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Local Overrides Scripts and Styles

bp2008 edited this page Feb 12, 2024 · 30 revisions

Experienced web developers can extend UI3 with custom JavaScript and CSS. Of course if you take the most obvious route and modify ui3.js and ui3.css files directly, you would have to re-apply your changes after every update! To solve this problem, UI3 attemps to load two files which do not exist in releases: ui3-local-overrides.js and ui3-local-overrides.css. You can create either or both of these files and place them in the ui3 subdirectory alongside ui3.js and they will be loaded after all the other script and style files, allowing you to conveniently override virtually any default functionality you wish, if you have the skills to do so.

Example Scripts

Avoiding caching issues

If you modify an existing local overrides file, then to get the changes to load you need to either clear browser caches or find ui_version in the ui3.htm file, and change its value to be unique. For example if your ui_version is "226", change it to "226-u1". This will cause your browser to request new copies of all supporting files, cached as belonging to version 226-u1. Take care to avoid changing ui_version to a number that belongs to a past or future UI3 release (e.g. "200" or "300") as that could cause problems for you later.

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