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Dockerfile and stuff to have a bluespice installation with solr running


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Dockerfile and stuff to have a bluespice installation with solr running quickly - based on aneesh14/docker-mediawiki

Note that I switched to run everything directly on the server using ansible without docker, see brean/ansible-bluespice because I had problems running XHProf on the debian-distro providing the mediawiki-service for performance debugging.


We will have three docker container:

  1. mysql-server running inside the first container that will provide the database for our mediawiki.
  2. a second docker container that provides us with the Bluespice wiki (you can build it yourself using the Dockerfile provided by this repo or use
  3. a third docker container providing the solr service (we use the one on the docker hub ).


Note that I use two different MySQL-Passwords here: $MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD and $MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD. You want to set those to something more useful at the start for example:

sudo docker run --name mysql-mediawiki -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -d mysql/mysql-server:5.7
  • run solr
sudo docker run --name bluespice-solr -d bluespice/solr:REL1_27
  • run the to create the database and grant access rights or do it manually like this (Note that we allow access from ANY other ip in our local dockerverse, you might want to change that if you are sure about the IP of your mediawiki-server):
sudo docker exec -it mysql-mediawiki mysql -u root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -e "CREATE DATABASE mediawiki; CREATE USER 'wikiuser'@'%'  IDENTIFIED BY '$MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD'; GRANT ALL ON mediawiki.* TO 'wikiuser'@'%'";

(You might want to save the output of the to some file for later use)

  • start the docker container
sudo docker run -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_USER=wikiuser -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_PASSWORD=$MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD --name wiki -p 3000:80 --link mysql-mediawiki:mysql --link bluespice-solr:solr -d brean/mediawiki
  • (alternative!) create the docker container and start it
sudo docker build -t mediawiki .
sudo docker run -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_USER=wikiuser -e MEDIAWIKI_DB_PASSWORD=$MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD --name wiki -p 3000:80 --link mysql-mediawiki:mysql --link bluespice-solr:solr -d mediawiki
  • go to the config-page of your newly installed wiki and configure the wiki: http://localhost:3000/ use the values provided by
  1. Database server is not "localhost" but the ip of your mysql-mediawiki server (most likely "")
  2. Database name is not "my_wiki" but "mediawiki".
  3. Datauser is not "root" but "wikiuser"
  • (optional) configure your nginx to point to the correct page (e.g. nginx_service.conf )

  • save the LocalConfig.php in your users home/Downloads folder (firefox default) and deploy it to your mediawiki-docker installation:

sudo docker cp ~/Downloads/LocalSettings.php wiki:/var/www/html/LocalSettings.php
sudo docker exec -it wiki php /var/www/html/extensions/BlueSpiceExtensions/ExtendedSearch/maintenance/searchUpdate.php
  • run an update (otherwise you will get an error when running a full search)
sudo docker exec -it wiki php maintenance/update.php
  • try searching for a single character to make sure the extended search is working.

Future Work

The configuration of the LocalSettings.php and database-creation could be automated. An ansible and/or bash-script for this would be nice.


Dockerfile and stuff to have a bluespice installation with solr running








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