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CSV Writer Portable

CI/CD Pipeline


This repository serves as an enhanced version of an existing project, ryu1kn/csv-writer.


The original project appeared to be unmaintained, leaving issues such as TypeScript compilation errors unresolved.


This library enables the conversion of JavaScript objects and arrays to CSV strings or writes them directly to a file. The generated CSV complies with RFC 4180.


  • Node.js (Version 16 or higher)


Creating browser-compatible JavaScript files is now possible, thanks to the included Webpack configurations.

Here's what you can do with the available NPM scripts:

  • bundle:dev: It bundles the code and includes source maps.
  • bundle:prod: This is for production.
  • compile: Compiles TypeScript based on tsconfig.json.
  • compile-and-bundle: Compile and bundle sources in one go.
  • serve: Starts a basic HTTP server to show files from the ./public directory at http://localhost:8080.

How to Test

  1. To bundle and serve the application, run the following commands in sequence:

    npm run bundle:dev
    npm run serve

    Then, navigate to http://localhost:8080.


  2. To compile TypeScript and bundle in one go:

    npm run compile-and-bundle
    npm run serve

Quick Start

Writing Records as Array of Objects to a File

The following code snippet demonstrates how to write records, defined as an array of objects, to a file.

const createCsvWriter = require('csv-writer').createObjectCsvWriter;
const csvWriter = createCsvWriter({
    path: 'path/to/file.csv',
    header: [
        {id: 'name', title: 'NAME'},
        {id: 'lang', title: 'LANGUAGE'}

const records = [
    {name: 'Bob',  lang: 'French, English'},
    {name: 'Mary', lang: 'English'}

csvWriter.writeRecords(records) // returns a promise
    .then(() => {

The generated CSV file will contain the following:

Bob,"French, English"

Multiple Writes to the Same File

To append more records, simply call writeRecords again after the promise from the previous call is fulfilled.

// Usage in an async function
await csvWriter.writeRecords(records1);
await csvWriter.writeRecords(records2);

Writing Large Data Sets

For large data sets, you may want to create a Node.js transform stream and use CsvStringifier. This enables you to pipe the stream to a file write stream.

Skipping Header Line

To omit the header line, provide only the field IDs without titles.

const csvWriter = createCsvWriter({
    path: 'path/to/file.csv',
    header: ['name', 'lang']

If each record is defined as an array, use createArrayCsvWriter to get an csvWriter instance.

const createCsvWriter = require('csv-writer').createArrayCsvWriter;
const csvWriter = createCsvWriter({
    header: ['NAME', 'LANGUAGE'],
    path: 'path/to/file.csv'

const records = [
    ['Bob',  'French, English'],
    ['Mary', 'English']

csvWriter.writeRecords(records) // returns a promise
    .then(() => {

This will produce a file path/to/file.csv with following contents:

Bob,"French, English"

If you just want to get a CSV string but don't want to write into a file, you can use createObjectCsvStringifier (or createArrayCsvStringifier) to get an csvStringifier.

const createCsvStringifier = require('csv-writer').createObjectCsvStringifier;
const csvStringifier = createCsvStringifier({
    header: [
        {id: 'name', title: 'NAME'},
        {id: 'lang', title: 'LANGUAGE'}

const records = [
    {name: 'Bob',  lang: 'French, English'},
    {name: 'Mary', lang: 'English'}

// => 'Bob,"French, English"\nMary,English\n'

API Documentation

The following tables describe the methods exposed by the CSV Writer Portable library.


Description Link
Creates a CsvWriter instance Source Code
Parameter Type Description Default
params Object Configuration options -
└─ path String File path -
└─ header Array<{id, title}|string> Header specification -
└─ fieldDelimiter String (Optional) Field delimiter ,
└─ recordDelimiter String (Optional) Record delimiter \n
└─ encoding String (Optional) File encoding utf8
└─ append Boolean (Optional) Append mode false

Returns: CsvWriter instance


Description Link
Writes records to CSV Source Code
Parameter Type Description
records Iterable Collection of objects or arrays

Returns: Promise


Description Link
Creates an ObjectCsvStringifier instance Source Code
Parameter Type Description Default
params Object Configuration options -
└─ header Array<{id, title}|string> Header specification -
└─ fieldDelimiter String (Optional) Field delimiter ,
└─ recordDelimiter String (Optional) Record delimiter \n

Returns: ObjectCsvStringifier instance


If you'd like to contribute by either proposing new features or reporting bugs, please visit: GitHub Issues


  • Feature Requests: Context is key. Please provide a detailed explanation of why you need the specific feature and how it could benefit the users.

  • Bug Reports: Reproducible code snippets are greatly appreciated.

Development Setup


  • Node.js (Version 16 or higher)
  • Docker


Licensed under the MIT License.