 React practise. 240 minutes Practice
2 Posts and forum part of the homescreen is coded according to the sketches at the figma page: Task is [issue #223]. 200 minutes Implementation
3 Pull request is: opened for the above task 15 minutes Documentation
4 Issues are rewieved and some branches are merged. #257, #241, #258, #249, #243, #256. 75 minutes Review
5 Weekly efforts are written. 50 minutes Documentation
6 Individual contributions for Milestone 1 are added to deliverables. 60 minutes Documentation

Week5 (01/11/2022 - 07/11/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Meeting with frontend team Frontend Meeting 2. 2 hours Communication
2 Learning react. 3 hours Learning
3 Communication plans for frontend created issue 30mins Documentation

Week6 (08/11/2022 - 14/11/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Started to learn how to send request and get response with react. 2 hours Learning

Week7 (15/11/2022 - 21/11/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Meeting with team Meeting19.1. 2 hours Communication
2 Forum page improvement task opened and started to work on itissue. 1 hour Implementation
3 Adding categories to the sidebar task created and started to work on it issue 2 hours Implementation

Week8 (22/11/2022 - 28/11/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Meeting with team Meeting20.1. 2 hours Communication
2 Learning hooks structure in react. 3 hours Learning

Week9 (29/11/2022 - 06/12/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Pagination for posts and articles in homepage is implemented issue 2 hours Implementation
2 Reviewed and commented the issue 30 mins Review
3 Finishing the tasks of the issue 1 hour Implementation
4 Reviewing the discussion thread page issue 15 mins Review
5 Reviewing the adding button to navbar and homepage PR 30 mins Review
6 Reviewing the article creation PR 15 mins Review
7 Reviewing article display page at PR 20 mins Review
8 Reviewing label functionality branch at PR 30 mins Review
9 Finishing implementation of responsive categories box. PR 1 hour Implementation

Week 10 (6/12/2022 - 12/12/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attending Milestone 2 Presentations, giving feedbacks. 200 minutes Meeting
2 Filling weekly reports. 30 minutes Documentation
3 Milestone 2 deliverable documentation 70 minutes Documentation
4 Entering photos of scenarios of milestone 2 deliverables. 60 minutes Documentation

Week 11 (13/12/2022 - 19/12/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Made search about chatbot implementation 50 minutes Searching
2 Updated weekly efforts. 20 minutes Documentation

Week 12 (20/12/2022 - 26/12/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Implemented the chatbot with Kerem Gündüz, as described at the issue issue #466 80 minutes Coding
2 Implemented the Q/A configurations of chatbot. issue #489 70 minutes Coding
3 Meeting with Kerem Gündüz about chatbot implementation 90 minutes Meeting

Week 13 (27/12/2022 - 02/01/2023):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Final presentation is done and feed backs are given to other groups 200 minutes Meeting
2 Weekly efforts are written 30 minutes Documentation
3 Milestone 3 individual efforts part of deliverables are written. 120 minutes Documentation
4 User manuals of the frontend page is written. issue #547 50 minutes Documentation

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