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Bumper is a growing collection of front end tools and opinionated best practices.


Core bumper-core.js

You will always want to include core before all other modules. It holds common helper functions and meta data that other Bumper modules depend on.

Responsive Breakpoint bumper-responsive-breakpoint.js

Responsive Breakpoint provides tools to define and manage breakpoints for a responsive site solution.


setBreakpoints Define your custom breakpoints


object: [Object] required A properly formatted object of breakpoint names and min/max values

  'small':    # unique breakpoint name
    min: 0        # the minimum width in pixels
    max: 1023     # the maximum width in pixels of the breakpoint
    min: 1024
    max: 4000

getCurrent Returns the current breakpoint name

setCurrentFunction Overwrite the function used to get the current breakpoint

If you want to use a different breakpoint tool (e.g. jRespond), you can tell Bumper what function to call. This will allow you to still use other Bumper modules with the breakpoint solution of your choice.


function: [Function] required
  An alternative function for return the current breakpoint
Bumper.Responsive.Breakpoint.setCurrentFunction jRespond.getBreakpoint


Responsive Breakpoint events pass the new breakpoint data as an argument

bumper-responsive-breakpoint-change: fires on the window when a breakpoint changes
bumper-responsive-breakpoint-change-increase: fires on the window when a breakpoint changes to a larger breakpoint
bumper-responsive-breakpoint-change-decrease: fires on the window when a breakpoint changes to a smaller breakpoint

Responsive Image bumper-responsive-image.js

Responsive Image provides tools to request custom image sizes based on current breakpoint size, orientation, or any other conditions you need

  • If an img is used, it will set the img src attributes
  • If a div is used, the background-image css attribute will be set
  • All responsive image data attributes support Bumper string interpolation (see DOM Handler docs below)

Responsive Image relies on certain data attributes to be set to request the correct image


data-bumper-responsive-image-url: required data-bumper-responsive-image-url-[BREAKPOINT NAME]: optional Valid url to an image resource data-bumper-responsive-image-url-params: optional data-bumper-responsive-image-url-params-[BREAKPOINT NAME]: optional Optional url parameters for parameter based image services

> _Example_ with breakpoint specific urls
<!-- if at the `small` breakpoint, `bike.jpg` is requested -->
<!-- if at the `large` breakpoint, `bike_desktop.jpg` is requested -->

Example with breakpoint specific url parameters

<!-- if at the `small` breakpoint, `bike_mobile.jpg?wid=200` is requested -->
<!-- if at the `large` breakpoint, `bike.jpg?wid=400` is requested -->


resizeAll Resizes all responsive image elements on the page

Elements are detected by looking for the class bumper-repsonsive-image


resize Resize a single responsive image element

Responsive image elements are resized based on various data attributes


el: [HTML Element] required An html element that has the neccessary data attributes breakpoint: [String] optional Name of a breakpoint. If not passed, getCurrent will be called from the responsive breakpoint module force: [Boolean] optional default: false When false, if the url is the same, no changes are made to the image, and no events are fired When true, even if the url is the same, the source will be set and events will be fired

Bumper.Responsive.Image.resize document.getElementById('foo')


Responsive Image events pass the image element as an argument

bumper-responsive-image-loaded: fires on the image element after an image is loaded

DOM Handlers

DOM Handlers provide additional functionality to Bumper modules. Only one DOM handler can be loaded at a time. The following examples use the jQuery dom handler

String Interpolation

Sometimes a Bumper module may need data from another element on the page. Bumper supports this by simply declaring a specific convention within any supported Bumper data attribute string. The convention is:



selector: required
  A css selector of an element on the DOM
function: optional
  Any function name allowed by your DOM handler
args: optional
  A comma delimited list of arguments to pass to the function
  If the function/args are left out, only the custom function will be run (see docs below)
options: optional
  A comma delimited list of key value pairs of options (separated by an `=`)
  parents: [Boolean]
    default: false
    When `true`, only the elements in the parent chain will be searched
    When `false`, elements anywhere on the page will be searched

The following examples use the responsive image module

Example with function & arguments for url

<div id="foo" class="bar"></div>
<!-- will request `bike_bar.jpg` -->

Example with function & arguments for url params

<div id="bar" style="width: 100px"></div>
<!-- will request bike.jpg?wid=100 -->

Additionally, we can further customize the value by using a custom function that can be attached to a root element, or the target element's data attributes. Say we want to do some additional processing on the width to make sure its an integer.

Example setting a function on the target element

$('#bar').data 'bumper-dom-function', (value) ->
  value * 2

Example setting a function on the root element

$('.bumper-responsive-image').data 'bumper-dom-function', (value) ->


<div id="bar" style="width: 123.456px"></div>
<!-- will request bike.jpg?wid=246 -->
  • The width returns: 123.456
  • The target element function runs and we double it: 246.912
  • The root element function runs and we parse it for an integer: 246
  • A request is made for bike.jpg?wid=246

A 2nd argument is passed to your custom function with additional data if you need it

$('.bumper-responsive-image').data 'bumper-dom-function', (value, data) ->
  # data includes...
  #   element
  #   selector
  #   method
  #   arguments
  #   options



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