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ℒ (ell) is a LISP dialect, with semantics similar to Scheme, but adds Keywords, Structs, user-defined Types, and other features.

Getting started

The reference version of Ell is written in Go. If you have Go installed on your machine, you can install Ell easily:

go get

This installs the self-contained binary into $GOPATH/bin/ell. Ell loads its library files from locations defined by the ELL_PATH environment variable. If that variable is not defined, the default path is ".:$HOME/lib/ell:$GOPATH/src/".

If you have a .ell file in your home directory, it will get loaded and executed when running ell interactively.

$ ell
[loading /Users/lee/.ell]
ell v0.2

The ? prompt is the Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) for ell, waiting for your input. Entering CTRL-D will end the REPL and exit back to the shell.

Primitive types

Ell defines a variety of native data types, all of which have an external textual representation. This data notation is called EllDN, and is a superset of JSON.

? 5.2
= 5.2
? "five"
= "five"
? true
= true
? null
= null
? [1, 2, 3]
= [1 2 3]
? {"x": 1, "y": 2}
= {"x" 1 "y" 2}

The basic JSON types are supported as you would expect. Although JSON-compatible format is accepted for vectors (JSON arrays) and structs (JSON objects), the canonical form for both does not include separating commas.

EllDN also introduces keywords, types, symbols, and lists to the syntax.

Keywords are symbolic identifiers that end in a colon (':'), and types are symbolic identifiers surrounded by angle brackets ('<' and '>'). Both are self-evaluating, but used for different purposes:

? foo:
= foo:
? <string>
= <string>

Symbols are identifiers that form variable references in Ell, so are interpreted differently. Lists are ordered sequences, and form the syntax for function (or macro) calls in Ell:

? length				; a reference to the `length` variable
= #[function length]
? (length "foo")        ; a function call to the length function
= 3

Most types evaluate to themselves. Since symbols and lists do not evaluate to themselves, they must be quoted to be taken literally:

? x
 *** [error: Undefined symbol: x]
? 'x
= x
? (f 23)
 *** [error: Undefined symbol: f]
? '(f 23)
= (f 23)

The vector and struct elements are also evaluated, so you sometimes need to quote them, too (as that is more convenient than quoting every interior item):

? [1 two 3]
 *** [error: Undefined symbol: two] 
? [1 'two 3]      ; you can quote just what needs to be quoted
= [1 two 3]
? '[1 two 3]      ; or just quote the whole thing
= [1 two 3]
? {x 2}
 *** [error: Undefined symbol: x]
? '{x 2}
= {x 2}
? {"x" two}
 *** [error: Undefined symbol: two]
? '{"x" two}
= {"x" two}

The complete list of primitive types in Ell is:

  • <null>
  • <boolean>
  • <character>
  • <number>
  • <string>
  • <blob>
  • <symbol>
  • <keyword>
  • <type>
  • <list>
  • <vector>
  • <struct>
  • <function>
  • <code>
  • <error>
  • <channel>

You can define additional types in terms of other types, this is discussed later.

Core expressions

  • _symbol_ - variable reference
  • (quote _expr_) - literal data
  • (do _expr_ ...) - expression sequencing
  • (if _predicate_ _consequent_ _antecedent_) - conditional
  • (_function_ _expr_ ...) - function call
  • (fn (_arg_ ...) _expr_ ...) - function creation
  • (set! _name_ _expr_) - sets the lexically apparent variable to the value
  • (def _name_ _expr_) - define value. At the top level, sets the global variable. Inside a function, creates a new frame with the binding.
  • (defmacro _name_ (_arg_) _expr_ ...) - define a new macro

Variables and literals

As mentioned before, most data items evaluate to themselves. But symbols and lists do not. When a symbol is interpreted, the closest lexical binding of that variable is looked up, starting from the innermost frame, and ending with the global environment.

? +
= #[function +]  		; the global binding for + is the addition function
? (defn f (x) (+ x 1))	; the x here is defined only inside the function
= #[function f]

The quote primitive is used to prevent the normal evaluation if its argument. It is the long form of the single quote reader macro, which actually just produces a quote form:

? (quote foo)
= foo
? 'foo ; a shorthand for the same thing
= foo
? (def x 23)
= 23
? x
= 23
? 'x
= x

Conditionals and sequencing

The primitive for conditionals is if, which takes a predicate, and if the predicate is true evaluates the consequent. An optional antecedent clause will be executed of the predicate is false.

? (if true 'yes)
= yes
? (if false 'yes)
= null
? (if false 'yes 'no)
= no

Sometimes more than one expression is needed in the place of one, largely for side-effects. This is what the do special form is for:

? (do (println "hello") 'blah)
= blah
? (if true (do (println "it was true!") 1) (do (println "it wasn't true!") 0))
it was true!
= 1

Functions and lexical environments

A list is interpreted as a function call. For example, the following applies the + function to the arguments 2 and 3:

? (+ 2 3)
= 5

Ell provides a variety of primitive functions (like +). New functions are defined by the fn special form:

? (fn (x) (+ 1 x))
= #[function]

This creates an anonymous function that takes a single argument x and returns the sum of that and 1. This actually creates a closure over a new frame in the environment containing the variable x, and executes the body of the function in that lexical environment. The function returned is a first class object that itself can be passed around. All other binding forms can be defined in terms of this primitive, for example, consider the following:

(let ((x 23)) (+ 1 x))

The let special form is actually just a macro that generates the equivalent primitive form:

? (macroexpand '(let ((x 23)) (+ 1 x)))
= ((fn (x) (+ 1 x)) 23)

A function lives on with indefinite extent, closed over any variables in its lexical environment. For example:

? (def f (let ((counter 0)) (fn () (set! counter (inc counter)) counter)))
= #[function f]
? (f)
= 1
? (f)
= 2

In the above example, the primitive expression set! is also shown. It sets the value for the variable determined by its first argument (a symbol).

Normally, functions are defined at the top level, i.e. in the global environment, using the defn special form (which itself is just a macro):

? (defn f (x) (+ 1 x))
= #[function f]
? (f 23)
= 24

If def and defn are used inside a function, they create a new binding inside the function, rather than side-effect the global values for the symbols.

The defmacro primitive form allows the definition of new special forms (i.e. syntactic constructs used by the compiler).

? (defmacro blah (lst x) `(cons ~x ~lst))
= blah
? (blah '(1 2) 23)
= (23 1 2)
? (macroexpand '(blah '(1 2) 23))
= (cons 23 '(1 2))

This example shows the quasiquote macro, which simulates a simple quote, but allows escaped values to be inserted. In general ~x means "insert the current value of x here", and ~@x means "splice the list represented by x into the expression here".

Function argument binding forms

In addition to traditional lambda definitions, with explicit arguments and/or "rest" arguments, optional named arguments with defaults, and keyword arguments, are also supported:

? (defn f (x y) (list x y))
= #[function f]
? (f 1 2)
= (1 2)
? (defn f (x & rest) (list x rest))
= #[function f]
? (f 1 2)
= (1 (2))
? (f 1 2 3)
= (1 (2 3))
? (defn f args args)
= #[function f]
? (f 1 2 3)
= (1 2 3)
? (defn f (x [y]) (list x y))
= #[function f]
? (f 1 2)
= (1 2)
? (f 1)
= (1 null)
? (defn f (x [(y 23)]) (list x y))
= #[function f]
? (f 1)
= (1 23)
? (f 1 2)
= (1 2)
? (defn f (x {y: 23 z: 57}) (list x y z))
= #[function f]
? (f 1)
= (1 23 57)
? (f 1 2)                                                                                               
 *** Bad keyword arguments: [2] 
? (f 1 y: 2)
= (1 2 57)
? (f 1 z: 2)
= (1 23 2)
? (f 1 z: 2 y: 3)
= (1 3 2)

Defining new types

The type function returns the type of its argument:

? (type 5)
= <number>
? (type "foo")
= <string>
? (type <string>)
= <type>

Types are referred to symbolically, and also evaluate to themselves. They do not have to be defined to be referred to, as they are essentially just tags on data. A special syntax allows them to be read/written:

? <foo>
= <foo>	
? (type <foo>)
= <type>
? (type #<foo>"blah")
= <foo>
? (value #<foo>"blah")
= "blah"

New types can be introduced by attaching to other data objects. For example:

? (def x (instance <foo> "blah"))
= #<foo>"blah"
? (type x)
= <foo>
? (value x)
= "blah"

Some convenience macros for defining new types are provided:

? (deftype foo (o) (and (string? o) (< (length o) 5)))
= <foo>
? (foo "blah")
= #<foo>"blah"
? (foo "no way")                  
 *** [syntax-error: not a valid <foo>:  "no way"] [in foo]
? (foo? (foo "blah"))
= true
? (foo? "blah")
= false

It is defined in terms of a validation predicate. Once defined, the type is independent, and has no relation to any other type; there is no inheritance of types.

Defining a type that is a struct with certain fields is common enough that a dedicated macro is defined to make it simpler:

? (defstruct point x: <number> y: <number>)
= <point>
? (point)
 *** [validation-error: type <point> missing field x: {}] [in point] 
? (point x: 1 y: 2)
= #<point>{x: 1 y: 2}
? (def data {x: 1 y: 2})
= {x: 1 y: 2}
? (struct? data)
= true
? (point? data)
= false
? (def pt (point data))
= #<point>{x: 1 y: 2}
? (struct? pt)
= false
? (point? pt)
= true
? (value pt)
= {x: 1 y: 2}
? (type (value pt))
= <struct>
? (equal? data (value pt))
= true
? (identical? data (value pt)) ; not identical means a copy was made.
= false
? (point-fields)
= {x: <number> y: <number>}

To access fields of a struct, including any defined as above, the get function can be used, but since all fields have keywords as names, using a keyword as a function is more idiomatic:

? (x: pt)
= 1
? (y: pt)
= 2

Although to change the values, put! must be used on the value of the instance. Any such mutable operation is not encouraged, but sometimes necessary:

? (put! data x: 23)
= null
? data
= {x: 23 y: 2}
? (put! pt x: 23)
 *** [argument-error: put! expected a <struct> for argument 1, got a <point>] 
? (put! (value pt) x: 57)       
= null
? pt
= #<point>{x: 57 y: 2}

Defining methods on types

Ell provides generic method dispatch, supporting multimethods. This means any number of arguments to a function may be specialized, and dispatch can be based on all of them.

For example:

? (defgeneric add (x y))
= #[function add]
? (defmethod add ((x <string>) y) (string x "|other|" y))
= add
? (defmethod add ((x <number>) (y <number>)) (+ x y))
= add
? (defmethod add ((x <string>) (y <string>)) (string x "|string|" y))
= add
? (defmethod add ((x <list>) (y <list>)) (concat x y))
= add
? (defmethod add ((x <vector>) (y <vector>)) (apply vector (concat (to-list x) (to-list y))))
= add
? (add 1 2)
= 3
? (add "foo" "bar")
= "foo|string|bar"
? (add "foo" 'bar)
= "foo|other|bar"
? (add '(1 2) '(3 4))
= (1 2 3 4)
? (add [1 2] [3 4])
= [1 2 3 4]

Other features


Full continuations (the same as in Scheme) are support via the callcc function. A few examples are in tests/continuation_test.ell, and a full coroutine scheduler that supports the structured parallel statement is in lib/scheduler.ell. Ell's catch macro and error function are built on continuations.

Socket server, web server

See tests/sockserver.ell and tests/sockclient for a simple example of a TCP server that uses framed messages, and tests/webserver.ell and tests/webclient.ell for example HTTP server/client written in Ell

Threads and Channels

Lightweight threads and asynchronous communication channels are also supported. See tests/channel_test.ell and their usage in tests/sockserver.ell


Copyright 2015 Lee Boynton

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


The reference implementation of the ℒ (ell) language








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