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danneg edited this page Nov 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

The base exporter-magento2 repository will allow the integration layer to access Boxalino-specific configurations via the required BoxalinoRealTimeUserExperienceApi ConfigurationInterface.

In the Magento2 back-end, the configurations are in the Stores >> Configurations >> Boxalino API tab path.

Credentials tab

  1. Status : enable the data exporter on the store views/websites that must run; disable the exporter on the websites it is disabled; there is provided 1 Boxalino account per Magento2 Website.
  2. Boxalino account name , Boxalino password
  3. Data index : the data index that the environment updates (production or development). It should match the dev/prod index configured in the API framework.

Read more about the available Data Indexes.

Products tab

  1. Additional tables : extra-tables from your Magento2 database that have to be used for additional logic on attributes
  2. Properties to include in export
  3. Properties to exclude from export
  4. Export product images URLs : Export image and thumbnail image URLs (not required if standard usage of search and recommendations in Magento2, as Magento2 renders the images itself; is required if an active API newsletter integration exists on the account).
  5. Export product URLs : Export product URLs (not required if standard usage of search and recommendations in Magento, as Magento renders the URL itself).

Customers tab

The customers export is handled by the CustomerExporterInterface service. Different preference can be declared in your integration di.xml

  1. Status : if disabled, the customers.csv is not created;
  2. Additional tables : extra-tables from your Magento2 database that have to be used for additional logic on attributes
  3. Properties to include in export
  4. Properties to exclude from export

Transactions tab

The transactions export is handled by the TransactionExporterInterface service. Different preference can be declared in your integration di.xml

  1. Status : if disabled, the transactions.csv is not created;
  2. Additional tables : extra-tables from your Magento2 database that have to be used for additional logic on attributes
  3. Properties to include in export
  4. Properties to exclude from export
  5. Mode : use Full (historical) mode for a 1st data export. Once there is a confirmation that the full transactions history is loaded in the client`s BigQuery dataset - set to Incremental (last 30 days)

Advanced tab

  1. Publish configuration changes automatically : this option is enabled by default; this is relevant in case there are new product attributes added as it will not stop the exporter.
  2. DI Response Wait Time (s) : by default it is set to 300(s) but this must be updated per your projects needs. It represents the time (seconds) for how long the connection to the DI (exporter endpoint) is open. Recommended values: 60 (for delta), 300 (for full).
  3. Local Temporary Archive Path : If set, the exported archive will be temporary stored in that path; If empty, the archive will be created in the directory PHP stores temporary files by default. You can find out which one is it via sys_get_temp_dir()