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danneg edited this page Jul 20, 2021 · 4 revisions

During a full data synchronization, the whole data index is being rewritten. This will allow for new products, new categories and new facet options to get synchronized in the SOLR index.

The Boxalino Exporter (Full) must be executed once/day. The time of the execution has to be after your store data has been updated by the other 3rd party events.

It requires to be configured with the Magento Indexer mode "Update on Save".

Scheduling the execution

In your project crontab.xml, declare the run time (1/day);

<group id="default">

  <!-- the Boxalino Exporter (full data sync) is run daily; set a time when the products are updated by 3rd party processes -->
  <job name="boxalino_exporter" instance="Boxalino\Exporter\Model\Indexer\Full" method="executeFull">
     <schedule>0 3 * * *</schedule>

In case you plan on using both data indexes, there is a timing restriction: the development data index must be updated at least 2 hours after the production index.

CLI run

The data synchronization can also be triggered with the use of a command line:

php bin/magento indexer:reindex boxalino_exporter